Posts Tagged ‘Levi Johnston’

“The Oft-Defeated” may be the stake Sarah drove into her own heart
No, I haven’t seen it, and now that I’m not going to use a viewing in Phoenix as the kickoff to the e-single that would have been Sarah Palin’s Arizona, I don’t intend to.
But it’s the same as reading Bristol’s “book,” or Levi’s upcoming “book”: I don’t have to view or read to know how appalling these products are.
Many years ago, when I contacted the late William Safire to try to arrange an interview about his impressions of Teddy Kennedy, he courteously declined, saying, “I don’t kick ’em when they’re down.”
I’d feel the same way about Sarah, Bristol and Levi–The Unholy Trinity–except that they refuse to admit that they’re down yet, and mass media, as personified most recently by the revolting Jay Leno, keep them propped up, trying to squeeze the last dollar out of pretending to take them seriously, even as these unholy three try to squeeze the last dollar out of their Wasilla Hillbilly act.
See Leno disgracing himself here, and also enjoy Gryphen’s commentary. For once, the squalid Don Rickles was in his element.
Talk about marriages made in hell.
We can, however, cut the kids some slack. After all, Bristol learned only from her mother (certainly never at school,) and Levi (who still doesn’t have a high school degree) woke up one day to find he’d won the Impregnation Lottery, and why shouldn’t he try to make an easy buck, since he has no skills that would enable him to earn an honest one?
But Sarah is different.
In THE ROGUE, I write about Sarah’s close association with a Christian Dominionist leader named C. Peter Wagner, who founded an organization called Global Harvest Ministries.
Wagner’s goal–and the goal of Sarah Palin–is to end the separation of church and state in America, and to turn our country into a Christian Dominionist theocracy.
Before Global Harvest Ministries, Wagner co-founded, with Ted Haggard–later disgraced when it was learned he’d used crystal meth during homosexual trysts–an outfit called
the World Prayer Center, in Colorado Springs, CO.
As I write in THE ROGUE:
The center has been described in Charisma magazine as “a spiritual version of the Pentagon”—the command center for Wagner’s worldwide campaign against demons.
Trust me, you’ve never heard lunacy like this.
I lay it all out in THE ROGUE, but I can offer one brief excerpt here:
Members of Wagner’s Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation are convinced that their prayers can literally destroy individuals whom they’ve identified as demonic. Among those for whose deaths they claim credit are Mother Teresa and Princess Diana.
Wagner taught his followers that a female mega-demon whom he called…“The Great Harlot of Mystery Babylon” lurked near the summit of Mount Everest…One of Wagner’s leading apostles in Mexico was a woman named Ana Mendez, a former witch in a Haitian voodoo cult…she led a team of twenty-six intercessors to Mount Everest in an assault she called, “Operation Ice Castle.” She and her elite force launched highly targeted intercessory prayers directly at the Great Harlot…Apparently, the prayers found their mark, killing the Harlot Queen.
This is the stuff Sarah believes and acts upon. But you won’t see it in the new movie about her.
Even so, the new movie is so awful as to be laughed off the screen by professional reviewers of all political persuasions.
See this from Politico (not exactly a left-wing site.)
Sarah encouraged this poor sap Bannon to spend his millions in an attempt to save her from her own banality, ugliness, and freaky Christian Dominionism.
That he fell flat on his face has now become painfully apparent.
Not that there was any way he could have succeeded.
After all, when your subject is a sow’s ear (aka “The Great Harlot of Wasilla”), it’s tough to make a silk purse.
Sarah would have been better off keeping her distance from this farce. But by showing up in Iowa for its very first public showing, she tied her future to its credibility and its success.
As is now evident, it has neither.
Hoping for even more silk for her purse, she’s managed only to drive a stake–if not through her heart–at least through her own sow’s ear.
Yet one more defeat for “The Oft-Defeated.”

Is Bristol as bonkers as her Mom? With God on Their Side…
In an interview just published by Christianity Today, Bristol says folks don’t respect Sarah because, “She’s got a good family, she’s got a good husband, she’s got awesome support, she’s got God on her side, and I think people are envious of that.”
Hell, I know I am.
If I had God on my side, I wouldn’t have Levi’s publisher rushing the date of his ghost-written tripe to bring it out the same day as THE ROGUE in an attempt to hitch a ride on my coat tails.
But wait a minute: does this mean God is on Levi’s side?
And if he or she is, how can he/she also be on Sarah’s side–and Bristol’s?
Surely, God is not the sort to hedge bets.
If you really can bear to see how brainwashed Bristol has been by her mother and the Christian Dominionists who control her mother’s thinking–as I explain in great detail in THE ROGUE— you have to read the whole interview here.
By the end of it, you start think that God must be a member of Al Qaeda: otherwise, why would he or she have loosed such a blight as the Palins upon our land?
Please go elsewhere with Bristol & Levi comments
There are many bloggers–and, as I’ve seen recently–commenters keenly interested in Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston.
I am not one of them.
I’d appreciate it if you could keep your comments related to the topic of the post on which you’re commenting.
Because nothing I’ve posted relates to Levi/Bristol gossip or snark, no comments about them or their ghostwritings are relevant.
Many other online venues will welcome your opinions about them.
Frankly, I couldn’t care less.
I don’t like to delete comments and I’ve very seldom done so, but fair warning: this is not a site about Bristol and Levi.
They bore me. And I don’t want the comments section to bore others who feel as I do.
Please: if you have to vent about Bristol and/or Levi, do so on one of the many blogs that eagerly report on their latest doings.
But not here.