Sarah’s Decision Coming Soon? Not likely.
The NYTimes summarizes todays non-story here.
In short, The American Spectator wrote that Sarah would announce her decision within a week or so.
Sarah promptly tweeted thusly:
“Really? Hmm, guess they forgot to inform me what I’m ‘expected to do’ next wk…”
The latest I’ve heard from sources I consider both reliable and informed is that Sarah will drag out whatever suspense there is as long as possible.
She’ll go to Sudan, possibly to Israel in August for a Glenn Beck rally, and do two more legs of her bus tour, all the while delaying her announcement.
Unless of course she gets into a bad mood and cancels any or all of the above. (Her history of extreme mood swings is something I pay considerable attention to in THE ROGUE.)
In the end, my best sources tell me, she won’t run. All the skeletons in her many closets are begging her not to, and she’ll listen to them.
She’s afraid. She’s just plain scared of what might happen if mainstream media finally decides that the honeymoon is over and starts to dig. If she runs, they will, this time. If she doesn’t, why bother?
She also lacks the organizational ability to build the complex structure that a presidential campaign would require, and she doesn’t trust anyone enough to let a professional take over. Remember, in 2008, McCain just plugged her into an operation that was already in high gear, and even that didn’t work out.
Also, she’s not really committed to any cause except herself.
HOWEVER…I was told a month ago that the one factor that could change all the above would be the sudden emergence of Michelle Bachmann as the “new” Sarah Palin. Sarah’s ego would not allow her to stay on the sidelines and watch Bachmann take the center stage that Sarah feels belongs to her.
And that’s exactly what’s happened in the past few weeks. Bachmann is this month’s media darling. If that lasts through Labor Day, Sarah might have to take the plunge.
I’ve always thought she would run. I still think so. But people who know more than I do tell me she won’t.
Bottom line for now: expect the tease to continue until Sarah has sucked the last egg out of the golden goose.
I can’t see her revealing her finances. She is not going to want to do that.
until Sarah has sucked the last egg out of the golden goose.
no truer statement has ever been said…
I think she will get in at the very end, because her supporters are begging her to.
She then can bleed them dry for another 4 years in hopes that she will run again.
Pam –
Also her medical records and all of the “gates” will be examined this time.
I hope she does go ahead with her plans for the summer. Look how well that last bus tour went! Haiti was so obviously a photo op and I expect the same “style” for Sudan. If she goes to Israel with Glenn Beck I predict it will be her biggest blunder ever.
All she has to do is say, vet Obama, you get to vet me. Fair is fair. Look at all the crap media ignores in his past. Sarah has pretty much lived a nice life. I think she’s just trying to support her family presently. THey are what is most important to her.
I think she has her eyes for Arizona Senate.
Is that custom or legal requirement? If custom, she will not open her finances until a judge tells her to.
I don’t believe that for one minute. She uses her family as props. Obama has already been vetted. Just because palin blathers on about the media they leave this big stuff completely alone about her. how can u say Obama has not been vetted. That is ridiculous.
FYI y’all:
Some “awwww shucks $P” news:
“Post Paul Revere Sarah Palin Crashes and Burns With Conservatives
According to PPP, only 14% of Republicans believe Sarah Palin’s story that Paul Revere was warning the British, and 67% of those surveyed said that Paul Revere was not warning the British. Only 10% of liberals, and 19% of conservatives believed Sarah Palin’s retelling of American history. Just 14% of respondents thought that her interpretation was historically accurate. More than half (56%) did not, and 30% were not sure if she was being historically accurate.
If 70% of those who consider themselves to be very conservative aren’t buying it, she’s really screwed up. Palin supporters can’t blame the, “liberal media” for this one, because I doubt that the conservatives who aren’t buying it pay much attention to the few left wing voices in the media. The right wing media tried to push back hard on this. They dug up a few historians and wrote some op-eds defending Palin, but it was a lost cause. “
There is a bridge in Brooklyn for sale, for people who believe that Sarah Palins family is more important to her than her own ego, and grandeous self promotion.
Look at her behavior with Piper, her favorite child during the last bus run.
Don’t think she qualifies for 2 years – has to establish full time residency. So 2012 cycle is out I believe. Not sure when the AZ senate seats go up for voting.
I hope she doesn’t run, but I think she will, in spite of all of her skeletons. I believe she’s convinced that God wants her to be POTUS, and that he will magically will whisk the skeletons away when she does announce.
If so, she will be in for a big surprise when the people of Arizona reject her. I suspect they don’t like carpetbaggers.
I’ve got mixed feelings about all of this “to be or not to be” speculation. Unfortunately since I am a rational, thoughtful and logical person, my projection does not apply to someone like her. On the one hand, I would like to see her run only to be ripped to shreds by the other candidates and then to have her skeleton closet thrown open by the media. On the other I think she is to afraid of being exposed for the utter depth-less fraud that she is and; by being lulled into a sense of complacency by the media’s lack of investigation, won’t take the risk of running. Ideally though, she won’t run but will be exposed by the media anyway. That would be good!
That’s like asking for SAT results after one has earned a PH.d.
You are truly delusional. Our president has been more vetted than any in history. Just cut the crap, do you think for one minute that if there was dirt the Clinton machine or mccain wouldn’t have uncovered this deal breaking fact? People like you border on treason in my opinion, go clean the refrigerator or something sarah….
