PROMPTED BY SARAH PALIN’S SICK SUGGESTION last spring that I had rented a house next to hers on Lake Lucille so I could watch her mow her lawn or peer into her daughters’ bedrooms, hundreds of her sick-o-fants sent me abusive and threatening emails.
I wasn’t bothered by the threats, nor was my wife, Nancy, who’d been with me in Alaska in 1976–when she was an award-winning reporter for the Anchorage Daily News–and who came back to join me on Lake Lucille last summer.
But I wasn’t going to subject the beautiful children pictured above to any sort of danger.
After a right-wing radio talk show host broadcast my personal email address, I had to open a new account.
And after Palin fanatics put my home phone number online, Nancy began to receive threatening phone calls.
One charming commenter on Andrew Breitbart’s website posted this:
“Joe’s lonely wife needs mail, phone calls and other assurances of concern and good will in Joe’s absence.”
Some psychos even went to my agent’s Facebook page and began to threaten his wife.
And one of my sons, the father of a very young child, was warned that because of my having moved next door to the Palins, his toddler might not be safe.
Then I got an email that said:
“hey, Joe, sleep with one eye open, you POS. can’t wait for your grandkids to show up and play in the woods and water.”
I’m sorry to say that after receiving that threat I canceled all plans to have my children and grandchildren visit me in Alaska last summer.
It’s too bad. The kids pictured above, who range from fourteen to four, are warm and wonderful and not only love and enjoy each other, but would have been quick to invite little kids from next door to come over and play in our yard.
But I wasn’t about to put my grandchildren in somebody’s crosshairs.
So we never had a great Alaska reunion last summer. Sarah’s bullies spoiled that.
But they couldn’t spoil this past weekend, when all seven grandkids and their parents–my children–were here, at our real home.
You want to talk family values, Sarah?
Mine against yours any day of the week, babe.
I’m blessed to have a family as enriched by true values, as inspired by love, and as giving and caring as any on the face of our sweet earth.
What a joy it’s been to have everyone here.
I especially enjoyed the comment from one of the kids, who said, “Grandpa, why did you waste all that time writing a book about a crazy lady nobody even remembers any more?”
Out of the mouths of babes, eh?
Beautiful family, Joe
Beautiful family. Looks like mine. Thanks for sharing Joe.
I second that!
Beautiful and smart grandchildren! Thanks for sharing.
I never understood this dysfuncional, immature family’s need to slam down any percieved enemy, to bully people they’ve never met nor known, and how proud they are that they’ve passed the seeds of hate to their chidren, and grandcildren. I have a feeling it’s rooted in their own feelings of inadequecy coupled with a warped sense that everyone’s out to get them. I found Sarah’s facebook rants and TLC attacks on your character particularly twisted and sick.
The best revenge, as they say, is living a good life, enjoying the fruit of your labor, the richness and joy you bring to your family and the appreciation for the light they bring to your life in return. You always took the high road, respected and defended their privacy, and conducted yourself honorably. You had every right to rent any house you wanted, and they had every right to feel paranoid, afraid, and un neighborly. Their pettiness reflected poorly on them, and now seeing your wonderful family, I understand why they’re so jealous. It’s fear that drives them to their madness, and love for your family that drives you to greatness.
What a beautiful family you have, Joe. No wonder you are so proud of them–they’re so full of life and all look so happy!
Any thoughts on the “new” photos of Sarah on the “Nail in the Coffin” photo day? Just saw them at Gryphen’s blog (without the copyright mark–had seen them on the site, but they weren’t clear b/c of the mark). They seem pretty damning.
Just wondered if you had seen them & had an opinion.
All my best to your gorgeous grandkids. 🙂
That’s what I call a ‘Real’ family!! A beautiful loving family!! Lots of beautiful smiles and hugs!
We know Proud Grandpa Joe has been making up for the time he missed last year!!
Love the pink shoes!! My fav color
You have a lovely family. May they all thrive and grow and learn. And it sounds like they’ve put crazy lady in her place.
Joe, you have a beautiful family; they all look very happy and loved.
As one who had to deal with two different death threats in 1995 that required detectives to find the people (they did), I’m SO, so sorry you and your beautiful family had to endure that! It’s creepy. But I’m glad you kept those amazing children away from it all. Thank you, and your wife Nancy, for sharing the photo with the blog. And I know your grandkids will be incredibly and increasingly proud of their “Grandpa,” and they should be. And I predict THE ROGUE will be a high point when your descendants look back on their “GREAT, GREAT Grandpa” for having the courage to tell the Truth where other supposed “greats” have failed, the integrity to tell the Truth fairly and forcefully, and the talent to convey it to the masses. Thank you.
But, threats? What has happened to America when a small, insane faction can terrorize and hold citizens hostage? Oh, right. Sarah’s friends. The Mad Tea Party faction. The Micro and the Macro . . .
