Posts Tagged ‘the daily caller’

Palin Suckup Has Hurt Feelings, Whines
It’s not going well when even those with the brownest noses turn away from you.
Some poor chap who says he once “would once have taken a bullet for Sarah” now doesn’t like her any more.
Because she stopped paying attention to him.
Spurned lover John Ziegler tells his story of betrayal, at considerable length (for an online only piece), at The Daily Caller.
My reservoir of sympathy would have to be nearly drained before I’d feel bad for a right-wing huckster who took the bait only to find that there was a hook inside.
But Ziegler’s defection is just one more indicator that Sarah’s narcissism is so pathological that she can’t even be bothered to keep her acolytes on their knees.
She has the intellectual engagement of a bored seventh-grader, the attention span of a five-year old, and the impulse control of a toddler suffering from the terrible twos.
And now even those so pathetic as to have thought she brought meaning to their lives (aka Rebecca Mansour) are turning away from her.
Mainstream media is/are always a step behind because it/they are afraid to risk being a step ahead, so their people are still poring over meaningless emails, but Ziegler’s cri de coeur is like the canary in the coal mine: a warning to Palinists to get out now, while you still can, otherwise risk being found in the rubble.