Posts Tagged ‘state of alaska’
Palin Emails – Redactions = Zero
What a waste of media resources, and how predictable to anyone who paid attention to the fact that while almost 25,000 emails from Sarah Palin’s tenure as Alaska governor–but stopping before Election Day, 2008–would be made available for public consumption, almost 2,500 additional pages would be withheld.
And who decided what to withhold? The state of Alaska.
And who is governor of Alaska today? Palin’s fellow-evangelical Christian lapdog, Sean Parnell, who became governor only because Sarah quit in July, 2009.
Just the list of withheld emails was 189 pages long.
As conservative Paul Jenkins explained in the Anchorage Daily News last week:
It turns out state lawyers and folks in the governor’s office — where some, it turns out, worked for Palin but now work for Gov. Sean Parnell, who was Palin’s lieutenant governor — made the calls on those 2,415 emails. Not an impartial panel of citizens and lawyers, or folks lacking direct or indirect ties to the authors of the emails or any court. Just insiders.
Does anyone detect a smell of fish?
Notwithstanding that the state announced in advance that more than ten percent of the emails would not be disclosed, MSM–even including The Guardian, from England, descended on Juneau in a state of mindlessness that can only be likened to mass hysteria.
As readers of this blog will know, I don’t have much truck with Greta Van Susteren, but her description of this as a “colonoscopy” was apt.
Sarah can only be relieved by the result: no malignancy found.
Of course, in a colonoscopy, the patient doesn’t get to hide ten percent of the area under examination.
To me, the most disturbing aspect of this whole overblown farce is that those assiduous protectors of Palin’s privacy, who redacted ten percent of the emails, did not bother to cross out personal contact information for anyone who’d emailed the governor’s office with criticism of Sarah. As first reported by PoliticusUSA, Alaskan citizens who exercised their right of free speech now find their email addresses, telephone numbers, and home addresses made available to the same sort of vigilantes who came after me last summer for merely moving in next door to her.
Let us hope that no harm–even in the form of threat or harassment–comes to anyone whose privacy has been invaded by Palin loyalists who retain government positions in the Parnell administration, and who were responsible for setting critics up as targets.
Will MSM call Parnell to account for this lapse?
Don’t hold your breath.
Now that they’ve come up empty in their frenzied quest for scandal, representatives of MSM will retreat as quickly and quietly as possible, asking the editors who put them on this cold case, “What were you thinking?”
The answer is, they weren’t thinking. They were hoping for a quick hit, a tabloid headline that could parlay the public’s ongoing obsession with all things Palin into website hits that equal advertising dollars.
It used to be only the supermarket tabloids that operated in such a fashion.
Now we witness the singularly unedifying spectacle of The New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Daily Beast, MSNBC, and even the Guardian hanging out their tongues in the hope that a tasty crumb might fall from Sarah’s table.
Sorry, folks. Move along, nothing to see here except a governor who was sensitive to criticism and worried about her public image as (see CNN) “she pushed to get landmark oil and gas legislation through the statehouse; [while] demanding that Exxon finish paying damages for the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill.”
There could be no stronger validation for the point of view (which, by the way, I don’t agree with) expressed by Joshua Green in the current issue of The Atlantic that Sarah was a strong and progressive governor before being blinded by the national limelight and running off the tracks.
The emails bolster Green’s argument in “The Tragedy of Sarah Palin” that:
“As governor, Palin demonstrated many of the qualities we expect in our best leaders. She set aside private concerns for the greater good, forgoing a focus on social issues to confront the great problem plaguing Alaska, its corrupt oil-and-gas politics.”
Or, as Molly Ball writes in Politico:
The emails from her governorship, released Friday, brought back the memory of a long-lost Palin: the popular, charismatic, competent woman of the people.
That’s like going in for a colonoscopy and being told that not only is your colon fine but you’ve got no cavities.
Nor could there be better advance advertising for Steve Bannon’s upcoming cinematic hagiography, “The Undefeated,” which will receive national release on July 15.
Note to MSM: Be careful what you wish for. Especially if it’s going to be redacted.

Whatever is or isn’t in them, Palin emails will be BIG NEWS because MSM says so. UPDATE//Yo, these aren’t the Pentagon Papers!
There hasn’t been such a mass mobilization of mainstream media resources in anticipation of a single event since President Obama’s inauguration.
And The New York Times and Washington Post want readers to help sort through the whole mess.
It’s like a contest where the winners get to work for big, rich media organizations for no money.
You, too, can be an unpaid intern for a day or two or three.
I have no idea what they’ll find, nor how much redaction there will be in the 24,000 pages, but I am certain that the nearly 2,400 pages that are being withheld by the state of Alaska would make for far more entertaining reading.
In any event, plenty of media fodder to fill a slow weekend in June.
How over the top is this media frenzy about emails from the administration of a half-term governor of a state with three electoral votes who was a defeated candidate for vice president and who has not held any elective office for almost two years?
It’s mass media hysteria. I’ve seen nothing like it in regard to government documents since Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers forty years ago.
And as The New York Times wrote at the time, the Pentagon Papers “demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration had systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress, about a subject of transcendent national interest and significance”: the Vietnam war.
Here’s the irony: the very same mainstream media whose paid pundits tell us over and over again how inconsequential Sarah Palin has become are treating the release of Palin administration emails as an event of transcendent national interest and significance.
The New York Times and Washington Post (see above) are asking members of the public to work without pay to help them sort through the emails, looking for nuggets of gold amid the dross.
MSNBC, Mother Jones and ProPublica have together hired technological experts to help them create a full database of the emails asap.
The ghost of Paul Revere set out on a midnight ride tonight to warn, “The emails are coming! The emails are coming!”
My question: given that almost everyone has agreed that Palin has become as irrelevant to our national discourse as a third tit on a mule, why–especially in this age of journalistic decimation–are so many major MSM outlets pouring so many resources down a dry hole?
The New York Times and Washington Post putting out help-wanted ads in order to attract volunteer labor to work on this story of transcendent national interest and significance?
Think about that for a moment: those twin pillars of MSM have never tried to shanghai crews of amateurs in advance to help them with any other story. But for the Palin emails it’s all hands to the pump.
All the experts tell us Sarah will not run for president next year.
If she doesn’t, her political career ended on July 3, 2009, when she resigned as governor of Alaska.
Yet the political chattering class can chatter about little else but Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. They remain obsessed.
As I write in THE ROGUE:
Sarah Palin practices politics as lap dance, and we’re the suckers who pay the price. Members of our jaded national press corps eagerly stuff hundred dollar bills into her g-string, even as they wink at one another to show that they don’t take her seriously.
Anybody who thinks I exaggerate need only witness the spectacle about to unfold over the weekend.