Sarah Says Obama “Pussy-Footing” by Not Releasing Bin Laden Pix//UPDATE

“Show photo as warning to others seeking America’s destruction. No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama;it’s part of the mission”

Joan Walsh at Salon wastes no time pointing out the emptiness of the head that tweeted that this afternoon.

The President quite rightly says, “We don’t trot this stuff out as trophies.”

But that’s not good enough for Sarah the Sadist. She wants proof that Navy SEALS really killed Bin Laden. Yeah, maybe Obama’s just “makin’ things up.”

For two whole days she couldn’t find anything to criticize about Obama’s leadership of this operation.

Now she has. She wants obscenely gory pictures to revel in. Choosing not to release such photos and footage must have been one of Obama’s easier recent decisions. No upside to it and it would inflame much of the Muslim world.

Sorry, Sarah: there’s an adult in the Oval Office.

But speaking of “proof”…..hmm, since you bring it up, how come you’re still “pussy-footing around” about documenting the details of Trig’s birth?


Business Insider posts piece about Bin Laden compound photos spreading across the internet.

How can anyone think there is news value to publishing such photos? The dead bodies of people shot in the head at close range are, in a word, gruesome, no matter who they were, and no matter who the shooters were. Ask any homicide cop.

I link to a story about them here, which can lead you to the photos themselves, but I recommend that you not go there.
In writing four true-crime books, I’ve had to look at more crime scene and autopsy pictures than I ever wanted to. One would have been more than enough. I mention that these are now spreading virally because they are the “trophy” photos Sarah wanted President Obama to release.

Obama cannot stop these photos from spreading, but at least he had the decency and grace not to release them.

And Sarah calls that “pussy-footing?” I call it a) being humane, and b) as President, minimizing chances of retribution against American soldiers and civilians.

As several commenters have pointed out, if Sarah wants to look at photos of Muslims killed by gunfire she need only contact her young friend Jeremy Morlock.

57 Responses to “Sarah Says Obama “Pussy-Footing” by Not Releasing Bin Laden Pix//UPDATE”

  • msf:

    Sarah always finds a new low. I am so pleased our president is not putting out photos of Osama. Thanks for joining the fray Joe. “Pussy-footing” she’s disgusting, creepy & nuts.

  • justamom:

    So glad that he doesn’t give one crap about anything this woman says. What an idiot she is. The USA dodged a bullet when her and the creepy old man lost the election.

  • Star:

    What a effin *itch…I hope your book takes the wind out of her sails..

  • Sarah HalfTime:

    Face it folks, Sowah is really icky.

  • Mike:

    How about Osama proving that’s he’s not dead. Sarah Palin has no class.

  • Sarah HalfTime:

    I forgot to mention…
    Showing the photo is the closest thing to science that Sowah can understand.
    She thinks it is scientific proof.

    (pssst, don’t tell her otherwise)

  • Just_a_Mote:

    The “Mama-Grizzly” is not only “Pussy-Footing” around in regards to Trig, she is also, “Dithering.” She is such a vile caricature of a human being.

  • Melly:

    I’m hoping we’ll get a drawing, anatomically correct, showing where the shots went in and with some representation of what he was wearing and what else was on his head and face–hair, beard, injuries. Height and weight included, if they got that. That’s all I’d need. No, Palin, it’s not part of the mission to show your kill…did you pick that up from hunting? For food?

  • ManxMamma:

    I thank God everyday that Barrack Hussein Obama is our President and will be through 1208!

  • Enjay in E MT:

    Palin lives in a world that revolves around her –
    not a global society where an “offense” can
    impact business or negotiations.

    To satisfy the media we should take a page from the Republican John McCain 2008 campaign – when he released his medical records. Photos, video, documentat­ion etc placed in a room – no one enters with cameras, cell phones, or any audio / visual recording or writing device – reporters and elected officials will have a maximum of 2 hrs to view the material. period

    Since the press was only given 2 hrs to review & determine the health status of 72 yr old McCain to be fit for the Office of the Presidency­….. they should be able to make a judgement decision that the “body” is OBL.”