Sarah Palin is a “tease” and she will continue to tease the media and her supporters for as long as possible. For her, right now, it’s a win/win situation; she gets lots of attention and money. In the end, that’s what she is all about. If, by the end of the summer, she feels really pushed by her supporters, she’ll announce her availability. That leaves plenty of time for her to raise even more money, get even more attention and then pull out, claiming that she has been victimized. And then she’ll be back in “tease” mode for another four years. Aaaaggghhh.
For my own sanity, I wish that no one would be allowed to even murmur “presidential election” until twelve months before the actual election. We’ve all been having to listen to pundits blather about 2012 since the day after the 2008 election. Don’t they have anything else to write about?
Per fec
Do I need to disclose my personal financial information?
Yes. Candidates for federal office must file disclosures of their personal finances. Contact the appropriate office for more information: candidates for the US House of Representatives should contact the House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct at (202) 225-7103; candidates for the US Senate should contact the Senate Select Committee on Ethics at (202) 224-2981; candidates for US President and Vice President should review a Legal Advisory issued by the Office of Government Ethics and contact the FEC’s Office of General Counsel’s General Law and Advice Division at (800) 424-9530. (Personal financial disclosure reports filed by Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates (excluding the incumbent) are available from the FEC’s Public Records Office at (800) 424-9530 (press 2).)
I think we are in a TopGun type of situation:
her ego is writing checks she can’t cash.
Gotta love a good movie quote.
I never thought she would run and I still don’t. It’s all about the money.
She knows she couldn’t get Todd to be a good boy, nor could her kids stay out of trouble. I also think she knows she couldn’t handle it. I truly believe she knows she’s a farce. She would never want to expose that (further).
Sarah will run as a 3rd party independent candidate, probably with some crackpot religious conservative retired general as her #2. She has to so she can keep her brand going, and she could never withstand the primary process. That’s what the bus tour was designed to do–see if she could get away with campaigning on her own terms and generate positive press. Her “lame stream media” friends could not have been more helpful in convincing her she can do it. She’ll let the GOP go through it’s process and nominate Romeny. Then, in Spring 2012, just as he is about to claim his prize, she’ll announce, claiming he is too far removed from the good, old God-fearing principles this country needs. Her supporters will understand. My guess is she’ll garner about 10% of the vote, those folks who won’t vote for a Mormon or a Muslim from Kenya. She will cost the GOP a tight race, but it won’t matter to her–as is widely understood, she only cares about Palin, Inc. Roger Ailes, John Stewart and the folks at MSNBC will love her candidacy and give her plenty of airtime; it’ll be ratings gold. And, in the end, win,lose or draw, she keeps her brand and money making machine alive for 4 more years.
There’s plenty of dirt on her, but most not provable. However, her and tawd’s affiliation with the AIP is recorded. The democrats just need to run a loop tape of her 24/7 & her little speech to them and then of Steve Schmidt saying the only reason for AIP’s existence is secession the way faux ran reverand wright tapes 24/7. Actually it probably won’t be necessary for the Democrats since Romney will have already thought of it.
I think maybe sarah underestimates Mitt Romney, he didn’t get to where he is by being Mr. Nice Guy. Now that Huntsman has entered the race the Mormon machine will kick in to take care of any little naive, sniveling mean girls like sister sarah.
Glenn Beck and his people will do the organisation (something she sucks at), and so all she has to do is turn up and give a 10 minute speech. There will be other people there and stuff going on and so all the attention won’t be on her. It will be boiler plate and I’m sure she can manage that. I would think that the trip to Sudan might be harder for her. I’m sure she is not knowledgeable about the situation there or the history of Africa……or that Africa’s a continent. 😉 2 other problems for her are that Sudan doesn’t get a lot of US press coverage and that it’s likely she agrees with Obama’s position on Sudan and she doesn’t like to show that. It’s somewhat dangerous there and I don’t suppose she will like that. She’ll stay in the hotel as much as possible.
Her trip to Britain, if she is still doing that, I see as a huge banana skin. I am from the UK. I foresee that she might get booed if she is in public. Also the press are going to try and ask her some questions. They are much less respectful of people in power than the US press and they tend to do things like ask follow up questions.
Prepare to see a lot more positive spin “I’m a Mormon” commercials also, too.
What reality do you live in? Certainly not the same one as most people. Dream on….
What crap on Obama? Sarah’s the one with all the crap and had she been properly vetted McCain would never have picked her for VP. When she announces that’s when all the skeletons in her closet will be clamoring to get out.
Palin will wait as long as she can to avoid as much media face time as she can. She’ll try to miss as many debates and interviews, except with Fox News, as possible.
Pretty clever actually. Watching her do a ‘parallel run’ is kind of fascinating. I’ve been waiting for the other pseudo candidates to do the same thing or call her on it. I think her plan is to effectively shrink the campaign period (for her) to as short as possible while she, at the same time, runs an ‘undeclared’ campaign of books, bus tours, self promotion movies, etc. all keeping her name/face in the public spotlight.
If she could announce the week before the election she would.
I was thinking more along the lines of how two such extreme right wing demagogues could potentially cause great harm to one of the most volatile places in the world.
Nice try. Sarah is not a nice person. The proof is straight from her own mouth. Sarah doesn’t care about her family. The proof is in her own actions.
