Posts Tagged ‘donald trump’
Once Sarah Yearned for Glimpse of Ivana: Now she’s got Donald in her lap//UPDATE: with all the great pizzerias in NYC to choose from, Sarah and Trump eat HERE???
As I write in THE ROGUE:
In 1996,
Sarah was getting so antsy that one day in early April she actually drove to Anchorage just for a glimpse of Ivana Trump. She told Todd she was going to Costco to buy groceries. Instead, she went to J.C. Penney to see Ivana, who was peddling a line of perfume. She told the Anchorage Daily News that she was simply the wife of a commercial fisherman and she’d come to see Ivana “because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.”
Well, over the intervening fifteen years, hasn’t the country mouse turned into a city mouse!
No longer having to stand in a crowd at J.C. Penney in Anchorage, hoping for a whiff of Ivana’s perfume, Sarah now gets to sniff Donald’s aftershave up close, as worldwide media press their noses up against the glass, begging for a crumb from the royal table.
Hell, she’s not just the city mouse: she’s The Mouse that Roared.
And no matter how miserable poor little Piper might be, (like, does anybody think an Alaskan ten-year old actually enjoys posing for pictures with Donald Trump?) Sarah will go to sleep tonight feeling less like any sort of mouse than like the cat that ate the canary.
And why not? The harder she hits them, the more MSM begs for more.
Never thought I’d actually write or say “gag me with a spoon,” but in a city with the most first-rate pizza restaurants in the U.S., Sarah and Trump go here?
Why didn’t they just have Domino’s deliver?
p.s. Does anybody want to suggest a caption to go with this pic, based on what Trump is saying to her as he eats cruddy chain store pizza with a fork? (Looks like Sarah wanted chopsticks.)

How Trump Makes Sarah Seem Sane
The Hill says today that Sarah and Trump have become political kinfolk.
Guess which strange bedfellow benefits more?
Suddenly, Palin’s experience as governor of Alaska might look more impressive…Trump positions Sarah Palin closer to the establishment intelligentsia than otherwise possible….When presented against the backdrop of Trump and his orange mane, Palin might look more electable and serious.
The conservative base…could be drawn into the arms of Palin when confronted by the specter of Trump…Suddenly, mistaking “refudiate” for “repudiate” — as Palin did last year — seems far less noteworthy, and Palin herself more electable.
The Atlantic yesterday, The Hill today, whose upwardly revisionist view of Sarah’s past record and future prospects will we find ourselves blessed with tomorrow?
Sarah Palin hearts Trump: she once yearned for Ivana
As I mention in The Rogue, Sarah once drove from Wasilla to J.C. Penney in Anchorage to get a glimpse of Ivana Trump as she promoted a new line of perfumes. She told Todd she was going to Costco to buy groceries. But she was really going to J.C. Penney to see Ivana because, as she told the Anchorage Daily News, she was “so starved for any semblance of glamor and culture.”
Now that she’s toeing his birther line, maybe The Donald will let her sit on his lap.