NYTimes says Sarah May Declare her Candidacy in Late Summer

Reporting on the no-shows at tonight’s Fox News GOP debate in South Carolina, Michael D. Shear writes that Sarah “has all the name recognition she needs, and money will be no problem once she throws the switch.” (emphasis added.)

Note: he said once she does, not if she does.

Shear also writes that “aides suggest she may wait till late summer before officially jumping in.”

Obviously, until someone declares a candidacy the fact of it is not a mathematical certainty. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a strong probability.

Sure, Sarah has faded badly since her disastrous post-Tuscon video. But it’s naive to think that she won’t rally at some point.

Take a look at stock market charts: a market can be in decline, even approaching free-fall, for months. Then for a combination of mysterious reasons–or in reaction to a totally unexpected event–it can turn on a dime and start to soar.

Political careers are like markets and economic cycles: they don’t go in the same direction forever.

Writing Sarah off at this point is wishful thinking.

As I’ve said: what’s yesterday’s breakfast today could be the main course tomorrow.

Here’s a tip: if you’re trading in Palin futures, buy low, sell high.

32 Responses to “NYTimes says Sarah May Declare her Candidacy in Late Summer”

  • I agree with you all the way, Joe! Most of the bloggers overestimate their own importance in downgrading Palin’s threat through humor. Her star will rise again before the whole nightmare is over. She will stay in a position of power as long as she enhances the bank accounts of the mainstream pundits and journalists.

  • lilly lily:

    Personally I’m easing off of. Sarah the Queen of the Flying Monkeys till she announces.

    Taking a few months off to enjoy my life sans the Great White Republican Hopeful Vagina of Vagina’s until she tells everyone how she will save America From a Black American with sub standard ? nether regions. I leave Sarah Palin to elaborate on those attributes. She is a fearless word smith( think Shakespeare) when it comes to describing mens actions equated with their male equipment. After all not only does she have a vagina, she also sports testicular and masculine fortitude.

    Vagina? We don’t have to be squeemish any more about that word used in Politics since a woman in a English paper made a big issue of the word.

  • kate:

    I called this out as a possible announcement time frame. Just late enough after Dunn’s 5/11 book release and the 5/31 emails release dates. But… just close enough prior to YOUR book release. Media Splash War. I’m rooting for you, Joe.

  • Freesia:

    Oh dear Lord.

    Please please please pack that chapter you’re writing with something to dismantle this scourge.

    I swear I cannot take much more. She’s stupid, she’s extreme, she’s cheap, she’s ignorant, she has so many holes in her personal narrative it could pass for Swiss cheese, she’s unethical, she’s a race baiter, she a user, she’s a fraud and….I suspect her feet smell! I don’t know what all she is I only know it’s all awful.


  • AFM:

    This woman can’t help herself she will run. She will put this country into a frenzy of hate. She will whip up her base of racists and I am afraid she will cause someone to go after the president just like she did with the targets on the maps. Then she’ll say who me? I am being blood libel. She just can’t take any responsibilities for her actions. What a witch.

  • Melly:

    But don’t you have to have some sort of organization in place way ahead of time if you’re planning to “jump in” the race? I know she’s rogue, but everybody needs a structure. You also need the truth on your side when it comes to things like claimed accomplishments–eg, deciding not to abort a baby with DS. Is she ready to answer questions about them? I don’t think so. If she does run, it will be for the kool-aid drinkers only, whom she seems to be focusing on now–the Boyce event, praying in Alabama, attachment to Billy Graham, making an ass of herself (“pussyfooting”) in ways that thrill just the folks who like to give her $$. In the end I can’t believe she would be so cruel to her family by running, unless she is completely detached from them emotionally by this point. Anyway, your predictions are depressing, Joe.

  • lilly lily:

    We were discussing Monty Python over at Malia Litmans blog. The Black Knight was a great one. Hack away as you will at the Wasilla Tundra tart, she will be in there biting.

    My favorite statement in the Monty Python movie, was the peasants, who say. “Wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you?” When King Arthur explains why he is their King.

    Palin and her Queen Esther garbage pretty much is the same to me. I’m not much on people self annoiting themselves POTUS or anything else.

  • voiceinwind:

    No surprise. The MSM has left the building.

  • gypsyrose:

    i posted a message to you last night and because it was to you i did not feel i needed to give you credit for the term “trignostic”. i wrongly assumed anyone who reads your blog would know you coined this term. for the record joe mcginniss brilliantly came up with the term “trignostic”.
    i hope i have now corrected that error.

    in regards to sarah running for president, i would like to say that we all have our own powers that we can use for good or evil. there are quite a few of us who have our own naughty monkeys and know how to work them along with our pencil skirts. if that is what it takes to redirect a conversation, we are more than willing to use our powers for good and i am sure all the ladies who post on this blog will as well 😉

  • Beth:

    Is this how Hitler rose to power in Germany?

  • Joe:

    Many thanks!


  • Flying Pig Ranch:

    Sarah is “Pussy-Footing” about running for President. Girl, quit the drama about “politicking” and make up your mind. You’ve never seemed to care if you were qualified or concerned yourself with how you really could handle the job and if your family could handle life in the White House. A Secret Service detail would really cramp Y’Alls lifestyles. So just toss that push up bra into the ring, pull up those big girl panties, bump up your hair, and get on some of those peep-toed shoes and do some of that “Pussy-Footed” pageant walking. The lamestream media is more than ready to trip you up. Let’s see if you can “Pussy-Foot” your way out of your “Flip-Flops.”