Vet Obama. The right wing mainstream media did their best during the last campaign. Non-stop 24/7 they ripped apart every phrase he uttered, every person he ever know or crossed paths with (guns and religion, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, etc., etc.), while ignoring (not vetting) Palin (AIP relationship, secessionist husband, unethical actions while in office, etc., etc.).
You keep trying, AlaskanMama, but you are boring and your posts are simplistically stupid. You are trying to sell your rancid queen to the wrong group of people.
I at least will stick with our brilliant, ethical, accomplished, experienced, patriotic, thoroughly vetted President.
nice life? The Dairy,Troopergate, Babygate, financial shenanigans, lies, half truths, infidelity, husband with a prostitute, husband now accused of being a pimp, disastrous children – oh, why bother. If Sara goes for a run you can expect a flood of revelations that will take her down so fast you won’t be able to deal with them. Since I suspect you are Sara – when the stuff hits the fan you and your family are going to look like grifting fools. If I’d given money to you so you could live high on the hog I’d be tempted to sue you for my money back for committing fraud. Go pound dents out of the fridge Sara and try to figure out where your husband is – are you still married to him?
Let’s not forget her guerrilla attack on Maggie in England where she’ll try to crash the RR bust unveiling. Not sure she wants to do that but will her ego let her do anything else? That would actually be fun because the British press would decimate her.
As for her tweet, typical palin – trying to tease her base – oooohhhh, look at me, send money and I might just tell ya – wink, wink
Woman is beneath contempt
well the logicof your argument sounds good and as anyone who reads my comments knows i have predicted as long as a year ago that she would never run .
but this idea that the media need not expose her unless she does run doesnt hold water.
just how much of her lies are we suipposed to allow to become “truth” and how much damage do we allow these paths to do before they are stopped??
palin is motivated by a desire to destroy and i am not convinced she is capable of be ‘scared’ by what the media exposes about her since she has come this far right?
so why would she be afrid now??
i have always believed that behind the scenes she was told long ago and knows well she will never be allowed near real power.
everything we know about her mental illness is also well known(and more) to everyone else and sure she can run around spouting her lies and hate making some money but thats as far as she will ever be allowed to go.
as far as the other loon bachmann is concerned i dont see her gaining much traction.
we shall see………….
There is another dynamic and his name is Mitt Romney. Anyone who has followed Palin and her C4P bots knows how much they utterly despise Mitt. If Mitt is looking like the likely nominee it will imo split the GOP, and that could pull Sarah into the race (late) as a 3rd-party candidate.
I have never felt she would run though, she is only in it for the money and fame and wanting to be considered still relevant. Imagine she would have gotten all her financial ducks in a row in case she does run and has to submit financial records, don’t think that is a huge concern, and frankly she continues to play the victim with great success, even among many liberals now, that too many are trying to dig up dirt on her, so it’s harder to actually get that stuff out there these days.
Also I really think Fox News must have gotten a confirmation from her that she wasn’t running, otherwise it doesn’t make much sense they let her stay on when they have pressured Newt and Santorum and Huckabee to make decisions. Million bucks a year from that gig ain’t chump change, and it’s the one thing that keeps her relevant too, really doubt she wants to give that up.
I wish she would run. I really do. I wonder if the GOP really recognizes that a Romney nomination would fracture the party, and how it would likely split the vote because someone more conservative would run as an independent. Sarah is now saying though that “any” Republican is better than Obama, I’m waiting for the C4P bots to come to grips with that, OMG you mean Sarah would actually get behind Romney? It’s going to get really ugly.
That has been my concern also! Never mind her effect on us for the moment. What can her stupid, illiterate, uneducated, hateful, bigoted mouth let fly with that could cause extreme harm to a very, very fragile area and the people of two new nations? Does she even have the slightest idea what the issues have been in Sudan, and why there are two nations now (will be as of 7/9/11) and the difference between them?
what you are describing here could not happen in a million years.
fox would lead the charge to bring down palin If she ever convinced anyone she would run asa third party and they would destroy her overnight.
Unless one of the seated U.S. Senators resigns and the AZ GINO decides to appoint her. I am not certain if the residency requirements are the same.
Sane people keep trying to figure out if Sarah will run. Which is why there is so much disagreement.
–Her fear of her many skeletons falling out of her closet is probably one reason she hasn’t declared yet.
–Her fear of having to actually face questions about her alleged policy provisions and her alleged solutions to our many problems is another reason she hasn’t yet declared.
–Irrelevant factors would include the lower paycheck. Sarah looks on elected positions as the key to the vault; she would see the Presidency as the road to riches.
–Another irrelevant factor would be the effect on her family; she simply doesn’t care.
Why she would run in the face of all reasons not to is where her narcissism, laziness (combined with lack of intelligence) and vindictiveness kick in.
–She is going to put Pres. Obama in his place at last.
–She has Michelle in her sights also since every loving look or comment from POTUS to or about FLOTUS galls her as she is faced with the fact the Pres. Obama doesn’t even care that Palin exists with our classy, brilliant, gorgeous FLOTUS around.
–Third party would be reasonable except that I don’t think her narcissism will allow for third “place.”