I LOVE seeing these kids TOUCHING EACH OTHER! The body language is beautiful!
Beautiful kids, beautiful photo. Thanks for sharing the history of last summer and the love of your grandkids.
A beautiful real family, obviously full of love for each other. Look at the smiles and looks of love on their faces.
Thank you for writing this book. I still think only a very few people realize how close we have come to having this crazy woman in office. Your book will help assure it does not happen. If there is a God, there is a place in hell for a woman with so much hate in her soul.
What a beautiful family … you can see and feel the love and the fun too in this picture!
Isn’t it strange that the threats from Palins followers always seem to follow a certain theme / progression?
Almost like they’ve been instructed what to say and how to say it. In fact, what you report seems to happen to anyone crossing the Palins.
You’d think it was some sort of organized crime or something… and across state / international lines no less.
Joe….I adore this photo of your grand children! I think of how different it is from the shot taken during “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” where the Palin clan was standing about 8 feet away from each other.
I am disgusted to hear of all the threats your family has had to endure. One thing is for sure..everything and everyone who touches that so called family ends up with some sort of pain, misery and fear.
Looking forward to your book!
Joe, your family is so beautiful and thanks for sharing! After 22 years in Alaska I bought your book, “Going to Extremes” and will begin reading tonight. I’ve decompressed and stopped obsessing over things I cannot change. I feel so terrible that folks were nasty to you; I have a feeling that you know the “good” about Alaska; Palin has brought the worst out in all of us, some more than others. Just had to chime in and have my say.
Take care and don’t sweat the “bots”.
You are so blessed, and the “family values” of love and joy sure shine through. Very refreshing. Very inspiring. Blessings to you and your extended family!
This is a beautiful picture; beautiful enough to make me comment ( I am usually silent here). That is a family that loves one another. Period. What a testament to actual family values.
You did the right thing in protecting those precious children. They deserve all the respect and dignity of being children without the likes of what you and Nancy were subjected to last summer. May they grow to be fine citizens of the world as you and Nancy have demonstrated to all. I have little doubt that they will be just that.
Beautiful family. Looks like they are sharing love and fun!! I have a United Nations family, we are all well blended via culture, social status, national origins, and gender stuff. I have seven amazing grandchildren who will be the next decade’s voters. My oldest grandson who told me about Candidate Obama will be 18 in 2012. (voting age :-). I believe that is America today, and people like Palin are going to be extinct soon!
People of her ilk don’t like to have their sickness shoved back in their faces, to have a mirror held up showing just how sick they are. Your good life and family just twists the knife a little harder. Looking forward to the book. Cheers.
What a fine photo of your beautiful grandchildren! They look like a delightful pack!
No offense Joe. You have a lovely family, but you and anyone else is wrong in comparing two families against each other. I don’t doubt your family is wonderful. But Sarah’s is as well. This post is immature and I expect more from you.
You grandkid asked why you wasted your time writing a book on Sarah. Similarly, at a blog I go to, I mentioned that on an anti-Sarah Palin blog (not this one) I had been labeled a “firebagger” for the thoughtcrime of saying that Obama (like the Clintons) “had always been in the pocket of the banksters.”
Someone said – why are you going to anti-Palin blogs – Palin is so BORING.
I tried to explain why they were wrong – in my opinion.
Great post and a truly wonderful photo Joe.
The diseased brains of Palin Cult followers do work in strange ways. Ignorance, hypocrisy, fear of the truth and just plain old stupidity brings out the worst in them.
Thanks for posting the delightful pic of your grandchildren, Joe. I can feel the love…
I always thought Sarah’s claim was hilarious that she was mowing the lawn with Trig in a backpack when it was discovered you moved next door. She is such a pipsqueek that I could envision Trig walking while in the backpack and lifting her off of the ground. I could never envision, however, princess Sarah doing manual labor.
Your family is adorable. I can see why you wouldn’t want them exposed to the porn star and the pimp next door.
Great family, Joe. Authentic. Something Quitler isn’t, and what she won’t permit her own to be.
She and Toad have closer ties to the AIP and those militia types in AK than most people know. It’s no wonder there are people up there who are afraid to talk.
Pet Mom – I just bought “Going to Extremes”, too, and for the very same ‘decompressing’ reason! Thankfully, Joe has a map in the front, so I got a real feel for the vastness of Alaska, and could follow him on his adventure. You’ll howl with laughter at some of his all-too-true tales, but also, other more somber rides on the emotional roller coaster. You will love the book!
What a lovely photo of your grandkids, Joe – the bonds of love shine brightly.
What a beautiful family!!!! Thanks so much — to you and to them — for sharing this photo.
You have a beautiful family Joe. Thank you for sharing that wonderful photo.
Joe, your beautiful grandchildren, so happy and true, coupled with the Gabby Giffords moment in the House, give me hope, that “what’s her name” will not have her day in the sun. In darkness she will forever be!