  • Cynthia:

    The White House staff must laugh their heads off whenever this bimbo sends out her unintelligent tweets.

  • Freesia:

    I’ve always thought this picture said it all about Sarah:


  • g:

    what, she’s tired of the Morlock pictures, they don’t get her off anymore?

  • lee:

    She’s a cyber stalker. Aren’t there laws against that?

  • AFM:

    I wonder how Sarah the terror would feel if her crazy son was shot on the battle field and was shown off like a throphy like her friend Murlock showed his throphy. Really brave when a young soldier shoots an unarmed kid minding his own business. Talk about hanging around terrorist. She is the queen been of hanging with terrorist. Thank god GOD ALMIGHTY put the right person in office instead of this false queen who thinks god chose her for higher office. Good god what an idiot she is.

  • diz:

    If Mrs P and the rest of the Morlock mentality oafs set such high priority on photographic evidence then I await their day in cyberspace justice when they are called to explain the palin pregnancy pics. She and her RW accomplices have set many in the military against their COC with their rabid chants. Do they actually think the military and covert ops would agree to participate in any conspiracy that may benefit the President or his party????? How exhausting it must be for $carah and her support team to stay in continual spin cycle.

  • karenw729:

    $arah doesn’t even understand her own vocabulary. “Pussy-footing” means to be indecisive. The President was decisive and he decided NO. He’s also not “politicking” or engaging in “drama.” If he had released the photos merely to try and scare people or look impressive, that would have been politicking and a means for drama. She’s such a moron. But we know that already.

  • anon:

    Shut up, Sarah. Stop it. No. More.


    July 8, 2007
    New York Times
    U.S. Aborted Raid on Qaeda Chiefs in Pakistan in 2005 (excerpted)

    A secret military operation in early 2005 to capture senior members of Al Qaeda in Pakistan’s tribal areas was aborted at the last minute.

    The mission was called off by Donald H. Rumsfeld.

    Director of the CIA Porter J. Goss appealed to him. Navy Seals in parachute gear had already boarded C-130 cargo planes in Afghanistan when the mission was canceled.

    Rumsfeld decided that the operation was cumbersome and that it could cause a rift with Pakistan, an often reluctant ally that has barred the American military from operating in its tribal areas, officials said, and Rumsfeld determined that the United States could no longer carry out the mission without General Musharraf’s permission.

    The decision to halt the planned the snatch and grab operation frustrated some top intelligence officials and members of the military’s secret Special Operations units, who say the United States missed a significant opportunity to try to capture senior members of Al Qaeda.

    About a dozen current and former military and intelligence officials were interviewed for this article, all of whom requested anonymity because the planned 2005 mission remained classified.

    “It has long been known that C.I.A. operatives conduct counterterrorism missions in Pakistan’s tribal areas. Details of the aborted 2005 operation provide a glimpse into the Bush administration’s internal negotiations over whether to take unilateral military action in Pakistan, where General Musharraf’s fragile government is under pressure from dissidents who object to any cooperation with the United States.”

    “Those political considerations have created resentment among some members of the military’s Special Operations forces.

    The Special Operations guys are tearing their hair out at the highest levels, said a former Bush administration official with close ties to those troops.

    There is a degree of frustration that is off the charts, because they are looking at targets on a daily basis and can’t move against them, he said.

    Several former officials interviewed said the operation was not the only occasion since the Sept. 11 attacks that plans were developed to use a large American military force in Pakistan. It is unclear whether any of those missions have been executed.”

    An interesting read: The Many Faces of al Qaeda

  • Punkinbugg:

    God I wish somebody could PUNK her into reacting to false information, just to prove she always, ALWAYS says the opposite of what Obama says, no matter what.

