Posts Tagged ‘statue of liberty’
Poor Piper No Better Today//UPDATE: Piper Photo Album of “My Summer Vacation?”
Someone could–thus no doubt will–soon post an album of all “Pouty Piper” photos from this latest example of Sarah’s willful mistreatment of the very children about whose privacy she expressed such concern last summer, when I moved in next door.
I hope this photo will be included:
Is that, “I pledge allegiance,” or “Mommy, I’m feeling sick again?”
(By the way, don’t miss that clown in the back with a Statu(t)e of Liberty crown on his head: a stereotypical, not to say archetypal Palin supporter.)
Having a granddaughter Piper’s age, I not only sympathize, but empathize.
I also can’t help but be reminded of Sarah’s faux-outrage about me a year ago, as she swung into mama grisly mode on the Glenn Beck show.
In regard to my having become her summer neighbor, Beck asked Sarah:
“Do you feel, as a woman, do you feel violated?”
She said:
“I feel more protective than ever in terms of my kids. Any mom would. Just wantin’ to bring your family even closer and wrap your arms around ‘em and not let the infringement on their rights and privacy be so overwhelming…”
Well, hell of a job this year, Sarah, protecting Piper’s “rights and privacy,” upon which, incidentally I never infringed in the least.
Scenes like the above make me all the more eager for Sept. 20 and publication of THE ROGUE, when I’ll finally blow the lid off this whole Sarah-as-AnyMom sham, not to mention a number of others.

Another Freudian Sarah Palin Slip? The “Statute” of Liberty
Do you think Sarah’s more concerned about the statute of limitations than the “Statute” of Liberty as the state of Alaska–after stalling for almost three years–prepares to release more than 24,000 pages of emails from her time as governor?
Hat tip to Gryphen at Immoral Minority for astute spotting of “statute.”
p.s. Maybe somebody should tell Sarah that the Statue of Liberty is not a monument to “legal immigrants’ work ethic” but was actually constructed by French citizens in France.