New Gallup Poll Shows Romney-Palin Tossup for GOP Nomination//UPDATE//UPDATE 1.1
I place little credence in long-term polls, but this one has to be considered a warning shot across the bow of all those purveyors of conventional wisdom who have decided that Sarah Palin can be safely stored in our collective memory/nightmare bank.
Think about how she must view developments of the past few days: two people who were outpolling her have chosen not to enter the race. Absent Huckabee and Trump (always a farce, but even Slate bought into it late last month ), Sarah finds herself rising to the top by default.
To Sarah, this likely seems evidence that God is, in fact, opening the doors for her and sending her a message that she is His chosen candidate, the Christian leader best prepared to wage war on the secretly-Muslim darkie who occupies the White House.
Given her egomania and ambition, and her belief that she has been anointed by God to prepare the USA for the second coming of Jesus, why would she not run?
And let’s not ignore what Rachel Weiner reported in the Washington Post: she just sent out 400,000 solicitations seeking donations to SarahPAC. She entitled her pitch letter “2012 Can’t Come Soon Enough.”
Does this sound like someone who’s not planning to enter the race?
Politico features new poll results: “Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin jump to top in new Gallup poll.”
She’ll be on FOX twice tonight: with Sean Hannity and with Eric Bolling. No doubt Hannity will ask about these poll results and whether she’s going to run. No doubt she’ll duck the question. What’s the hurry to announce when she can become a front-runner by doing nothing?
Outside-the-beltway right-wingers climbing back on board the S.S. Sarah.
I just marked my calendar for the Rapture, in the aftermath, I was hoping she would be gone, baby, gone.
I want to wake up from the nightmare….NOW!
for the same reasons trump didnt run, $arah cant/wont run. Being POTUS requires way too much work and way too much scrutiny.
I hope to god (lower case G) that she takes all the sheep’s $$$ and then doesn’t run! Please, please, please! She’s waiting for all the books to come out to see if any of it hurts her. So far, Dunn’s “report” hasn’t even made her blink. Nobody (Con-stream Media) wants to discuss anything because she’s still hiding in her bunker. She may stay hunkered down until the all clear signal from Becky ManSOUR.
The department of law will protect sarah from lamestream questions, doncha know?? Bring it on esther cause we can’t wait to give Tina Fey some new material and we can’t wait to see what your doctor baldwin will say when we demand a certain birth certificate and proof of said birth came from dear esther. This is the end of times the Mayans talked about. Holy Shit! Can you imagine this crazed looney and her trailer trash family in the frigging whitehouse??? It’s beyond insane. My brain hurts to think this grifter believes she will occupy that great white house on the hill. Please God! Make it stop. Whatever we did – we’re SORRY. Please forgive us all and return us to the real world…………..Amen.
. . . . .and way too little money. And just a bit more brains than Sarah has.
The letter isn’t about her running, its about her grifting and trying to stay relavent so
her bots will send her more money.
I go with Lawrence O’Donnell on this one. FAUX hasn’t told her to get off the pot–and she
isn’t going to. Anyway; she kinda is running, on Facebook and twitter . . . .
Wouldn’t you just know it? Just when it is all starting to break in her favor and she is about to take her rightful place as the anointed leader, chosen by God, of the greatest nation in the world, it is all going end with the destruction of the world on Saturday. I hate when that happens.
And if she should, and if she should win the nomination, I believe with all my heart that not only will this election cycle would be the darkest chapter in American history since….well no. I won’t try to compare it to other past times of crisis like the Civil War or the Great Depression. Because at least with those events you had people vying for the helm who were thinking people (even if they were wrong headed – those heads were thinking and trained for the jobs they wanted unlike the remedial student from Alaska.) The only thing it could truly compare to would be the time of the Revolution when we weren’t sure if we were going to be a country no matter how smart anyone was. With Palin the question will be can we continue to be a country.
Backed with Koch money, a party that has so debauched itself that it lacks even basic decency and absolute desperation to get power at any price (and not above rigging a machine or two),fueled by the Christian Dominionists feeling the promise of dominating and her Gun Toters for Jesus cult – this election cycle would be so ugly, so filthy, so outright dangerous that America is literally going to be fighting for its existence. She would enjoy every minute of it. It excites her. Inciting fear and hate turn her on.
And it will be the fault of the press. They enabled this little fraud. They did it for money.