Greetings Mr. McGinniss! I am thoroughly sickened and disgusted by the poisonous and vile slander spewing from $P’s filthy trap! I am pleased you chose to share this photo of your grandchildren with us. I see a lot of love and togetherness; this speaks volumes of the closeness and genuine affection they receive from their parents and grandparents. As a poster above noted, seeing the closeness of these wonderful children versus the staged, distant and cold look exuding from $P’s rugrats speaks for itself. I salute you sir, for the measures you took to respect their privacy and shield them from undue criticism; unlike the media whore who chose to parade her uneducated school dropouts on the national stage as props to grift money from her brainwashed minions. I am eagerly awaiting your book release on 20 September as I look forward to the beginning of the end of $P and the fraud she perpetrated on the voters. Judgment Day is coming $arah; be very afraid…
Sweet photo of beautiful kids; looks like you and Nancy had a great family celebration! Too bad it couldn’t have been in Alaska, but certainly you made the right call. Seeing this photo, I imagine that the love and stability you have in your private life must give you the safe harbor you need to wade into some of the dark subjects you have explored.
Well, Joe …that’s one beautiful bunch of kids there. And writing a book is one thing….but being threatened and having your precious family threatened is just sick. You’ve been subjected to such vile behavior from the palinbots camp. Not once did she ever use her fb page or twitter to condemn those responsible for the awful threats against you or your family. And that says so much about her. Although, it appears she’s finally becoming a pig of the past, we can’t let our guard down. You have a beautiful family and none of you deserved the treatment you encountered. Thank god you didn’t give up. Thanks for a warm, bright spot in my day.
Your grandson wearing grey plaid shorts sure looks like you. I see sincere smiles, not smile for the camera smiles. Mrs. Todd Palin sure made a mistake last year and lost out on a great opportunity for her children to meet your grandchildren. Look forward to Sept. 20.
What a beautiful, loving family! Thank you for sharing. I can’t imagine how relieved you will be to be finished with this book…and I can’t wait to read it!
This is a spectacular picture. All the children are touching each other in some unique way. It shows how they feel when they’re together — happy!
Somehow I’m reminded of the picture of Sarah’s family at the beginning of her Alaska show — all separated.
Back to yours. Congratulations!
A few people were pretty hopped-up that night, Charley. They’ve since calmed down.
There’s a LOT of venting that goes on there. That said, it IS frustrating when people come over from the CeeOfPee and dump on us, but if we do the same over there we’re instantly deleted and usually banned. Since you frequently post to CeeofPee (via your DISQUS profile), they took it out on you. Oops?!? Not a reasonable explanation, but the only one they have. The heat of the moment, as it were.
A few days ago CeeOfPee had a thread about Palin saying President Obama was “Fearmongering”. I went over to CeeOfPee and made this simple comment, my first over there EVER: “Fearmongering? I have two words: DEATH PANELS”. I was banned for that!
And we’re the “unreasonable” ones…
P.S. – I forgot to mention last night, Joe – you do have a wonderful family. You can FEEL their happiness radiating from the photo! I love photos taken in an un-posed moment.
The problem is, the Palins have raised ‘bully’ kids. The only two who aren’t at the moment are Trig & Tripp in that they’re still young. Give it time and Tripp will be too.
Great post, beautiful kids, wonderful photo!
Beautiful, diverse family Joe. Rest assured sarah will reap what she has sown….
Cute bunch of kids there Joe. As we all know, you reap what you sow and The Evil One never put much time or attention into her kids, as she was too busy putting it into herself. Such a shame that your kids couldn’t enjoy an Alaskan summer vacay because of the bully and her crazy followers. Can’t wait for your book!
Absolutely wonderful pic Joe. Thanks for sharing – the difference between the Palins and the McGinniss is pretty obvious isn’t it? Love and happiness for all of you. The Palins stand 3 feet apart, detached from each other.
The sickness that is Sarah Palin has infested the Tea Party. I am so glad she isn’t a part of the current political dialog. She’s trying to push her nose into the discussion, but she’s an old has-been (maybe even a never-was).
I found it quite amusing when Palin said she mowed her own lawn- another odd lie of Sarah Palin.
Worse, though is the idea she would subject a baby to the noise and danger to mow said lawn while carrying Trig in her back!
Clearly, Palin never mowed a lawn in her life if she thought it a suitable outing for a baby.
My father always made me wear safety googles, sturdy shoes and gloves when mowing, and I still do.
There’s no possible way I would ever have a baby on my back while mowing- one stick or rock could gravely injure both of us. There is always the danger of falling, too.
In short, it was another odd lie from Palin’s quiver of tall tales.
They look wonderful, so full of life and love. It’s a shame you couldn’t have them visit you in Alaska.