  • BfromC:

    Even if she does, with your help, Joe, it is sure not to last. She doesn’t have the stamina or work ethic to make it much more than a publicity stunt. IMO

  • Diane:

    If she is even thinking of running for POTUS then her contract with Fox news should be terminated.

  • Joe:

    even if she does, with MY help?

    Hadn’t realized I was helping her.


  • AKPetMom:

    She’ll announce running for the highest office in the land on the same day 2 years hence, that she announced she was quitting her Governorship of Alaska, the highest office in our land, Alaska. She did not have the proper credentials to be our Governor; she is sorely lacking in the necessary education to lead our country. We don’t need a President that opens a Bible and talks to “god” regarding policy decisions. Sarah Palin’s method of leadership is akin to soothsayers of old reading runes and gypsies with crystal balls. There is no “there, there”.

    There is nothing but 25% of our country that are disenfranchised, racist, low performing haters, supporting a person that is much like the one that they see in the mirror each day. Go for it Sarah Palin, the other 75% of America waits with much anticipation regarding your announcement. We look forward to your debates with other potential candidates (note: the other GOP contenders are going to be a bit tougher on you than was Biden; he could have sleep walked through the VP debate with you because it didn’t really matter; the debate was a softball thrown your way and you still bombed.)

    So, sweet, sweet Sarah Palin, we look forward to the disclosures you’ll be required to make along the way of your glorious candidacy. Many of us hope that the stupidity that is so evident in your daily social media discourse has been nothing more than a “Punking”, as in, “you got us”, you pretended to be stupid for some reason, but now you will show us your true colors and we can all go “Yes, she really got us good”. Under the guise of that uneducated, in-over-her-head-in-every-position-she’s-been-elected-to-or-appointed-to, there lies a savvy mastermind, a person drenched in National and Foreign Policy credentials that she has, until this moment, kept craftily hidden under her bumpit.

  • Older_Wiser:

    Yes, she’ll run. There is a current of fascism running in this country that is damned scary–please don’t underestimate it. She’s the perfect candidate for those people. And don’t underestimate the support and money she may eventually be able to garner when she pulls out all the stops and calls in her chips.

    Hell, the MSM isn’t paying that much attention. They’re bought and paid for, too.

  • newmeximan:

    She can run, but she can’t hide. No matter how hard she tries to manage her message, she will have to answer unscripted questions that will show how profoundly empty she really is.

    And it won’t be nearly as pretty as her worshipers see her.

  • lilybart:

    Prediction: she jumps in, loses the first three primaries and has to bow out by the fifth……she will be SHOCKED that she didn’t get the nomination and launches a third party run and we break out the champagne.

  • Joe, I love your blog and I bet you’re getting under her thin skin and her bots as well!

  • Neil:

    Screech has a tail too.Not to mention bad breath and walks around with food stains on her clothing.

  • Samantha:

    You said it yourself, Joe, her longtime foreign policy advisers quit her. That’s not a person who is running for President. Instead, it looks a lot like a person who is keeping the the media hopping so she can schedule more speaking engagements and sell more books.

  • jk:

    Excellent post, AKpetmom!

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    I have actually felt that she wants something to happen to Obama–and definitely wouldn’t care. There have been kooks and mean people in politics, but I think Palin is the meanest I’ve seen. I actually think she will split and destroy the Republican party and I don’t think she cares. She seems mad at everyone.

    Palin fits the definition of an addict that I heard one time: “‘Addicts go through people’s lives like a tornado and leave tthe pieces for everyone else to pick up.” I think it fits Palin with her addiction to hate.

    (As far as substance addictions, I don’t know if she has those but she reminds me of an alcoholic friend I used to have who was a very functional person from 9 to 5 and a drunk after 5:30 who lied all the time and has for the 40+ years I’ve known her. The lying doesn’t stop and never will. )

  • sallyngarland,tx:

    I wonder how many people who work for her, who are educated, quit because they have to answer to uneducated Todd Palin. It must be humiliating to some of them.

  • pinhead:

    By the time she does jump in the race, she will have had plenty of time to hide, eradicate, play down, forge, pay off, all the skeletons in her closet. The comments alone on these blogs give her everything she needs to do to “fix” things.

  • Freesia:

    I think the threat could be minimized if she were forced to answer how it is possible that she went from the tummy at 30 weeks to the tummy at 34 weeks without -literally – exploding.


    That’s not physically possible. No it is most definitely not. And that’s not an opinion. That’s a fact.

  • Henry Gitter:

    I’ve been waiting patiently for her “Have you no shame” moment and had hoped that her tweet in response to Rep. Gifford’s shooting would do that.

  • vl:

    George Lopez offers advice to Sarah Palin over the dead bin Laden photo.


  • vl:

    Joe did u read this piece of shit:

    Liberal Media Concedes Governor Palin Would Have Made The Exact Same Decision As Obama on Bin Laden, Only Faster


  • vl:

    Sarah Palin, quit bashing Obama

    Your stint on Twitter has not been a resounding success. Leave the president alone and pick on someone who’s more your level


  • Artistic can be the most effective tactic which will point out it. I would not read it yet.