Any person with a platform, be it an independent journalist, blogger, person with an inside access and knowledge who has the ability to unmask her better do it now. By the end of this summer anyway.
She’s always been underestimated. She is indeed as stupid and as unhinged as has become a national joke. But she’s crafty. (So are rats.) The human parts of her are twisted and her inability to feel shame make her possible. The press did the rest. And God forgive the the press who knew that and may have unleashed this freak onto our country.
I sound hyperbolic. I don’t think I am in fact though. If she tears this country to shreds she does not care. Because she doesn’t care about anything. Just ask her family. And attempting to tear this country up is all she’s done since John McCain turned her loose. She has no other function.
IF she does not run what happens to all her PAC $? She keeps it?
Forget 2012. *Your book* can’t come soon enough.
I’m sure you read about the big surprise babygate book that is supposed to come out?
Maybe that will stop her. Plus the other books of course, yours included.
Hasn’t she been toooo quiet lately or did I miss something.
Maybe she’s been in conference with God.
The other day when you posted that Sarah was going to run, I thought you were crazy! Ugh, I now feel dread. What makes it even scarier is that I truly believe some very powerful people assisted with her selection as John McCain’s running mate. I think the plan started the second he clinched the nomination. I do not believe that the date that Sarah chose to announce her fake pregnancy was a fluke by any means – I am not clear on who the real birth mother of Trig is, but I am sure of who it is not. Whether she was covering for an unfortunate teenager, her own misdeeds or something very dark, Sarah Palin faked that pregnancy because someone told her she had to if there was ever going to be a chance of becoming the vice presidential nominee. Sarah has demonstrated her inability to speak off the cuff – she was awfully prepared to wow the country in those early days of the campaign – why is that? Did she spend the summer prepping? Who helped? Forget Dr. Baldwin & the gossip of Wasilla – follow the money and power behind the Christian right.
I do find comfort in the fact that there are some true journalists left in this world and lies, no matter how deep, usually get exposed.
I hope you have included (in your book) the connection between Franklin Graham, Sarah Palin and Chuck Kopp. You know Kopp – the uber fundie with the sexual harrasment problem – the one Alaska paid over $10,000.00 for two weeks of work.
Instead of having a prayer group for a bigger mortgage, I bet Kopp is now having a prayer group for Sarah. She is just his type.
Here’s where it gets interesting: how will Palin manage her paranoia at controlling her ‘message’ when she’s forced to speak to all media, all the time, in a presidential campaign?
Running for the US presidency is grueling business. It means structuring a web of support in lots of states. It means letting others campaign with you, and speak for you.
Worst of all- for Palin- it means making a lot of unpaid appearances in small places where anybody can show up and boo her.
Now, Palin can try her hardest to control every bit of her campaign, with Todd running interference. Yet her paranoia will get the best of her, while her thumbs may cramp for weeks from non stop Twittering.
Palin, by all appearances, has no structure in place to wage a fight for the GOP nomination.
Her flying monkeys are ready- they think. They better be, because they are going to be fighting fires from the day she enters the race to the day she drops out because the media is too mean.
Absolutely she could take these latest developments as God opening a door. Yikes! But whose to say that it’s not the guy in the red suit who’s opening up that door? Corinthians warns, “for such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light”.
For people who want religion tied in with the state and politics, it becomes a frightening step back to the roman church. Leaders were considered the only ones with “special spiritual discernment” and kept the masses ignorant. Whenever man becomes powerful and boasts that God wants him in power, it’s time to re-evaluate how politicians are vetted. Everyone at some time in their lives might assume God directs their paths, but when they suddenly are led to believe by some “prophets/prophetesses” that they’ve been chosen to “lead”, they’re defying biblical teaching. It’s either serve God (in a ministerial capacity) or serve the world in a life ascribed to how Christ lived. But they know they cannot set up Kingdoms where they compel or force others to believe. OT yes, Hebrew Kings who lived by the old covenant had to serve both, but in the NT, old things have passed away. The crickets’ sound coming from the pulpits is deafening.
Olivia, I love your comments!
Ya know, you may be onto something there. hmmmm
I know! With her being Queen Esther and all she must have known the world was going to end on Saturday. You’d think she might have tipped off Bristol to save her money on the chin.