Which is why I suspect that her narcissism has led her to believe that she can avoid all press conferences, interviews, and debates, and as I posted elsewhere, just sashay a-winkin’ and a-blinkin’, and a-flirtin’, and a-wigglin’, and a-lickin’ her lips, and showing off her crusty hoohaw with skirts up to there, onto the stage at the Republican Convention and graciously offer to rescue them. Or graciously say yes to their pleas to accept the nomination. In the meantime, she will revel in every negative item that comes out about any of the other Republican candidates, believing that the path is leading to her nomination.
Of course, I could be wrong. Seldom have we been faced with such a stunning combination of ego, narcissism, greed, and vindictiveness, combined with an equally stunning combination of stupidity, illiteracy, ignorance, and laziness.
Exactly what “crap” are you talking about? Dems have never been effective in shutting down the press.
She can have eyes for AZ, but they will not soon forget what happened to their beloved Gabby Giffords. I suspect she hasn’t been well-received in Naziland.
I agree, Joe. She will fire her shots from her bunker for as long as possible, and then ride into town with her big white hat (no cattle) expecting to be received like Jesus reincarnated, the great saviour of America. Tah daH!!!
tom, you are naive.
Joe knows Roger Ailes, and says he has been a “good friend” of the man for decades.
Joe says the MSM enables psychopaths “for profit”.
2 +2 = FOX will milk Palin for every second they can get, as a winner or a loser, is what I am reading between the lines.
P.S. Tom… who gave the Tea Party so much oxygen, completely out of proportion to their numbers, and despite the transparent “astro-turf” (i.e., FAKE) nature of their organization, hmmm?
FOX doesn’t want a real, boring, serious GOP: they want racist theatre, fear porn and T&A, all of which Palin and those like her provide. Which is why the R party is unrecognizable from the days of Eisenhower and Nixon.
The R party is now a vestigial tail of FOX. They’ll either drop it or absorb it when the evolutionary time is right.
Once again, the dimwit can’t be in a debate with fellow repugnants let alone the president. Get real people, the fact that she didn’t play with her poop during the debate with VP Biden made her far exceed expectations from the right.
It is time to call her what she is: a COCK TEASER
Men all over the USA simply do not understand the manipulation, sexual in nature, of which Sarah Palin is a master. She makes some men go dumb with awe, she makes unintelligent women somehow feel empowered, and she infuriates intelligent, sceptical women and men.
It is time to call her what she is: a COCK TEASER
Men all over the USA simply do not understand the manipulation, sexual in nature, of which Sarah Palin is a master. She makes some men go dumb with awe, she makes unintelligent women somehow feel empowered, and she infuriates intelligent, skeptical women and men.
So many comments here offer perfectly logical reasons why Palin won’t run … why she CAN’T run.
I mean, she’d have to be out of her MIND ! … right ?
Well …. I think SHE IS !
I firmly believe she’s deeply disturbed — a textbook narcissist and sociopath, and even at times like she suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder.
And when her “Sarah Barracuda” side takes over … ?
Well, look at the many, MANY times she’s said something SO unbeLIEVably STUPID … SO completely UNTRUE … yet when she’s criticized for it, she’s not only defended herself (often with still-more irrational statements), she’s also managed to viciously attack her critics.
Her track record PROVES that she has no conscience, no limits to her dirty dealings, and no reality other than her own.
So … yes, if Bachmann continues to rise in the polls, it seems likely Palin will go (cana)ballistic and, regardless of her poll numbers and lack of organization, she’ll run.
First, she’ll tear into Bachmann since Palin will NEVER again allow herself to be the measly first runner-up in the Miss Alaska pageant …
Then, should she somehow secure the Republican nomination, she’ll launch a virtual nuclear war of slanderous lies on Mr. Obama. (Her ability to do so is one very good reason the Repugs might nominate her.)
For every single investigation of HER misdealings (no matter who instigates it), she will spew back FIVE hideous, venomous, and most probably totally fabricated slurs against Obama. And unfortunately, his track record for defending himself against vile criticism has been less-than-successful.
What the Repugs risk is that the conscience-less Palin simply DOES NOT CARE ONE BIT what damage she has done or may do … not to the many people she’s thrown under the bus, not to the reputation of any political party, and not even to the country she so fraudulently claims to love.
God forbid, but if 1) her slurs take hold, 2) the Republicans keep holding the economy underwater, and 3) they “tinker” with the election results (as they did in 2000 and 2004) … she could win.
But if she loses … ? Like Hitler, she will not care if she takes the rest of the “Reich” down with her.
Other than all that … I think she’s a real GEM …
(Thanks for letting me rant. Time for me to shut up and go wipe the foam off my face.)
Please, not MORE Mormon commercials. They run here in MN almost non-stop. You’d think they were the United Nations of diversity from their ads. Even my very tolerant son tells me they are among the worst ads on TV
I think her decision to run will happen if she’s in a good mood. If the summer is good to her, and no scandals come out, and she’s being adored by her fans, and they are begging her to run, that rush she gets from that could get her to run. It’s dependent on how loved she feels at any one moment.
But, after the honeymoon is over, and her team and political advisers start asking her to trust them and follow their instructions, it’ll all go haywire. After every frustrated campaign employee has quit because of her inability to commit, she’ll bow out. But, not before she sucks up serious candidate’s oxygen and plays the mean jealous girl with Michele Bachmann.