Seeing Palin make her speech at the RNC almost three years ago, who would have thought she would turn out to be a dangerously vindictive person? The public has learned a lot since then from the Alaska bloggers, from Palin herself, and from journalists like Geoffrey Dunn and yourself.
What gorgeous kids!!!! You are so very lucky!
I can’t believe people actually wrote such disturbing sick things to you!
I hope you tell this story in your media appearances because others have had similar threats. And Sarah always refuses to admit that her words incite violence. They do. She has been a cancer, a terrible influence on the discourse in this country. I hope your book will expose more about her that we know is so negative, but others don’t.
I don’t blame you for not having your adorable grandchildren visit you in Alaska.
I hope you can show it to them another time!
By the way, I’m taking my very first trip to Alaska in four weeks.
I can’t wait.
Joe, if you get a chance, what do you think of the newly found photos on Laura Novaks and Immoral Minority blog?
They are of Sarah supposedly 7 mo pregnant.
Yes, I meant to mention that. I think she described herself as wearing shorts and sandals, didn’t she? And for anyone to mow a lawn with a toddler in a backpack is just ridiculous. Just another pathological lie from the porn star.
Your grand-kiddies are lovely Joe and I hope you have plenty of family weekends with them and often.
Forget the nasty, insecure and violent in the world. They look upon the beauty of life and spit on it. They are dark and desperate and without hope. I pity them.
When I read her ridiculous lawn mowing story with Trig, I immediately thought that it was a stupid thing for any person to do let alone the mother of a special needs child. All it takes is a stray rock or for Sarah to trip a little while mowing the lawn and heavens knows what might have happened to that poor child.
She’s truly crazy. No sane person would tell such stories that immediately prove upon hearing that she is either lying or completely deranged/irresponsible. Like the Wild Ride While in Labour Story.
You have something Sarah doesn’t have and that’s a beautiful, happy family.
7 very lucky and special kids, with all the love and support they feel for each other.
I have been threatened with being shot, though I LOL and told him to go to Hell. A nasty internet drunk, who is a braggart and still insulting others daily. In fact reading that blog, I see some bullying going on, with a bunch of the worst alkies ganging up on someone new currently for the last week.
That is Sarah Palin and her gang. Bullies. A lot of noise, though some are crazy enough to do something.
Someday one will turn on her.
Wonderful Family Joe, the one boy is your spittin’ image 🙂
This post is especially interesting b/c last night Sarah Palin went on Greta show to defend the “Terrorist” teabaggers!
We have know from DAY ONE that she is the QUEEN BAGGER the pied piper who brought them all out so this post does not surprise me at all.
All the baggers heaped on Brietfart etc.
It always makes me laugh out loud when someone comes and bitches about another blog. Waaaah!
Firebagger for example.
And why people who post on Pro-Palin blog come on blogs that slay her like a salmon, the QueenBagger of terror and treason and expect we will all kiss their feet?
Go to the unrinenation and cry overthere. Quite a few books out in Sep. QueenBagger is toast.
What a beautiful family. The love they feel for each other is so obvious and genuine. Thanks for sharing, and I agree that you made the right call keeping them away from Alaska last summer. The disparity between the so-called Christian $arah and her followers and the true message of Christ is yet another story the media chooses to ignore. Nobody can ever produce a comparable example of this kind of hate and vitriol from people who support Obama, but incidences like what happened to you are multiple. It’s frightening.
just wonderful.
i really needed this smile today.
Here is what the Grand PooBah Queen Teabagger said last night on Greta’s…
“I think we’re getting kind of used to being called names – racists, inciters of violence, being accused of things we have nothing to do with. … I suppose it’s a bit more appalling to have been called acting like terrorists by he who is second in command of the most powerful office in the world. It’s quite appalling. It proves how out of touch this White House is.”
And Sarah and “We” are not any of that….? If you believe that I have a bridge in Alaska to sell ya…and go to the top and Reread what Joe just posted!
(Link via Slatest:) http://slatest.slate.com/posts/2011/07/24/congress_scrambles_for_debt_plan_ahead_of_opening_markets.html?from=rss/&wpisrc=newsletter_slatest
I was threatened by one of her Urine-nation…one KentonAK with the three S’s…So I reported him to where he works. Two can play that game.
“This post is immature.” ??? Well, ‘Becca’, the threats were “immature”, weren’t they? The specter of violence, the threat made for no reason, isn’t that “immature”? Proverbs 26:5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
WakeUP, thank you for the great phrase, “the pimp next door” (in another comment).
As for the Trig-in-a-backpack claim, I wonder if Mrs. Palin was envisioning herself as Sacajawea? She seems to have laid claim to many other famously heroic women.
Joe, thanks to your family for sacrificing your presence many times over the years so that you could write enduring works for the rest of us to enjoy and learn from.