Its prob a freeped poll by the bots…anyway she can’t run as a GOP she will have to run third party like CP, thus avoiding all the “Gotcha” questions yet continue to grift off the low hangin fruit.
She knows she can’t win, but hey she can write a new book and get more speakin’ engagements for 200K then! Unless, people pay attention to the books coming out….
according to Dunn’s book Team Obama knew MORE about her than Team McCain… Ooppsie! Just think how much Team Obama & Team Mitten’s (steve Schmidt) know about her now! Ooppsie maybe TMI, huh Sarah?
But she can continue to grift off the idiots b/c she has told them NOT to pay attention to anything but fox news and her books and ugh, Her!
Dodo birds!
I honestly believe she could bite the head off of poor TriG in front of them all and they would excuse her for it!!
Brainwashed cult. Jim jones. Kool aid…
No Freesia, you are totally right on!
oh Koop a feel? from Bailey’s book?
have to look into ALL her endorsements and Bar appointments, like WAR for starters…
Hey, fine with me, because if she runs, our chances for getting to the bottom of babygate go way way up. Just watch all those lily-livered lame-streamers start jumping over each other to get there.
But if Fox doesn’t make some sort of move soon about her contract, I still don’t believe she’ll be running.
We can use numbers to tell any story we like. It all depends on how we arrange the numbers. I am not impressed by this poll. Gallup has to keep “producing” output like any other business. This is another burp in the endless, meaningless, national “sports event” called “elections.” We’ve been discussing the 2012 election for three years now. Isn’t that ridiculous?
Palin is an ignoramus and a grifting fraud. We all know this. If, by some fluke, she gets the nomination— we’ll have some real entertainment and Obama could win by a landslide. Now, do you honestly believe that the REAL power, the REAL $$$$ in this nation will allow Palin to be president? Think about that for a while. I think it is more likely that at the 11th hour the GOP will draft Jeb Bush.
I hope she runs, and I hope she wins the GOP nomination. The more light that is cast on Palin, the better it is for the nation. It may be a way to finally banish her to the political hinterlands. The GOP power brokers don’t want her or Bachmann to be the nominee, but it seems as if the tea partiers like them just fine.
I really hope she doesn’t run. Why?? I don’t put ANYTHING past her no matter how sinister.
And what if something bad happened and she won!!
Costa Rica, here I come.
$arah thinks she is ordained by the great lightning thrower in the sky. What she doesn’t realize is that she may be the GOP’s sacrificial lamb for this election cycle. I can’t wait to see her fall HARD.
If the end does come this weekend, and a few folks are sucked upward, I still want to read your book Mr McG. So appreciate if you could grab a copy, wrap it in asbestos and throw it down to me. I’m pretty sure Mrs P will be down there with me but she’s never been a reliable source of information or truth so I can’t depend on her version of anything.
If perchance neither the ‘end’ nor the ‘rapture’ occurs, I’ll just try to be patient and wait til September !!!
The GOP has realized since they did NOT take the Senate that their bid to replace our President in 2012 is more than an uphill battle. None of the racist mud thrown has stuck, the conspiracy theories have no merit, and the President is a great husband and father. Their hope for a scandal has not materialized. Issa declared a hearing a week, and so far no dirt has been dug.
They will give up a candidate that is at the end of their political shelf life for 2012. Their hope is to keep the House and take the Senate, and neuter the President for 4 years, and turn the Democrats into the obstructionists.
That is why Christie won’t run, and any other suitable moderate is staying out of the race. Palin and any of the TP crowd make Reagan look like a liberal. America will not elect a hard right President – yet. $arah won’t run until she has sucked every penny she can for her PAC, since she uses it to garner favor with her fellows in the GOP.
Polling at this point is meaningless. Only the declared candidates are building ground teams for the early primary States. Organize for Palin claims they are building, but they make the team members pay for the printing and shipping costs for campaign hangers. They only have groups organized in 26 states, and those are red states anyway.
Palin will have to hire a professional campaign staff – not just people who worship her. Fewer experienced campaigners are available for hire, and they aren’t cheap. She would have to raise more $ than her GOP opponents, because she has yet to craft a message. Acting as the anti-Obama won’t cut it in the primaries. She will have to campaign on policy, and bumper sticker quotes aren’t enough to sway the moderates – and they will be needed in the general election.
None of the candidates the GOP field will be able to primary to the right and general back to the middle. They will have to start closer to the middle for 2012 to hold the loyalty of the moderates.
