Posts Tagged ‘evangelical’
Memo to Sarah Palin: if you want to keep your children’s lives private, don’t give People Magazine an exclusive about your son’s wedding//UPDATE: My one brief meeting with Track
It’s such a shame–but so predictable–that Sarah had to milk this moment for publicity value. I feel quite sure that neither Track nor Britta wanted their wedding to become a national news story.
The bride’s father is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wasilla, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
He is no relation to Brad Hanson, the Palmer businessman, and Todd’s ex-partner in the Big Lake snowmobile shop, with whom Sarah allegedly had an affair.
I had the pleasure of being introduced to Rev. Hanson when I was in Alaska last summer. He is well liked and highly regarded and distinctly not part of the Christian Dominionist movement in Wasilla centered around Sarah’s Assembly of God church.
No one I spoke to last summer expressed anything other than praise and affection for his daughter, Britta. Many times I was told she was “the best thing” or “the only good thing” that ever happened to Track.
Last September, just after I left Alaska, she starred in the role of Elizabeth Bennet in the Valley Performing Arts production of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Track himself has done all he can to distance himself from Sarah Palin Enterprises, Inc. Whatever his problems as an unsupervised adolescent, let’s give him and his new wife a break as they begin their married life together. Unlike Bristol, Track has never tried to cash in. He and Britta have been devoted to one another for years. I’m sure it wasn’t their idea to make a wedding announcement in the pages of People.
Let’s wish them both the best.
I never spoke to Track during the months I lived next door to him last summer. As I describe in THE ROGUE, a friend of mine had an encounter with him in late summer that started badly but ended well, and I believe it was Track who took the surreptitious photo of me on my deck that Sarah used in the Facebook post in which she implied that I’d moved in primarily so I could peer into Piper’s bedroom, but I don’t begrudge him doing what his mother and father told him to do.
Of course, as even a blind man could see, the picture shows me facing in the opposite direction from the Palin house while talking to my wife on my cell phone. Yet Glenn Beck and others on Fox News–Greta Van Susteren, in particular–used it as “evidence” that I was using binoculars to peer into the bedroom of a child. Absolute insanity.
But that wasn’t Track’s fault. As far as I know, he never said a bad word about me in public, and he never did anything to make me feel unwelcome as a neighbor.
In fact, my only meeting with Track could not have been more pleasant. As I write in THE ROGUE,
When I was in Wasilla in the fall of 2009, I stopped by the Palin house to drop off a copy of Going to Extremes, my book about Alaska in the 1970s. I’d signed it, “To Sarah Palin—from one author who loves Alaska to another.” Track came to the door and we had a brief, pleasant chat as I gave him the book. “You wrote this? Wow! That’s awesome.” I told him I was glad he’d made it back safely from Iraq. He thanked me and said he’d give the book to his mother.
I realize now, of course, that Sarah never “loved” Alaska–that she loves only herself–but that doesn’t alter the fact that Track was a perfect gentleman to a stranger who knocked unexpectedly on his door.
So, again, let’s wish him and his new wife well as they attempt to build a life together on their own.
Maybe they can escape from the circus.

Sarah Palin Hits Daily Double: Obama Okays New Alaskan Oil Drilling & Huckabee Says He Won’t Run
The president’s announcement, which included plans for expanded drilling in Alaska demonstrate[s] his commitment to reducing oil imports by increasing domestic production…Mr. Obama said the administration would begin to hold annual auctions for oil and gas leases in the Alaska National Petroleum Reserve, a 23-million-acre tract on the North Slope of Alaska. The move comes after years of demands for the auctions by industry executives and Alaska’s two senators, Lisa Murkowski, a Republican, and Mark Begich, a Democrat.
In crediting Murkowski and Begich for the policy change, The New York Times omitted the name of Sarah Palin, who’s been screaming about this for at least as long and even more loudly than have Alaska’s two U.S. senators.
Hours later, Mike Huckabee, who won the 2008 Iowa Caucus, announced he would not be a candidate next year.
Today’s news makes it clearer than ever that Sarah will have a second chance–and her last chance–at the brass ring of national political power.
And don’cha think she’s gonna take it?
