More than a hat tip to Tony Hendra and his gang for this hilarious new edition of “The Final Edition,” featuring “Mama Grizzly Bare–It’s President Palin in 2012: She Comes Out Swinging…” and “Roger Ailes: “Fuck it, I’ll just be President myself.”
Admittedly, the Palin illustration is tasteless. I think it’s gross and I don’t approve of it.
On the other hand, Sarah herself is tasteless. She’s gross and I don’t approve of her. But it’s not as bad as the photo of Anthony Weiner’s wiener that Breitbart leaked via right-wing radio today.
Sometimes you reap what you sow.
But forget Sarah for a while, and just enjoy The New Fox Times, which along with Christwire is the funniest thing on the web.
[Full disclosure: my son James, founder of McGinniss Associates, is the literary agent who developed and sold Christwire’s first book, to be published early next year by the Citadel division of Kensington. I have never met Tony Hendra.]