Is it too late to pass a law that anyone running for president has to have a mental health exam (and pass)?
She’s unable to hire the best Republican consultants because:
1. She betrayed McCain. Loyalty is paramount to Republicans.
2. Steve Schmidt has said Going Rogue is 100% fiction. The Republican Party leadership understands exactly what Schmidt meant – the Trig story is a lie. She can’t get their nomination.
So she’ll run as an independent or third party candidate so she doesn’t have to withstand the scrutiny of the Republican nominee. She’ll get in the race in October, dabble in campaigning, skip debates and get 15% of the general election vote anyway. Silling the dill for Obama’s re-election.
Wasn’t the Gallop Poll more about name recognition? I wouldn’t be too concerned with Sarah’s 20% among Repubs. We’ve all heard of HER and the majority of us don’t like what we’ve heard or seen. The real concern is the hate she spews…..she’s got the hater thing down and that’s about it.
The real republicans I know support Romney and would be horrified if Palin was the nominee, let alone the president. It has nothing to do with her being a woman and everything to do with her being a complete and utter idiot.
Ah, but what is a “real” Republican these days?
She may use the PAC money to purchase her home and other property, including a jet at exorbitant prices with the excuse that this is used for her campaign headquarters and travel. Run for awhile, quit and rent it back for a small rental fee for her personal use.The rest of the money will be for clothes, hair, make up and other personal expenses for her entire family and friends.
amen my friend…
Stephen Colbert’s recent filing for a superpac is a blatant comment on grifting pondscum like palin.
I’m right there with you Lisabeth. However if she does jump in medical records, personal financials, and other personal information will be required to be released. I don’t think she’ll be willing to produce them. I believe the release would reveal not only shenanigans in the personal finance area but also a history of unstable mental health.
Nicole Wallace has also pretty much said she will expose her if necessary. She thinks, however, that sarah will destroy herself as she is her own worst enemy.
In a way it is interesting.
She wants power without accountability, money handed to her by her bots and puppetmasters. So far she got both.
Think all the cult leaders from Rev Moon to Jim Jones, or Jim Baker.
She twitters and her bots swoon, and can’t wait to send her money for a presidential run.
But once the sheaves are gathered in, will she?
Is our only hope the Rapture on Saturday?
Nicole Wallace and Steven Schmidt better let it hang out. Otherwise they are as responsible for this evil womans rise as McCain.
She’s bad news crystalwolakacaligrl. I knew the first time I heard her speak. She’s not…normal. Not being bright is actually not her worst problem. It’s that she’s just…off. Something is wrong with her. And she’s not and never has been a politician. She’s a bad character and a demagogue. I keep hoping that someone will finally reveal her so that even her cult has to see her for what she is.
Hi jc 🙂 Nice to bump into you. Hope you’re well.
In spite of the nausea of Palin “rearin’ her head” again. What a sorry time this is.
Question? Do you think there’s a blackout of the Dunn book? Have you seen much press about it?
excellent comments meximan. Gave me a good understanding of general trend and why. Thanks
olivia – that was pretty funny.
Kinda funny… the words
“Run Sarah, Run”
has several very different meanings.
With her “brain power”, a decade from now, in her 4th memior, Alaska’s Shame will take credit for further dividing the GOP in 2012.
I doubt her mental health has been addressed so as to show up in any records.
SarahPAC money can’t be used for Sarah, and we know she gave only pocket change to other candidates. Gosh, whatever will they use these fresh reserves of cash on? More hush money, more plastic surgeries, more homes, more hush money, more private jet trips, more 5 star hotels, more designer glasses/sunglasses without correction, more hush money, and more stock in Spanks? At least she won’t have to pay for another tubal ligation, took care of that right after Piper’s birth!
The discussion on IM, about Pat Dougherty (ADN) and his past/present quotes is more ice finally cracking!
Hear it?
I know exactly what you’re concerned about. Because it’s the same concern I have. Palin is immoral. I hope she does not run. It would split this country (and the American church) in two.
When I heard her convention speech (which all the conservatives thought was fantastic) – I thought to myself – “This woman is gleefully attacking another human being with not a hint of restraint.” Yeah, not good and it has NOT improved since. It’s gotten much much worse.