Because Sarah is not an elected official, but only a celebrity screecher from the sidelines, she can’t claim credit (except on her Twitter and Facebook pages and on Fox News) for having persuaded President Obama to change his mind about the vital economic and environmental issues posed by the prospect of reopening Alaska’s North Slope to further exploration (some would say “exploitation”) by Big Oil.
And won’t it gall her to see Sen. Lisa Murkowski, in particular, cited as one who made “demands” to which President Obama eventually caved?
Especially with Huckabee handing her, gift wrapped, the USA’s evangelical base, it seems obvious that Sarah will announce her candidacy for president later this year: if she doesn’t, a year from now people won’t even remember how she spells her name. (Is it p-a-l-i-n, or p-a-l-l-i-n, as in “pallin’ around with terrorists”?)
Even if, as many argue, the personal bottom line of is what Sarah cares about most (or only), she must recognize that as soon as she definitively takes herself out of the GOP 2012 candidate pool (aka “The Sargasso Sea”), nobody will care any more about what she says, what she wears, how she looks, Track’s latest brush with the law, Bristol’s latest plastic surgery, Willow’s latest brush with the law, or even whether she really gave birth to Trig.
Sarah’s greatest fear is irrelevance. What if she fell in a forest and nobody heard?
Bruce Springsteen might as well have been writing Fade Away for Sarah in 1980, when she was a sophomore at Wasilla High:
I don’t wanna fade away
Oh I don’t wanna fade away
Tell me what can I do what can I say
Cause darlin’ I don’t wanna fade away
Do you really think she’ll just fade away now?
Having come out of nowhere to get this far, will she go gently into that good night without even a last hurrah?
Especially after Huckabee’s Saturday night announcement that he won’t run,
His decision to forgo a run presumably leaves that space wide open for Ms. Palin, a self described “Bible-believing Christian”
Doesn’t it seem that God is working overtime this weekend to open doors for her so she can plow through?
Hope he gets at least time-and-a-half.

Sarah back in her Element Tomorrow: Colorado Christian University
In the afterglow of her chock-full-o-celebrities weekend in Washington, and hard on the heels of her $115,000 speech at a junior college in California today, Sarah will be back among her own kind tomorrow at Colorado Christian University. From the CCU website:
“What We Believe”
Colorado Christian University unites with the broad, historic evangelical faith rather than affiliating with any specific denomination. In this commitment, the University embraces the following declarations of the National Association of Evangelicals:
We Believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
We Believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We Believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We Believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
We Believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
We Believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
We Believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Sarah will be joined by retired Lt. Gen. William G. “My God can beat up your God” Boykin.
Boykin’s long list of flagrant offenses against decency and democracy is itemized in the “Controversies” section of his Wikipedia profile.
Boykin’s presence on stage tomorrow will make Sarah’s appearance at Colorado Christian one of those rare occasions when she might not be the nuttiest person in the room.
How about a Palin-Boykin Evangelical Third Party ticket in 2012?
“Ultimate Makeover” for Sarah Palin on Friday?
Sarah’s next speech will be at a Women of Joy gathering in Oklahoma City on Friday. Women of Joy is an evangelical organization that’s part of Phil Waldrep Ministries. In its mission statement, the Phil Waldrep Evangelistic Association says it seeks “to spread the gospel to all of the world.”
Sarah spoke to a Women of Joy conference in Louisville in spring of 2010, urging her audience not to “let anyone try to convince you that God should be separated from the State.” Transcript of her speech available here.
It seems to me that Sarah has been badly wounded by her precipitous drop in popularity and relevance. Seeking solace, and trying to rebuild her self-confidence, which has always been far more fragile than her public appearances would suggest, she’s returning to her evangelical–Christian Dominionist roots.
The degree to which she’s wedded to Dominionist beliefs is something into which I delve deepy in The Rogue.
What better place for Sarah to lick her recent wounds than at a “Women of Joy” gathering in Oklahoma City? There’s no indication that Phil Waldrep will be there himself–he’s busy building his own evangelical radio network–but no doubt someone will be there, like Thomas Muthee was in Wasilla, to pray that Sarah remains impervious to infiltration by devils.
And if she’s really lucky, she might get nominated–if not by the GOP for president–at least by the Women of Joy for the “Girls Night Out Ultimate Makeover,” offered by Phil Waldrep’s organization.