    For example, she’s told, “Hey Sarah, hold up your taxidermy! Obama’s releasing the photo of bin Laden.” She gleefully reaches for a Blackberry and tweets: “Obama was a FOOL 4 releasing that photo! He is enDANGERing R troops! (insert emasculating phrase!)”

    Then, just as she hits SEND, we tell her, “Ooops, no wait — this says he’s NOT releasing the photo.” and we quietly watch as her hair slides off to one side.

  • honestyinGov:

    ” Pussy-Footin” is a subject that Sarah seems to REALLY know about and is an Expert here.
    As she has been quoted in the past about the subject ” Just ask Tawd ” ( She did say he is Her close Advisor)

    Tawd has hoofed and footed all over Wasilla lookin in those Massage Parlors.
    ( according to those rumors…. Nat’l Enquirer. And she still hasn’t sued the NE )
    This would be a perfect opportunity for Shailey Tripp to write a post today. One of sarah’s door openings…

  • A Fan:

    I think this somewhat misses the point. Mrs.Todd Palin is not asking for the President to release the photos because she doesn’t believe he’s dead (which actually kind of amazes me.) She wants to release the photos “as warning to others seeking America’s destruction.” Sarah, here’s the warning that those “seeking America’s destruction” have heard in the past 72 hours: Screw with us and you get a bullet in the eye and a one-way ticket to the bottom of the sea.

    No photos necessary. Please shut up.

  • BfromC:

    Even her former running mate John McCain has supported the president’s decision. But then, I don’t think they talk too often. Even though he declared them “soulmates”.

    One would have to have a soul, to have a soulmate.

  • jame doe seeker:

    It would go way beyond inflaming the Muslim world. It would probably cause several of our soldiers – and countless Christian missionaries (and their followers) in Islamic countries – to LOSE THEIR LIVES. Our president is fully aware of this. I think his desire to prevent any unnecessary harm to our troops is patently obvious to every one – with perhaps the sole exception of a particularly angry housewife in Wasilla.

  • Older_Wiser:

    She’s probably not willing to take the word of the troops, either, who actually pulled this off under the Commander in Chief, Barack Obama, troops for whom she ostensibly “raised money” the other night.

    Hypocritical bitch doesn’t know how the presidency operates any more than she knew what being VP meant.

  • SCmommy:

    I think she’s just really pissed off that she’s not important enough to get to see the “trophy” photos. She THINKS she should be treated as if she IS some kind of important person, but she’s just a quitter. But there are all these people in DC (National Security people, aides, Sec of State, Defense, etc…) and they’re gettin’ to see the photos–and she’s not. And she just can’t stand the idea that a losing VP candidate who subsequently quits her job isn’t someone who gets to be “in the know.”

    It’s her self-inflated ego being priority # 1 as usual, again.

  • Maybe someone should send Sarah Palin a picture of Jeremey Morlock and his kill and ask if this is the kind of photo she wants President Obama to release. God, I despise her. I don’t need a picture of Osama Bin Laden dead to know that he is dead. The picture isn’t necessary and if those racist idiots don’t want to believe he’s dead, it’s their problem.

  • vl:


    This Sunday on CNN there is a special show- ‘Saving Rep. Gabrielle Gifford’, do u think Palin would tune in ?

  • Melly:

    Excellent point. But she’s been dissing the CIC of her beloved combat soldiers for, what, going on 3 years now?

  • If Sarah isn’t ready to talk about her last 48 hours of pregnancy and the resulting birth of Trig, then perhaps she’d be willing to limber up with a few heart-warming stories concerning the tot’s progress and challenges. After all, she keeps saying she’s such a big supporter of special needs organizations and families…

    … of course, what she really means is that she loves being financially supported by special needs organizations and families… both of which will suffer dearly if her articulated dream for America comes true.

    Poor Trig. Whoever his mom is, he sure got stuck with a heavy familial cross to bear (if you will).

  • karenw729:

    Ooooh, I like that idea!