You seem to be promoting Sarah to run and I don’t understand it. Is the reasoning to promote your book, which I have preordered and plan to read? Or, do you really believe it (having gotten so close to her via your research) and are just trying to warn and prepare all of us. I just cannot believe she’d run as she’d be torn apart and could not handle the press, questions, stress, etc.
It’s not just me. See Andrew Sullivan today.
And also this.
And even this.
My favorite, suggested by someone above.
SP–She can run, but she can’t hide!
Palin reminds me of George Wallace stirring up hate–and has since 2008. The press gave her a pass on the crosshairs map & don’t retreat,reload and they never should have. That only empowered her to keep on with her hatefulness.
The extra clicks for the msm shouldn’t be worth her assaults on all of us. Palin is a verbal abuser and the press should treat her as such.
If they need a sacrificial snake, she’s their girl. God, how the GOP loves this country.
I wonder if there is somebody just waiting until she announces, who knows the whole truth about Palin, and likes revenge as much as Palin does, and will finally tell all.
Hi Freesia, good to see you! Yes, I definitely think there’s a “blackout” or some sort of orders coming down from somewhere that the book shouldn’t be addressed or spoken about. I was encouraged to see an article by Jeanne from Mudflats at HP. I’m in the camp that blames sarah’s reign of terror on the media. They’re a lazy bunch and know they can skate in their job by incessantly prattling about stupid sarah and aren’t about to put in nail in her coffin as that would end their gravy train. They might actually have to go out and work for a living…
Pick any member of the GOP. They don’t care about the country, only about money and winning. They will eat their own.
Hi Joe and everyone,
I agree with you Joe and I’ve been saying this for two years. No one who knows the Real Sarah wants her to run. It’s that we know that she wants to run.
I don’t think most people can even imagine just how Palin’s mind works, but at the very least, people need to stop applying logic and conventional wisdom to their ideas about what she will do. Believe me, I’ve had this argument with politicos for two years and everything I warned them about is happening and they are all going, but wait –. No one wanted to pay attention. It was too easy to mock her.
I hope every day that my instincts are proven wrong. I do not want my country to go through a Palin run.
She is incapable of being “groomed” hard enough to actual make a respected presentation in person, ie., debates, in-person with other candidates. I guess she could run through the social media platform that she clings to like a drowning person clings to a life vest: Twitter and Facebook; the realm truly owned by those in their teens and early 20’s. Through those media, she is not speaking to the adults in the room.
I guess we’ll just have to see if Palin can pull out a candidacy that is run by her advisors in the social media realm. She just is unable to go “toe to toe” with any candidate, including those in her own party, one on one, unscripted and face to face. I can’t see her getting there in time to actually pull off a win. Keep in mind, 25% of the GOP will support her no matter what, they have drunk the koolaid and bought into the lies lock stock and barrel, but they are not enough to get another GOP idiot into the Whitehouse.
Yes, thanks for an informative comment!
I finished Dunn’s book. I stayed up to 4am to finish it. There were some amazing stories that I hadn’t read about in my time spent following her antics. So far there was an idiotic review in Christian Science Monitor which was reprinted in Alaska Dispatch. Then there was an excellent review in an Alaskan paper (not ADN.) Today a review went up on Macleans.ca. Brief but good. Macleans is the Canadian equivalent of Time Magazine. I’m amazed also that the stuff didn’t hit the fan with Dunn’s book but maybe there is a desensitization to Palin’s ridiculousness.
I’m looking forward to Joe’s book and I think it will be different from Dunn’s. I think the added buzz and publicity Sarah created when Joe moved next door will help.
Sarah has always wanted the TITLE of president. She certainly doesn’t want the job, even if she won’t admit that to herself. In spite of her oft-repeated disclaimer that she doesn’t need a title, that is always what she has sought. The more prestigious the title, the more she wants it.. I had hoped she would not be delusional enough to actually go for the GOP nomination, but I think that is a lost hope. If Gryphen and others prove me wrong about her running, I will be most delighted to eat my words, but I’m getting that sinking feeling. Even though her continued assault on American politics is good for my blog, I’d really rather go back to posting pictures of my garden. Just because she will end up as another Tancredo wannabe candidate isn’t enough consolation to make up for another year of that woman.