What a lovely bunch of grandchildren! I bet they ALL have birth certificates! /snark off
“A few people were pretty hopped-up that night, Charley. They’ve since calmed down.” Apparently not all of them, as seen in the thread below. The fact is, however, that I am glad to be called a “firebagger” – as an insult, it reminds me of one I learned in high school, and which I am reminded of by Joe’s family photo -(and I too have relatives not all of whose ancestors were of European descent) – “n*gg*rlover.”
almost like a “militia” or Oathkeepers? I bet some of her braindead followers are even Oathkeepers, you know like ole Kenton…
Came into the guy’s shop who took the video of Toad getting all agro and took his picture?
But hahaha he has Kenton’s pic Too! Game can be played both ways.
That is so great, what a beautiful family. And that is what makes this world go around, it is all about family. When things go bad on any day, who you going to call? Mine is my husband(best friend-21 years) can’t reach him my kids. And every morning I call my granddaughter (Jayelynn) who calls me Grandma Bunny, to tell her how much I love her and what is she going to do for the day. Get the funniest answers, she’s 3. Know I like what your grandchild said about a has been, but I have been stuck in this PFS for 2-1/2 years and I have been waiting for the ceiling to drop, so far it has not. So I am looking forward to your book, I hope this is it. I thought Dunn’s book would do it. I have given in to the fact that some type of crazy is unstoppable and I have looked into to relocating to Canada with my entire family, because if that crazy lady runs, its over! Best Wishes on your’e book! “Counting on You” So is America! 🙂
A statement and a question. The statement is that it occurred to me that Ms. Payme is really a latter day Calibos.
The question is, in re to her speech habits, why does she objectify everything and every one she talks about?
“…You have a lovely family, but you and anyone else is wrong in comparing two families against each other. I don’t doubt your family is wonderful. But Sarah’s is as well. This post is immature and I expect more from you.
There’s no reason in the world that families can’t be compared to each other. Why would you say such a thing?
And no, Sarah’s family can’t be wonderful or she would not attract and support such vile followers. She has never, ever, ever, ever, followed up on the dreadful things her cult followers have done or said to ask them to cease and desist, or to please not lower themselves to do such things, or no matter how upset they are at critics, to please remember to behave in a Christian manner and to turn the other cheek.
They are just beautiful, Joe. Our own two children (17 year old boy and 14 year old girl) are from Korea. We adopted them as infants. I hope your grandkids appreciate having someone as special as “Grandpa Grizzly” in the family, famous for making growly noises and doing something in the woods . . .
Jude, that speech was exactly when I realized how vindictive, small & just plain mean Sarah Palin could & would be. Some of it was basic politics; but much was calling out the worst in people–put downs, lies & snarking. My kids (they were 13 & 15) were shocked at the vitriol. My oldest son is seriously handicapped–non-verbal, uses a wheelchair, & a respirator, so my other kids have seen a lot of how cruel people can be. The 15-year-old remarked that night that SP reminded him of the kids who always made fun of his brother, or of him for stuttering. People who get a kick out of hurting someone else. Nothing I’ve ever seen of Sarah changes that assessment.
Oh, and Joe–wonderful family. As so many have said, you truly can see the love and contentment they feel being together.
As usual, in your misguided rush to defend Sarah and the Palins, you completely missed the point.
Let’s revisit what happened, shall we Becca?
Joe is offered a rental house next door to his subject which he accepts. Soon after, his privacy is violated (Track and his camera), he was bullied (Todd knocking on his door with veiled threats), and Sarah–in no uncertain terms–calls him a pedophile.
Then, Joe’s life and the lives of his precious grandchildren are literally threatened.
If Joe wants to play proud grandpa and at the same time show us the faces of the kids who were threatened by those sick, twisted people, all the more power to him.
Oh Geeze! The Fairy tale troll is here!
“Palins family is just fine too”
Brisdull preggo HOW MANY times and being celebrate for being a unwed teenaged mother?
Her book of lies just like her mother.
Track palin, join the army or go to jail for vandalism & recently married to his pregnant wife?
Piper is growing into a rude little brat who thinks its ok to push around grown men who get in her way?
Toad thinks its ok to abuse people in a public airport.
His sister Diana arrested for B & E and being a meth-head…ummm fairytale do you want me to go on?
Gee Mistah Charley pretty thinned skinned? I guess when you hang with the urine-nation and join the real world and people just don’t let you slide… you whine like mama grifter…even if you add some letters to your last name, heh.
Here is something for you to look at
Crystal…Mistah Charley is not worth a comment…ignore trolls…this one in particular has nothing useful to say.
Great post, Joe. You’re a lucky man, and so’s your family. All the best.
Grande joe,
Unfortunately we live in a sick world with sick people!
Just know that you are rich man having such a wonderful family. I consider myself also very rich with 2 lovely kids and wonderful grandparents for them. Yes, we are rich amico!! Enjoy life
Palinistas need to be reminded that “hate is not a family value.”