  • Alaskan:

    She thinks she was supposed to beat Obama for the presidency. Which means those photographs would be hers. But she didn’t campaign for President of the United States. But she did. But she didn’t. But she will now. But she won’t. But she will.

    But God’s supposed to hold the door for her while she walks through..

    Hey, Sean Parnell, I’m gonna be comin’ back for my job. Thanks for holding my place…

  • nswfm:

    We are visual people, all right. (see the second picture)
    I’ve asked the artist to include the pertinent imagery in a bumper sticker, so Sarah will get the message about imagery.

    “I’ve never killed a man, but I’ve read many an obituary with a great deal of satisfaction.”
    Mark Twain.

    Looking forward to reading it.

  • carollt:

    I believe the President is very wise to not release the photo and I commend him for not releasing it. It would serve no purpose and it may inflame some in the Muslim world. And as our President recently pointed out, Islam is not the enemy (although Mrs. Palin seems to think so).

    I am a veteran of the U.S. Navy and I am very glad not to see the photo of Bin Laden with a bullet through his head. He sleeps with the fishes and that is good enough for me and should be good enough for all Americans.

    Perhaps she could just admire the photos taken by Jeremy Morlock, who is doing time for murdering innocent civilians (I assume they were Muslim).

  • zenna:

    Wow. Palin is insane – and she really is an ignorant hypocritical moron.

    Then again, what do you expect from a confirmed quitter who bailed on her mission as an elected governor.

    Palin really is her own worst enemy.

  • KarenJ:

    Remember, these are the people who believe EVERYTHING they cherry-pick out of the Christian Bible, especially what they read in the Book of Revelation.

    Crazy, huh? They accept a book written by 1st, 2nd, and who-knows-how-distant generations of scribes, mostly anonymous 20 centuries ago — but they’re skeptical about events that happened just days ago.

  • Karen:

    You need to politely ask her to STFU so you don’t have to keep rewriting the last chapter of your book to encapsulate her very public, incredibly unattractive and traitorous explosion as she continues to blather on and denigrate our president, our military and our country.

    What a total embarrassment.

  • krbmjb05:

    What respected public figure who craves the highest office in our land would use “pussy-footin'” in any correspondence to the masses? YUP, ONLY HER!

  • AKPetMom:

    That quote is from Clarence Darrow, not Mark Twain.

  • krbmjb05:

    That’s right. Now would be the time for Osama Bin Laden to get his flip camera going doing the “neener, neener” taunt to those people who claim he is dead, finished, fish food!

    Hmmmm….wonder when we’ll see that video? I’m sure he would want to make a fool of his “muslim brother” Barack, right Sarah and teatards?

  • FrostyAK:

    Joe, please tell us that yours and the other books will Make. It. Stop.

  • Freesia:

    At the risk of sounding a little vulgar – I believe the word was chosen as a way to work in an emasculating dig at Barack Obama. (She hates him in general but she also desperately resents his strength. She’s used to making men slobber on her monkey pumps or of walking in fear of her. He does neither. I think he thinks not even worth noticing. Which she isn’t.)

    Sarah’s very fond of approaching men as either potential pedophiles or as whimps.

    Take the “foot” away and that remaining word is what she was trying to call President Obama. The “P” word.

    And yes – she is that foul and dehumanizing. There’s a reason why Todd slinks around carrying her purse as his profession.

    But I believe she chose that word very intentionally.

  • Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that the more she slides into risible irrelevance, the more frightening and dangerous she seems. No one who isn’t completely divorced from reality could have tweeted her appalling command, this week, to our President. And delusional people, constructing their own realities, are unpredictable and thus scary. I keep seeing her as Travis Bickle parading and rehearsing in front of the mirror in Taxi Driver : “You talkin’ to me!?”.

  • newmeximan:

    Half way through the $arah governorship, she quit. Half way through our President’s term, he ordered an operation that removed the man who had been number one on the FBI’s most wanted list for 9 1/2 years.