You are kidding, aren’t you?
Yep, Diane, from the bottom of her “Servant’s Heart”, whatever that may mean.
AlaskaMama, every time one of the dumb Palinbots Tweets something “positive” about Palin in the Twitter stream #PalinEmails, I or some other knowledgeable Palin-watcher can come up with why it’s not positive at all.
For instance, the latest “brag” they came up with was an e-mail to Palin from the “center-left” Anchorage School District superintendent, Carol Comeau, “praising” Palin for her “vision, leadership and support”.
http://twitter.com/#!/ProSarah/status/81861222009540608 http://www.crivellawest.net/palinAll/pdf/10360.pdf
Problem is, the email is dated December 7, 2007. Palin took office as governor December 4, 2007.
I think the email was probably just an acknowledgment of Palin’s inaugural speech. Big whoop.
If her family was truly that important, she would have behaved a lot different in the past year. It’s very strange how you pounce on every blog post. Do you sit there waiting from. What does the President have to do with this. I’m so sick of the Palinbots like you who are foolish and blind enablers. You have no idea how pathetic you come across. Your arguments are weak and ridiculous and you have no credibility because of that. And what an odd way for you to Spenser your time– running around defending Sarah. Maybe you should attend to your own family instead of obsessing over defending Sarah. What a waste of precious time.
No, she does not! I am convinced of that, Nefer.
Don’t even get me going!
If time is on her side, I think her decision will be determined on Joe’s book, what’s in it and if she can spin it.
I think the biggest obstacle in her way is the fact that she quit her job as Gov. Even her most devoted bot, Zeigler has realized how completely unstable she is thinking that she can even get near the WH. The fact that she quit will give easy target for opponent without having to get crap thrown back at them that they are sexist, or whatever victimization ploy she chooses.
Fact, SHE QUIT. Who would trust a quitter with the most important job in the world, especially after the last Republican admin. drove us off a cliff.
Important to remember that she’s an aging tease, headed straight for menopause with all of its gifts, surprises and challenges, and when the looks go, she’s going to be more and more of a caricature. I hope she finds it a humbling experience. Not very charitable of me; but then, if she’d stop insulting reasonable people everywhere with her every utterance, I’d wish her safe passage. Aging gracefully is not on her horizon, I’m afraid. Beautiful mature women have life-wisdom, a sense of humor and intelligence shining through. Simply not possible for her. I do feel terribly sorry for her children.
Sarah Palin–I’m thinking Norma Desmond, Joan Crawford, the Queen in Snow White all rolled into one. Sad and pathetic.
I cannot wait until times up and those Sarah squandered donations from finally see the truth. There will be no place in the United States she can hid once she proves she abused, exploited, lied to the loyal warriors to pad her own bank accounts. The anger they already feel at their beginning awakening is seriously disturbing.
i’ve always wondered why she just didn’t switch to DEM. Dems aren’t vetted. That’s been proven. Sarah’s professional skeletons don’t even compare to any Dems. Conservatives just get crapped on…well, for NO reason.
You clearly are sara or one of her mouthpieces. Yeah, go ahead and announce you are becoming a dem. We’d love to have you come aboard. To quote Ross Perot – “That giant sucking sound” would be your bank account going dry. Between your extravagant lifestyle and the staff you carry plus the monies you must be paying to keep lips zipped you must burn a half mil a month. Without your deluded masses sending you their hard earned or entitlement money every month you’ll be busted in a year or two at the most. And of the flying monkey’s ever smarten up, realize you took their money with no intention of ever running you could be facing some serious lawsuits – class action anyone?
Sarah, you better go take your meds now.
Yes. This is why she so infuriates women, self-identified as “feminists” or not. She has taken us back to where we were in the early 70’s. And we’re all supposed to accept that it’s because we’re jealous of her “physicality-fecundity”. Nice try. No cigar. She waltzed in on the hard work other women did and she confiscated and misappropriated the struggle. She’s an insulting opportunist who didn’t even have the courtesy to acknowledge the obvious.
She is, of course, proof positive that sexism is alive and well in our country. She and her handlers used it to their advantage. Play the sexism card and voila–“pass go and collect $200”. Good to have it all out in the open though–for that, thanks Sarah.
Now that she has her name officially trademarked, how does that affect book titles with her name on them? Just wondering.
$arah Palin is insane. It would be nearly impossible for any sane human to predict whether she will or will not run for President. She is insane.
Whether she runs or not, Roger Ailes/Rupert Murdoch will make money from promoting her ‘image’. Those two money lovers aren’t even the most dangerous part of the $arah Palin phenomenon. It’s the religious right. I’ve had a plague of dealings with fundamentalists, Baptist type and Assembly of God type. They’re dangerous. Like $arah, they are ignorant and unstable. But God help us, they genuinely believe the clamor about a war in Israel triggering the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. As long as $arah Palin is in the public eye, there’s a risk that these Dominionists will set up a staged assassination of her, to generate pandemonium in this country. They already have people waiting to start the violence in Israel.
I don’t even have any hope that I’m wrong.
Why on earth they would allow Beck and the domionists to come over there and stir the pot is beyond me. Let’s hope the Israeli’s are playing them big time. It’s hard to get through customs and security there. If we’re lucky they’ll all get detained and shipped to the Israeli equivalent of Gitmo.