Looks like your paper motivated someone to upload those March 26, 2008 photos. Even if it is never published in a journal, its influence is still being felt. Thank you for everything, Brad.
Thank you, Joe, for devoting your considerable talents to deconstructing Sarah Palin, a cautionary tale. Of all the September books, yours will have the greatest audience because of your reputation and because it will be a captivating story even for someone who has never heard of or cared about Sarah Palin, just as Fatal Vision was for those of us who had not heard of Jeffrey MacDonald.
I do not believe Joe was saying anything about Sarah Palin’s family. He did state the fact that he was threatened while living in Wasilla along with his wife, his children and grandchildren.
All Joe said about Sarah’s family values was that he would stack his family values against Sarah’s any day of the week. How is that immature exactly?
Sarah Palin is a bully and her minions do her bidding for her. She was a bully while mayor of Wasilla, a bully while Governor of Alaska and she is a bully today. There have been many well documented instances of Sarah being a bully. Did you ever read the Troopergate report Becca? I thought not.
Well said abbafan. You really said it all there.
Thank you for sharing this picture. Thank you for taking your valuable time and writing about a woman that is so vile and driven for power, she would do anything to get it. The country and world need to know the Real Sarah Palin. Even though most do as time progresses, people of her cult that posses the same personality traits will follow her tell the end, whatever that will be.
TOUCHE Mr. McG! Beautiful Beautiful Children. Don’t see any slamming of younger siblings face in cake by an older sibling! EAT YOUR HEART OUT sarah palin! Oh, forgot. You’ve got no heart.
(This will probably be my shortest response ever. 🙂
Let me just add to your comment that she was a bully long before she entered ANY politics. She just honed sharper what she already was as she got older. And like all true bullies, she never was without her little “pack” to defend and do any dirty little thing she could dream up. They also had to comfort the poor little “victim” if others weren’t kissing her fat a** . Speaking of that, she is at her core, like all bullies, a fat a**ed coward with a capital C. We Alaskan’s know her better than you “becca”.
Like you I have grown up as an Irish American – “Mc” on one side and “O” on the other. But, we have hosted a slew of exchange students – one coming from Ghana in a week. So, we have been blessed to have “the world” at our dinner table nearly every day for the past 20 years. And, I wouldn’t exchange a moment for the love we’ve received and the funds we have spent.
My own father, whom is one of the best men I have ever known, is under the “tea party spell”. He is an older Irish man, and, as such, has stories and jokes to tell. We have numbered them. I don’t argue with him anymore, because I cherish and honor the time we have left.
While I hate his politics, most of his stories begin with – “that boy from Norway…”, “this girl from India”…”that girl from Africa” (no, Pop, Africa is not a country) begin and end with the joys these kids have brought him and what they have taught him about life.
Keep up the good fight, Joe. I think our country has split into two. Those who care, wish for everyone to prosper and those who wish to keep all of the goodies to themselves.
In the past two years, I have had to panic about a “daughter” in Chile, living near the earthquake zone, a “son” in northern Japan, near the earthquake and tsunami. The most humbling experience of my life was returning to Rwanda with my sweet Tutsi “daughter” to visit the graves of her parents. I was the whitest person ever seen there and I loved every minute.
We have two “sons” in Norway and my own son was welcomed as an exchange student there 7 years ago. The murders at Utoya shook me in my core. If such a tragedy could happen in Norway, where they award the Nobel Prize – heaven help us.
Me personally, I will never give up on my country, which welcomed my very tired and poor Irish (Belfast) ancestors who had nothing. And, yes, I will happily pay taxes and walk into the inferno of Baltimore City near me to work with the forgotten there. Lonely, lonely business but my goodness it fills the soul.
You know, that smashing the face in the cake thing was one of the most disturbing scenes I’ve witnessed. That’s nothing but cruel.
Immature?? Are you serious? Do you even understand the meaning of the word? I don’t think so. Joe did not mention Sarah’s family or compare them to his. He talked about her and her cult fans being filled with hate and hypocrites as well.
He wrote about the despicable threats against his family. What is wrong with you!? Look in the mirror ! Your response is what is called projection. There’s a dictionary on line if you don’t understand.
Hi Joe, I just wanted to join the many others that commented on your beautiful grandchildren….and it’s heartwarming to see and almost feel your pride and love for these obviously happy much loved children. I am sure they feel they have the “best grandpa ever”.
I don’t understand why you are accussing this commenter of being aligned with the Palin extremists.
Mistah Charley, ph. d., I understand you differently. Thank you for embracing the fact that we are one family, the human family and color is of no signigicance.
Joe your grandchildren are beautiful, their spirit and energy emanates brightly.