  • Conscious at last!:

    Palin is not simply mentally unbalanced. She is not simply sadistic. We are finally, clearly, seeing the signs of a psychopath. … and yes, I feel comfortable seeing her as “evil.”

  • lilybart:

    Yes, men who piss her off are called “limp” and “impotent.”

  • CariboBarbie Palin:

    I love, love, love your blog. In just a few short weeks you have created the BEST blog ever. I look forward to each of your new entries… always make my day! Keep up the excellent work…you make a lot of people very happy.

  • Sue:

    There’s no doubt in my mind she’s calling President Obama a pussy, and he absolutely thinks she’s not worth noticing. To the best of my knowledge, President Obama has mentioned Palin in exactly one interview as President:

    When asked specifically if he thinks he can beat Sarah Palin in 2012, the president told Walters “I don’t think about Sarah Palin.”

  • Ottoline Lyme:

    I am so glad our President saw to it that the body was treated with respect and had a proper Moslem ceremony. That says so much about him and what the U.S. can be and should be.

    If SP believes photos are proof, then I sure would to hear her comment on that flat-profile photo of her 5 weeks before she allegedly delivered Trig. Tell us, SP, how did you do that?

  • Star:

    Joe~ $arah loves to kill animals from the helicopter…she gets a big high from it…doubt if the pictures would faze her at all…With $arah and Todds AIP ties i would not put anything past them…

  • Star:


  • Sharon_too_also:

    TPM gets my vote for best headline on the subject:

    The Palin Self-Marginalization Tour Continues

  • nswfm:

    I stand corrected on the quote. The branding of Palin with the gun, cross hairs map and the 9/11 baby, Christina Green who was killed when Gabby Giffords was shot still stands. Even if I have to do it myself.

  • Freesia:

    She hates men. I don’t know if it’s part of her general emotional instability or if there’s something of note in her past (which if she weren’t such a disgrace I’d have sympathy for because people don’t generally choose to be emotionally/mentally ill. She might very well be a wounded little girl inside. I find I can’t much care because she’s been too destructive and she’s not going to stop until someone stops her with truth that pulls the rug our from under her delusions and sick ambitions). But she despises the males in our midst. They’re useful or they’re dirt. Those are the choices. It’s very distasteful. And embarrassing, as a woman, to watch.

  • Freesia:

    Nor should he. Even if you disagreed politically with Obama – and I don’t but if someone did – they’d have to acknowledge that he’s a phenomenal presence. Scary smart, and with the controlled impulses of a martial arts black belt. He’s a once in a lifetime person to know or witness. And someone disagreeing with him wouldn’t phase him, but rather challenge his own conceptions and he’s so confident that he’s not threatened and appreciates it keeping his mind sharp, his beliefs re-examined. He’s got good brains and a good heart. He’s special.

    Sarah? She’s not only not special she’s not even standard. She’s a push up bra and a short skirt and a mean mouth. Think about that. She doesn’t even reach the most rudimentary requirements of articulate, or intelligent or decent. But the press made her possible and we’ll have her in our faces for some time yet. And every day she’s here she’ll hate him for embodying everything she’ll never be.

    But he shouldn’t pay attention to her. For every time he doesn’t it just makes her angrier and, in her unbalanced way, it just makes her more erratic and snarling. The polls reflect that people notice that. He’s wise to do nothing and let her simple do herself in. My hope is she takes the GOP with her.

    Pitiful really. She’s going to end up not only the failure her lazy tawdriness predicted – she’s not even going to have what she started with.

  • Neil:

    Screech has no business weighing in on this subject.All she is is a failed politician.If we need ignorant uninformed comments about the demise of bin Laden we have Beck and Limbaugh and that is quite enough.How much embarassment does it take for this non person to go away?

  • jcinco:

    she’s become nothing more than an annoying gnat. this woman has said what she has to say and now we should move on and ignore her insatiable hunger for attention. That will prove to be her harshest punishment.