O/T: http://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2011/06/17/sarah-bristol-palin-to-get-their-trademarks
After this, I guess her name/picture cannot be used for political ads anymore…
LOL! $arah, is that you? Or is it RAM?
Since you are posting here you have a computer. Since you have a computer I suggest that you research the term encephalitic idiot and see if your picture is used as an example. The utter absurdity of your broad-brushed contention that any self identified democrat: albeit a voter or an elected official has not been “vetted” renders me (and I am confident to include others as well) speechless. The sheer ignorance and stupidity of your statement belies not only a fundamental ignorance and incapability of cognitive understanding, but also highlights an inability to deal with a frustration generated by a lack of fact based argument to defend Sarah Palin. So by default, you resort to a crude form of sarcasm and an unenlightened approach to defend her fathomless lies, shameless self-promotion and delusional fantasies. You have; in effect, no other options and because you (and your like-minded syncopants) lack the intellectual capability to decern fantasy from reality, coupled with your emotional investment in your simplistic world view are compelled to defend an utter narcissistic human failure like the former half-term quitter who preys upon the weak minded. Folks like you. And in the very near future when she is finally exposed by the media for what she is you will (predictably) rush to her defense. This woman is a scourge upon humanity. She is a pathological liar and a thief. She cares about no one. I repeat NO ONE but herself and I truly hope that she either suffers a very public meltdown or suffers a slow and agonizing demize. And I say this with humility and with Gabby Giffords in mind. I truly hope that someday soon Gabby will call this dispicable disguise masquerading as a feeling human being out for the retched thoughts that she has and has the gall and temerity to vocalize. In that infuriating screechy voice and garbled syntax that is her hallmark. As KO says “This woman is an idiot”
So now mama, go fuck yourself.
Well, but I betcha that she thinks she can do it and be the first divorced FEMALE president – just like her idol RR was the first MALE divorced president…
I am wondering if that actually would be legal *IF* she were to run – people need to be able to respond to her lies, don’t they? (BTW: Whatever happened to that Guliani TM?
Rick Perry is the key piece to the Sarah puzzle of “will she, or won’t she?”. Ol’ Rick just maybe in her sites one way or another. She has had school girl crushes before…..
I tend to agree with you, I think the British press will eat her alive. She has no idea what she ‘s in for. She gets away with playing with the media here who for reasons I will NEVER understand, continue to give her a free ride. Banana skin is right, and it will be a beaut. I just wish I could be there to see the skid when it happens.
can we still use granny grifter, granny quitter, quitter governor, lou sarah, granny sarah, granny lou, that woman is an idiot, mama grizzly, and any other names she goes by?
Uh-Oh! I didn’t even think about that one… Joe: any idea?
Hey, please don’t call us Naziland. There are plenty of good, sane liberals and moderates down here. We just don’t get all the press because we’re not crazy enough. You’re right about the Giffords issue. But more than that, there truly is a vicious band of Republican political insiders here that will tear her into little plastic pieces if she tries to elbow them out of the way. Actually, I would look forward to seeing that.
I am not sure it is as simple as you say. I agree she does a political lapdance-as Joe referred to it but I think that what I find the most damaging is that she has mastered making lies into truths. If she has set anyone/thing back, it is the media. I don’t believe she bamboozles the males or females of the media and/or anyone outside of the cult that follows her. The media as Joe has pointed out is a for profit group. Additionally, they don’t want to push too hard on her because as one female reporter said recently, she felt sort of bad going after someone too hard that she considered not very intelligent. The fact that the media is now used to covering some people with a soft focus lens is quite disturbing to me. Anthony Weiner was crucified in the press…………..Sarah Palin………..not so much.
Regarding my feelings as a woman-my feelings are no different than how my husband feels or any of the men and women I know. She is hateful and mean and spiteful and evil and she insults ALL of us with her lies because she actually thinks we buy into what she says. Because I consider her to be on a plane unto herself, I don’t take it personally………….I just want her gone because I don’t like the fact that there is someone so filled with “evil” out in our world creating more “evil” in our world. It is never pleasant to witness someone who has caused harm, who has committed crimes, who has sold the world a false story to then reap huge monetary rewards for her efforts. She is literally being rewarded for doing and being all the things we despise.
power to the good people
LOL! Maybe *HE* is the one she has the ‘hots’ for according to that gossip rag…
It has no effect on book titles, books, or any magazine articles, newspaper stories or blog posts about her.
First Amendment trumps trademark law. On the other hand, she could use her trademark status to sue, for example, someone who wanted to sell “Sarah Palin” bobbleheads, or T-shirts, etc. without giving her a cut of the action. It’s an action taken to protect her commercial “brand,” in order to assure that no one can profit from it without dealing her in. All about $$.
Alaska mama..Are you one of our Alaskan, Christian,rose colored glasses, Palinbots? Do you know what blog your on? I will say in Palins credit ..she is great at marketing herself and taking other people’s money. Although it is a sad reflection of American values and what people will buy into.
I was told their are sheep , wolves and shepards in this world. The Wolves,pray/prey on/over the sheep, and the Good Shepards lead the sheep. Some wolves are in Shepards clothing.