Perfectly said. It echos the sentiments of so many sarah palin THOUGHT she could fool but didn’t. It occurred to me more than once that she should wipe that slobber off her poisoned lips, shut up, fade to black and enjoy the $$ she has tricked out of the immature, ignorant, and violent domestic terrorists who slavishly follow her. That’s her and Todd: “tricks”. Dangerous enough to love themselves in their diseased condition. Stupid enough not to be able to see just who they are. Unrepentant. Without conscience nor remorse for all they have infected with their disease. A blight on this land. A deep and dark taint on Alaska. Forever. Yes, their karma/sins/delirium will (has already begun) be shoveled back upon them. She and he are a perfect case for belief in “making one’s own destiny”. Better enjoy your perfidious “wide road” to nothingness sarah and todd. You both deserve no less than ignominy. That was an excellent post abbafan.
It was and it showcased just how immature and cold she was to her OWN children. She faked surprise and half giggled, like it was amusing to HER. On the little one’s birthday no less! It was a pure act of jealousy and violence on the part of Willow – the little apple that fell directly down from the tree of mama palin. She gives the word “mother” an obscene meaning. Family Values: NONE. ZERO. She stinks to high heaven. A glimpse into the life of a true sociopath.
Beautiful family, Joe! You and Nancy are to be commended!
When I saw this photo I wondered why the fourth child from the left looked so familiar. Well, I’m reading Fatal Vision right now, first edition, from the library. He resembles you in the photo on the back of this book so much!
What a stunning photo of your beautiful grandchildren. I’m glad you protected them and kept them out of harm’s way. Such an indictment of Palin that you felt you had to do it.
Well Mary, that was a lovely post and the world would be a better and more welcoming place if the large mass of humanity felt and acted such as you with all your children. I always believed that if one says they love children that means they love “others” children as well. All children deserve our care. I’m glad to see that from your post. I am sorry to say that our people were not welcomed as you say your Belfast Irish ancestor’s were, and so I have a different take on what this country means to me. I don’t have the love for its peoples for what it continues to do to my own Native (american’s) people right to this day. Just knowing what it did in our past cannot be torn or ripped or quietly disappear from my heart and mind. It will never. If my mother had not been murdered for no other reason that the person who killed her hated “Induns”, I might be more forgiving. When a vile and racist person such as sarah palin can rise from nothing to a huge prominence in this country, I remain as the one who still believes that this country has that dangerous underbelly and core of racism that continues to slay us and others all around the world. Remember, this country claims “exceptionalism” and thus has no excuses for its sins within. It has not lived up to that”exceptional-ism YET, in my own humble opinion and belief. My father was an Irishman from the West of Ireland. His family name was O’Shaughnessy. I loved him dearly, but he also was a racist and we had many a heated discussions on this. As a father, he was wanting and left us and my beautiful mother to “womanize” his way through life. I identified with my mother because it was she who taught us our history and our culture. It was she who kept us all together, and in great hardship. It was she who never abandoned us. And she never taught a nano second of any kind of racism. An amazing thing considering how the “outsiders” who came and took over our lands, in her day, put up signs saying “no Indians, Phillipino’s or Dogs Allowed”. Amazing, since she lived through the Boarding School era where she told us how they hit them and slapped them when they would speak their own language. If she were alive, she would see that in Alaska it only got worse, and from the looks of the lower 48, the same. I do not believe in “loving a nation” or “patriotism”. Look at what it spawns. I would love to see a border-less world that felt that everyone would feel welcome anywhere. On the other hand, I can’t say I am proud to be “a nationality” because I had nothing to do with being born into what was. I took the best of what my mother AND my father taught me. As well as their own histories. One cannot help that. What I DO feel – for anyone anywhere – is justice and injustice. What I hate seeing, but cannot help BUT to see, is “collectiveness” in any kind of behaviors that bring harm to another “collective” of people. Otherwise I take individuals as they come. The rest of “america” I will not claim nor shout hurrah’s for. As long as the murderers murder and hate and connive and thieves thieve and fakes fake and liars lie – in that “collective” here, I will not climb onto that wagon. If or when (won’t be in my lifetime or my son’s and grandchild’s life) this country LOVES ALL ITS INHABITANTS, I will change my mind. I still won’t believe in “national-ism” though. I said all this to say that I really did like your caring post. It made me think of a few things.
Dear Joe,
I am so sorry to hear the extent of the abuse you have gone through. You have my deepest and sincerest wishes of nothing but good things your way. I can understand what you have been through as I too, have had this kind of
thing happen. Take care and all the best!
The nasty, cowardly bullies who threatened you are probably the same ones that show up for church on Sunday and play the dutiful Christians. These people are quoting Christian values yet act upon terrorist threats. They know who they are and are too cowardly to come out in public and face you. Sick, sick people. Love the picture, great kids.
What happened to the native Americans is our national shame. I am sorry you have had such sorrow and challenges in life. What we all have at the end of the day – is our free will. Karma is one of those mysterious, illusive things – but, I have faith in the ability of the universe to right wrongs and hold people accountable.
