Posts Tagged ‘alaska’

Sarah Scrubs Summer Plans because of JURY DUTY???
I was called for jury duty in May, 2010. Because I knew I’d be in Alaska, I requested a postponement, which was granted automatically.
I was called again for May, 2011. I arrived at the courthouse at 8 a.m. and sat in a room with other prospective jurors for two and a half hours. Then a judge came in and said she’d just dismissed the case our panel had been scheduled to hear. I was home by 11 a.m. and not subject to being called again for at least three years.
Sarah can’t go to Sudan because she’s been summoned for jury duty?
The lies just get bigger and bigger. She’s living inside a hot air balloon for which she supplies the hot air.
But you know what?
Balloons burst.
I’ll be back in Wasilla in September, Sarah. Maybe I can drop by to say hello and grab a piece of that blueberry pie you promised me via Facebook last summer. If you lock the kids in the basement, they’ll be safe. We can chat about how your jury duty went.
Among other things…
THE ROGUE’s last chapter almost done–contest winner announced next week
My thanks to the many who contributed suggestions for my last chapter in response to my announcement of the contest on May 17.
The blue-ribbon panel of judges (whose identities I’ve kept private to protect them from the temptations of bribery) has finished its work and given me a short list of five finalists.
As I wrap up work on the last chapter this week, I’ll choose the winner of the $250 prize. Autographed copies of The Rogue will go to all five who made the short list.
Can anyone imagine how happy I am to be almost finished with this book?
I’ll be able to post the full jacket here soon–Random House/Crown has done a great job in every way, from copy-editing to legal review to jacket design. I’ll, of course, be keeping you all updated on the process as we move toward Sept. 20 publication. I can’t disclose anything about publicity appearances yet, except to say that I’ll be doing network TV from New York, Washington and Los Angeles, as well as–you betcha!–heading back to Alaska.
Transportation will be by airplane. Sorry, no bus tour. Nor will I bring my grandchildren along as human shields.
Walt Monegan tells more truth about Sarah Palin
In an interview with Alex De Marban of Alaska Newspapers, Inc., which publishes six regional weeklies, Walt Monegan, Alaska’s Director of Public Safety, whom Sarah fired in 2008 because he refused to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Mike Wooten, from the Alaska State Troopers, recounts the history of his interactions with her.
His bottom line: “If she would have said, ‘Walt, I don’t like your hair. You’re outta here,’ that would have made more sense.”
Sarah Palin fired Walt Monegan in an act of petulance and vindictiveness because he would not commit a wrong she insisted on.
I write in considerable detail about the Palin family campaign–in which Todd played a leading role–to have Mike Wooten fired from his state trooper job because he and Sarah’s sister, Molly, were in the midst of a bitter divorce.
Sarah’s abuses of power in her extended campaign to have Wooten’s head served to her and Todd on a silver platter created the scandal known as “Troopergate.”
As I write in THE ROGUE,
The Troopergate imbroglio is worth examining in detail because Sarah’s actions, and those of her husband on her behalf, expose so clearly the vengeful, obsessive nature of the person who lurks behind the mask of sexiness and chirpy insouciance.
And I’m not referring to Walt Monegan.
He doesn’t wear masks.
I also write:
Sarah said she’d fired Monegan because he’d displayed a “rogue mentality.” Sarah apparently felt that “going rogue” was acceptable only when she did it herself.
I got to know Walt and his wife, Terry, last summer. There are not two finer people in Alaska.
Over coffee in Eagle River one morning, Walt told me that Sarah “just thought she should be able to do anything she wanted to, and that anybody working for her had an obligation to help…Maybe she hadn’t realized there were limits on her power. Maybe she thought being governor meant she could do anything she wanted to anyone. I loved my job and I’m sorry she took it from me, but I’ve never had a moment’s doubt about what I did.”
Walt Monegan combines intelligence, dedication and integrity to a degree that makes him very special.
Although he grew increasingly disillusioned, he remained loyal to Sarah Palin until she and Todd pressured him to betray his principles: something he would not do.
In her petulance and vengefulness, Sarah deprived the state of Alaska of the services of a remarkable man.
You can read much more about Walt Monegan in THE ROGUE.