1) An immoral and thoroughly corrupt bastard
2) An ignorant and delusional dope
3) An oldster suffering from mental arthritis and unable to even imagine life as a non-Republican
Sigh. Alright fine. If Palin is gonna run then she better bring it – because her closet of skeletons can not withstand even the small scrutiny. I’ll be observing with interest how the MSM treats her this time round. When she ran for VP – they treated her with kid gloves and lowered the bar time and again. All she had to do was basically NOT break down in tears during the debate OR not run out of the building in a blind panic and they heralded her debate performance a success. Let’s see if that will fly this time round. Even more interesting is whether the MSM will let Palin get away with yet again not holding an open press conference.
It seems inevitable that this is going to happen. My sincere hope is that a run for 2012 will expose all of her nasty secrets for all and sundry. Then maybe finally we can be rid of the Palin Plague.
Thanks, Sarah. Sarah P. does not operate on the basis of what we would deem logic and rational thought. As I said recently on Facebook, she’s at the mercy
of her own impulses, which she confuses with the voice of God.
Let’s not forget that when she ran for governor of Alaska, Sarah debated Andrew Halcro and Tony Knowles and did not self-destruct. Running for VP, she debated Joe Biden: same result. She is not without a skill set. I think it’s too easy for those of us who feel as we do about her to assume that everyone will feel that way once they get to see her again. I’m not so sure.
Ttrue but at least anyone who might be unlucky enough to have to be in the same room with her – let alone actually trying to ‘debate’ the psycho – has the advantage of knowing her style this time around. Please Joe, throw us a crumb – we can’t take much more of this.
Jeanne Devon refers to “No More Sarah Palin” bills and court cases that passed the Alaska legislature after Sarah carved her path of destruction through Alaska. For example, now individuals who serve on the Oil and Gas Commission have to have some minimum industry knowledge. Legislation inspired by no nothing Sarah Palin’s disastrous time on the commission.
It would be nice to have a hurdle that would weed out the Sarah Palins, George W. Bushes etc.
This is EXACTLY what I think, and yes, fear. It appalls me to watch this coming and see how many are blind to the danger she is to everything this country is/has been and stood for. My family won’t even listen to me anymore when I mention it; they just laugh off my ‘obsession’.
It certainly will get my old bones out working for the Dems in 2012, got to say that! And just maybe, that will end up being her function–reactivating those who have grown old and tired of ‘politics as usual’ and have just checked out with a check after 2000/2004. We took to the streets in the 60’s and may have to drag our children and grandchildren out with us this time…she and all those behind her MUST BE STOPPED…and Peacefully, also, too.
So glad this site is here, Joe. Thank you.
One upside to this is that if Palin is back in the news, Geoffrey Dunn’s book should be too.
Very well reasoned; though my fears are based on the fervidness of her followers—and things like all the Fundamentalists rising to power in the Armed Forces….sigh…the comments above about how she RELISHES stirring up fear and hatred…I resent the power she has over me in that way…truly feel she is in the service of evil, somehow.
Do you think she is as ‘stable’ and willing to be trained as she was then?
I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time..and certainly not over the likes of Sarah.
Thanks Sharon.
This is precisely what “She Who Will Not Be Named” wants….to get into the race as a leader without any preparation, without work, without knowledge, without qualifications, without any actual effort and to float into the nomination.
In her mind a victory by default is still a victory.
Could we expect Todd to be her VP nominee?
Be very leery of this, folks, remain watchful and vigilant. It could happen.
As much as I love your flowers, also too, they don’t help me successfully navigate the depths of disgusting politics as do your Barbies!
The Queen of Twits now makes me think hmmmm… “is there a Barbie prop for that?” This is why Ebay exists – psycho politicians & their families who look like Barbies, Kens, Skippers & Kellys, pallin’ around with creeps who look like Trolls and Witch Doctors, dressing in bizarre cheap looking clothes, slutty shoes & iconic jewelry, hair unwashed and choatic, makin’ everyone think she’s got a house full of GI Joe “gear”. Yes, there’s a prop for that!
In other words she is schizoid.
I’m looking forward to Frank Bailey’s book due out the 24th of May for inside stuff regarding the Palin governancy (hey, if she can make up words, I can, too) plus the 60,000 emails he has for documentation.
Even if the Rapture becomes fact on the 21st of May, $arah Palin will still be here on the 22nd of May – the Grisly Mama is too evil for God to take up. What scares me is how she gets away with it all.
and 4) all of the above.