Perhaps, that is why so many of us are so upset about the state of this country. Watching average working people be manipulated by fear by those who consider their own interests and wallets is infuriating. Listening to people defend uncivil behavior in the name of patriotism is equally nauseating.
I have recently had a dilemma of the soul where I had to stand up to someone who held power over others and was being an abusive bully. It cost me dearly, but I have no regrets. Frankly, I am a Rotarian, and with that commitment come certain expectations (google the Rotary 4-Way test on line). I take it seriously. I hear tell that Sarah Palin is a Rotarian in Wasilla. If so, her club should be stripped of their charter.
Best of luck Deennaa. There is an dark and ominous vibe in this country recently and those of us who still wish to have a positive and not a destructive effect on others need to band together and stay strong.
Becca, you know who is really immature? That would be Sarah Palin. She characterized Joe as a “Peeping Tom” and that was enough for her followers to threaten him with hateful, vile emails. They were harassing not only Joe but his wife as well. Anyone with half a brain knew he was doing research for his book and not there to peek into Piper’s bedroom. All this nonsense was started by Sarah Palin who knew what to say in order to call out her attack dogs.
I’m sure the C4P would appreciate whatever negative thing you have to say about President Obama and not get banned. I noticed that you frequently commented there and also noticed you were called a “troll”. I don’t get it, if you are a long time commentator then why the hell are they calling you a troll? The only reason I could come up with is that you didn’t or don’t worship Sarah as much as they would like. The anti-Palin blogs are more tolerant and don’t ban people just because they have a differing opinion but what made you think we’d be in total agreement with you?
If you want others to agree with you wholeheartedly than go back to the Pee Zoo.
You forgot Willow breaking and entering…then doing $30,000 worth a damage to the house. Her mommy , the GUV got all charges dropped.
Thank you, that’s right I forgot about Willards B & E of the Morlock house! The sex party that damaged the house to the tune of 30K and all the girls got off but not the boyz…Thanks for reminding me!
NJfan says “The anti-Palin blogs are more tolerant and don’t ban people just because they have a differing opinion but what made you think we’d be in total agreement with you?”
What made you think that I thought you’d be in total agreement with me?
NJfan: “If you want others to agree with you wholeheartedly then go back to the Pee Zoo.”
On the one hand, I’m reminded of something Kurt Vonnegut wrote in Cat’s Cradle – “Peculiar travel directions are like dancing lessons from God.”
And on the other hand, the comedy troupe Firesign Theatre asked, “How can you be in two places at once if you’re not anywhere at all?” This morning I have commented here, and also at Urine-nation (as conservatives4palin is sometimes creatively called – hi there, caligirl), and at whoisIOZ, and at Laura Novak – Blog, and at Some Assembly Required. And I’ve been on my couch the whole time. This is the future – you got to live it, or live with it, or get out of the way.
Yes Mary. I Do agree with you on those points so very much. Whatever one wants to call it, karma or “vengeance is mine…I WILL repay…” (from the bible), sarah palin and her dumbed down lower than dirt followers and people of her mindset – these people have a destiny in the end of the matter that they have to meet and it won’t be to their liking. Even right now it is apparent. They are guilty as guilty can be for the division, violence and ugliness of character they have spewed upon everyone to such a horrible degree in so short a time. What sarah palin caused to just the people of Alaska and our Native people in particular (blatant racism for starters) is worth her being in an orange jump suit. For the lower 48, she is the biggest black spot and taint – that is out in the open – upon this country that it boggles the mind – being that she is really just a disgruntled but vicious little housewife with no real expertise in anything except bullying and lying. She just transferred her mental instability upon this nation and look at the havoc this inconsequential person wrought. I am thankful for all journalists (so very few in reality) and “the BLOGGERS” who have/are taking it upon themselves to uncover this viper with a (barely) human face. She’s truly “valley trash” and less. Way less. For her mental unstability and sociopathology, the world is at risk anywhere she attempts a power of such grand proportion – especially here in this country and among “the real people”.
“…band together and stay strong…” You couldn’t have said it better.
Joe–the people of Wasilla enjoyed having you spend the summer with us. The things that Sarah Palin does and says just don’t make sense–makes you wonder if she is a pathological liar or mentally ill. Funny how it was OK to have the recently released inmates living next door, but then when you moved in, she gets all paranoid and thinks you are a pedophile. Kind of like she thinks everyone is planning on raping her girls and Gramps is sleeping with the gun under his pillow. She has no business holding a public office–can you imagine that family of gypsies in the White House. They would be selling all the furniture and artwork and charging for pictures. I feel so sorry for baby Trigg–he is being raised by nannies and Sarah is heaping all the attention on the perfect, beautiful one. And everyone in town is laughing at the way that Bristol says she never drank or had sex–she was known as the town slut in school. I am sure your book will point out all the fairy tales that the Palins and her staff have re-written.