This is an excellent reference to what is required of presidential candidates:
She may not yet have decided, but her SarahPAC mid-year disclosure (due by Jul 15) will be very very very interesting.
from the guideline:
The FEC may determine that the individual has crossed the line from testing the waters into active candidacy if an individual takes actions indicating that he or she has decided to become a candidate. These include but are not limited to:
· Using public advertising to publicize the individual’s intention to campaign for federal office.
· Raising funds in excess of what could reasonably be expected to be used for exploratory activities or undertaking activities designed to amass campaign funds that would be spent after the individual becomes a candidate.
· Making or authorizing statements that refer to the individual as a candidate for a particular office.
· Conducting activities close to the election or over a protracted period of time.
· Taking action to qualify for the ballot under state law.
In addition, an individual receiving contributions or making expenditures in order to determine whether or not to become a candidate is not deemed a candidate for the purpose of filing OGE’s Public Financial Disclosure Report.[4] For example, an individual hires a professional polling company and pays them $20,000 to conduct polls in numerous states in order to determine whether or not he or she will garner support as a candidate for President. The individual appears only to be “testing the waters” absent other activities in pursuit of nomination or election.
There are a lot of candidates for her eye if it’s wandering. RP could be one of them for all we know. I suspect it’s going to be a surprise if indeed she’s looking and it would not be a surprise if he’s married. The more the merrier when you screw up lives
So here we all are, on Joe’s blog, asking “will she/won’t she” without even mentioning the effect that Joe’s book may have on her prospects. I bet you have some thoughts about that, Joe — although I know there is no point in your saying much about it at this point.
I am thinking/hoping that there will be some interesting blockbuster facts Joe unearthed in his many interviews, along lines that are familiar to most commenters here. Some new facts/quotes that will make good headlines. Some key phrases that Joe might use in his interviews to promote the book. There might even be a new iceberg that emerges in the time between now and book launch.
The existence of the other two books plus the Scharlott paper will give a good foundation. Joe’s reputation will I hope guarantee more press for his book, and once we get a critical mass of people reading, . . . Yessssssssssssss!
Ed: I agree with you.
She cannot win, but if she can keep President Obama in The White House, she will have those haters still
following her and more chance of making money.
If a Republican wins, {other than her}. That money will dry up.
So my theory is, she has more chance of making money by keeping Obama in The White House.
People–stop feeding trolls. Waste of time and changes the discourse. Just resist. Take deep breath. 🙁
You shore use a lotter them long werds there. 😉 (Think s/he understands a bit of what you wrote, except for the last line?)
she’s not going to run. period. We all know that. She’s an opportunist and a grifter with no intelligence or moral compass. GOP will not let it happen. She’s not going to risk her gig with faux news or her ability to travel around the country making silly, pointless “speeches” for 100,000 a pop. No, she just loves the money, can’t control her insane family and has 2 up and coming baby makers to worry about embarrasing her again. But she WILL use her reality tv influence to continue attacking our president and first lady because she’s STILL enraged that he won, that he doesnt’ acknowlege the quitter queen and if he’s asked about her, he gets that sly smirk on his face before he answers …and I love that!!
Ed, your rationale is sadly true. I believe Palin has already done a test run of what a 3rd party candidate could do to the field–see how wooden dancer Bristol Palin got to the final three of Dancing with the Stars??
Maybe this person is blowing smoke, but interesting nonetheless, is a comment I saved from Salon http://letters.salon.com/politics/war_room/2011/06/05/palin_president/view/index3.html?show=all
Doing nothing serious to prepare for a run
“Palin’s biggest nomination obstacle was Mike Huckabee, based on his prior win in Iowa.
To knock him out, she moved up the launch of Going Rogue by three months in 2009, and then debuted in Grand Rapids, the same day Huck was there to sell a holiday book at Barnes and Noble. Her crowds overwhelmed him, there and on the tour.
Palin’s solid work on the book helped her sell 2.7 million copies. PAC donations followed, drowning out Huck. Last year, she raised $5 million, while he raised $300,000.
Huck finally threw in the towel this year, but that wasn’t all. By developing a strong PAC donor list, she didn’t need the usual 60 days to beg privately for funds, as provided by exploratory committees. She also also didn’t need A-list fundraisers — a typical sign of serious preparation.
Instead, Palin is now soliciting funds publicly for her PAC, while on a high profile tour. Unlike her rivals, who lost their Fox contracts by filing exploratory papers, she’s also now on Fox more than ever, boosting their ratings and giving her a perfect outlet to tout her proto-campaign.
On policy, she has become the most prolific writer in the GOP. In addition to column submissions in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and the National Review since 2009, she also posted dozens of annotated Facebook notes which are starting to draw belated respect from conservative commentators, including Byron York.
Just as Elizabeth I was the most English woman in England, and Anne Boleyn more Lutheran than Luther, Palin is the most Republican conservative Republican.
Her positions are perfectly orthodox, with a splash of charisma. No apologies or explanations for issues like Romneycare.
They’re also evolving.
She recently swapped a neo-con foreign policy advisor for a Reaganite realist known for his caution. She also called for an end to the Libyan campaign and a reduced role in Afghanistan, reflecting paleo-con isolationism which still exists in the party, and has always been strong in Iowa.
Finally, she’s demonstrated a concrete impact on national politics, backing some who lost last year (in California and Delaware) as well as many who won, including long shots like Rand Paul and Nikki Haley. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire is now the highest ranking pro-life woman in America, thanks to Palin’s support.