I agree. And the GOP field is not just weak by coincidence. It’s weak BECAUSE they have no chance in 2012. It’s a throwaway year. Their gains are in other areas, namely the states. Presidents come from governors, not senators. So they’ll have candidates for 2016, they’ll just have to wait. So in the meantime, by design, it’s the comedy hour, with Sarah, Newt, the Donald and the like. And as you said, Sarah has no organization in Iowa. It’s impossible for her to run a traditional campaign.
PS –
She hasn’t nearly as many followers as she would like. Many of her Facebook followers are keeping guard on her. Same with Twitter. And 3 million is less than 1% of the population.
I caught one person using Yahoo to spread her propaganda, using over 20 email id’s to “fan”her. Shades of what Baily describes as the role of Lou Sarah.
Jim Jones also had delusional followers, and the only damage they caused was to their own family members. The physical violence they caused was to their own bodies – with the exception of the Congressional team. Unlike drunk drivers, the mentally ill hurt themselves most of all.
Good point!
I do believe that there is a big file on $creech….Game on…
The quitter keeps praying he opens a door for her. I keep praying god nails them shut. Sure hopes he hears me. I know am a lapsed catholic but I don’t lie to steal peoples savings like Palin does.
I absolutely agree with your scenario if Sarah actually wins the nomination. The good news: look at the polls numbers 18-20% does not win an election, and it shouldn’t win a nomination.
Joe, the “skillset” seems to be winking and flirting with aging men.
If she weren’t pretty – if she were a balding middle-aged male, for instance, without Executive Hair – she’d be nowhere.
So, her “skillset” seems to be the same as a whore’s, only without the whore’s honesty that she’s doing it for the money.
I voted for Tony in 2006. I never, ever bought into the Palin brand when she was running for Gov. A bunch of the “churchy set” that I was “fortunate” enough to work with had the Palin for Governor bumper stickers on their cars and would talk about her “virtues” an “intelligence” until they were blue in the face. Suffice it to say, there were many conversations had with the church men and women that blindly supported this person that left me frustrated by their lack of ability to properly gauge the qualifications of one running for the highest office in our State. (note: this “greeny atheist” doesn’t have much sway with the churchy set, but some of us are still friends regardless of our religion or lack thereof)
I live only 1 mile outside of the confines of the city of Wasilla, in the Borough, but I followed Palin’s mayoral career and Oil and Gas Commission appointment close enough to know that she did not have the credentials to best either Knowles or Halcro in the 2006 Gubernatorial election.
I worked for one of the local Chambers of Commerce, and Palin showed up prior to the Gubernatorial election with a posse of female friends in tow and gave the absolute Worst Campaign Speech that I’ve ever heard. For years I’ve known that she is a dimwit charlatan incapable of holding even the most minor of elected positions.
It is rather frustrating that some still find her to be a “capable” contender for even higher office than Governor of AK. I’ve never been a supporter and never will be.
Don’t you mean God’s voice is confused with Sarah’s? ;-))
Seriously though, I never got the feeling that Sarah is actually religious; I think (as in the cases of many religious shysters) it’s just a convenient fit for her megalomania.
If she can be said to believe in an entity called God, it’s not as her Lord and master, but rather a henchman of hers, a butler who keeps “opening doors” for her (picking up her dry cleaning, and so on).
AKpetmom, I always look forward to your comments.
Aside from the lock-step religion factor (my born-again sister defends any lying cheating pol who claims to be a “Christian”—it’s like a “get out of jail free” card), you have to remember that half the people have an IQ of under 100. Palin really does resonate by being “like them”.
It’s the Forrest-Gump-ization of politics. Except Forrest didn’t resent not being smart. These people do, and they eat it up when Palin goes after “the elites”. She truly is the morons’ standard-bearer.
Mr. Dunn’s book makes it fairly clear that what Queen Esther of Grifterland really wants is to win, and it doesn’t matter to her how she does it. Even when she doesn’t win, she has to say she did. That she could no more handle the job of US President than she could the job of AK Governor or Wasilla Mayor does not enter her mind. Therefore, she will win in her mind even if she loses in fact. Therefore, she will probably run. I do not relish the thought — but then, I hate it when the world laughs at the US.
It is possible she wants to win in order to have the title, in spite of her claiming titles don’t matter. If titles didn’t matter, would Fox and her sarahsites still be calling her Governor?