At the end of it all, she’s now tied for the nomination hunt with Mitt Romney, according to the most recent national survey by Public Policy Polling.
She’s also within 10 of the president, according to the three most recent “likely voter” surveys compiled by Realclearpolitics. He’s down to 47% today in Gallup, and no one has ever been re-elected below 49%.
All told, the past two years have been the most brilliant preparatory campaign in modern history.”
Sunday, June 5, 2011 01:20 PM ET
Just reading some excerpts from Brisket’s book over on IM. Basically she accuses Levi of raping her and taking her virginity while she was drunk (for the first time) and they never did it again, saving herself for marriage and apparently he agreed. Oh, she claims she was on the pill – let’s see, if she’s a virgin and wants to remain that way until marriage why would she be on birth control? OH – of course, for cramps.
God, she’s as big a liar as her mother.
We await Levi’s response or Joe’s book. Hopefully one or the other will have more about this
Are you freakin’ kidding me? “UnFlippinBelievable”. So, she stays with her rapist, accepts an engagement ring from him, breaks up, gets back together and gets engaged AGAIN?
That “BOY” better man-up and dump his pseudo lump of a so-called Lawyer, Tank and get himself someone who can take this skank to the mat! I want to puke, this makes me sick!
I’m looking forward to her epic hissy fit when they don’t let her anywhere near the Rep convention … and that’s when she’ll launch a third-party bid.
I really really do not think so. She hated her job as governor. She would have to live in DC and work on writing legislation. Why would she want to do that? It’s far far less money then she makes now.
Plus God has called her to be president. She really believes this, so why be senator. And the scary thing is she could win the Republican nomination although with Michelle in now, it will be much harder.
I just don’t seeing her having an interest in being a stare senator or representative because she doesn’t have a servants heart.
‘Alaska mama,’ You might be from Alaska, but you obviously don’t know sister Sarah. She operates by
instinct, akin to how a scorpian reacts. Since you seem to think so highly of her, have you checked out
that particular blog where comments expressing blind adoration of SP are the only ones accepted? Bet
you’d feel at home there.
How much more do you want to feed this troll on a nationally read site? Stop y’all. Bad game, Troll wins.
Couldn’t agree more. It smacks of her “short” and easy pregnancy & delivery doesn’t it?
Hey I got a bridge in Alaska to sell ya?
If you believe her family is important yes they are…Useful as “props” and they help keep her skeletons in the closet.
Now wait and see what happens when she divorces the toad and he meets some young thing who hates sarah…can’t wait!
heh, she will probably have Piper google Sudan for her…! Anyway its just a photo op with Franklin $cam (Graham)
She will not run. Why? Because it would cut off the gravy train of riches she depends on for her lavish lifestyle.
Brisket “I never met a guy I didn’t f*ck” said that? In her book? OMG! What a bunch of BS. Wait till all the guys start responding to THAT!
That would be a useful step for a reasonable person. But I don’t think Palin’s narcissism will let her be just one of 100, and a very junior one at that.
I don’t go to Salon as often as I used to, but readerreader is known for his adoration of Palin. His sources are questionable at best, and his statistics and polls are skewed, combined, twisted, and selectively edited to provide the results he/she wants to see or use.
Just give it a rest, you lying cretin. I’m not wasting any more time after this in responding to an ignorant, morally and ethically challenged dolt such as yourself.
Thank you! I had just told the troll I would no longer respond before seeing your comment.
Loads of gossip on Perry in Austin.
Would he run and risk the stories coming out? That is very ballsy and macho of him.
Good Rant.
Especially where you point out that $arah Palin always has been and always will be Number Two.
I agree. I can’t believe the money wasted in the USA on elections. In Canada , an election is called and about 4 to 6 weeks later we vote and it’s all over and done. Does anyone down there ever think of what could be done with the money spent on elections? Think about it. The benifits are endless.
Elaine in Canada
If SarahP doesn’t run, she is going to lose a lot of her slavering minions. They won’t understand, and they sure as hell won’t want to wait another 4 years (make that 6 from now). I would not want to be at a C4P meetup when it becomes too late for SarahP to declare her candidacy for President.
I live in AZ and you can bet your bottom dollar I’ll do everything I can to make sure she never gets elected to anything in AZ! I’m creeped out she has a second home here.
Obama took that route. Short stint as Senator and then straight on to President. It’s not impossible that she could think that it’s a way to give herself status and attention before trying for bigger things. Being a Senator is easier than being a governor. The buck doesn’t stop with you and how much effort does she really need to put into it? She doesn’t need to read the legislation….she’ll simply listen to talk radio and they will tell her which way to vote for each bill. Simple. Any time there is a big ideological battle that the right cares about she can get involved.
….Hm. Anyway I’m not saying she will go for Senate, I’m just saying it’s a possibility because after Iowa when it’s clear who is and ISN’T running how does she get any media attention? Maybe that’s when she makes the transition to a TV show on Fox.
It will be interesting to watch what she does. I hope she does something spectacularly stupid and flames out quickly. I want to stop watching her from afar. I’m kind of getting bored of the story, but I just have to stick around to see how it ends. I’m a rubbernecker. She’s a traffic accident and I just can’t look away from it. I know I should, but can’t.