Is Bristol as bonkers as her Mom? With God on Their Side…
In an interview just published by Christianity Today, Bristol says folks don’t respect Sarah because, “She’s got a good family, she’s got a good husband, she’s got awesome support, she’s got God on her side, and I think people are envious of that.”
Hell, I know I am.
If I had God on my side, I wouldn’t have Levi’s publisher rushing the date of his ghost-written tripe to bring it out the same day as THE ROGUE in an attempt to hitch a ride on my coat tails.
But wait a minute: does this mean God is on Levi’s side?
And if he or she is, how can he/she also be on Sarah’s side–and Bristol’s?
Surely, God is not the sort to hedge bets.
If you really can bear to see how brainwashed Bristol has been by her mother and the Christian Dominionists who control her mother’s thinking–as I explain in great detail in THE ROGUE— you have to read the whole interview here.
By the end of it, you start think that God must be a member of Al Qaeda: otherwise, why would he or she have loosed such a blight as the Palins upon our land?
bristol once said she thinks her mother is the most intelligent woman she knows.
and when you see how much money she has made by being a pathological liar its not hard to understand why she believes that.
no doubt palin needs bristol to be her charlie macarthy so bristol is quite willing to do as told to achieve what her mother has and it seems to be working, does it not?
as far as believing anything i dont buy any of it.
if you read what the people who support palin (at say c4p) actually say about her you would come away thinking they live in another reality.
and that is where palin lives too.
I just commented about this yesterday on Malia’s blog. I will paste and copy what I wrote:
“It’s incredibly sick and narcissistic for someone to think they have God on their side, but others don’t. Sarah needs to get it that others have relationships with God too. Like Barack Obama. Does Sarah believe her relationship is ” more special” than his?? Isn’t that delusional thinking?? Thinking you are more special than others is a symptom of many personality disorders. Sarah never admits when she is wrong or has made a mistake. Lack of insight is another common thread in severe personality disorders.
Did you see on Hannity that she is actually using that retreat and reload comment again. There are so many things she does that are very abnormal and Susie ing to Mose people. Yet her cult justifies it. I’d love to see the reports from a psychological evaluation she would HAVE to undergo to be a candidate.”
I added the last sentence because Malia was writing about trying to find out how ALL candidates should have to undergo psychologic /psychiatric evaluations to be declared fit for office. And YES, I think Bristol is nuts. Her comment that others are jealous because Sarah has God on her side is SICK. It implies that we (I, you, and others) DO NOT have God on their side. Talk about arrogant and delusional. That girl has some serious issues and I find it very sad.
Also, too, there are many many reasons that people do not like Sarah. But jealousy of her apparent special relationship with God is NOT one of the reasons. Her special special family and husband? LOL. No comment. You know that Bristol is parroting her parents. That is the really pathetic thing. Sarah is so incapable of insight that she can’t comprehend that people would dislike her because of HER OWN WORDS AND ACTIONS. This very last personality attribute (COMPLETE LACK OF INSIGHT AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY) is why Sarah is unfit to serve in any public office of importance. This is just one reason why people say Sarah is a sociopath.
Bristol lies as easily as her mother. How do they know they have God on their side? If God were truly on their side McCain would have won the election and Bristol’s book would be a number 1 best seller. The stupidity from the Palin family is astounding.
Joe – I don’t see Levi’s book being any competition and in fact, it might actually increase your sales. A few critics may review both books in one article and yours will stand out in comparison to the Johnston/Palin crap. Your potential readership has to have some level of intelligence or they won’t buy Going Rogue. Levi has zero credibility with that market and there will be Absolutely Nothing New in any garbage he and his ghost-writer spew. Your book is for the long game — his will fizzle out in a week or less.
It is interesting to wonder just who is behind this push-the-publishing-date strategy. I believe Todd and $arah are calling the shots. I have always thought that Levi has been bought off long ago by the Palins. He knew too much, has already said too much (Vanity Fair, tv interviews, etc.) and has been given enough money and enough threats to ensure this book of his is just a puff piece.
You already have a large fan base. You’ve built on it with this blog. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how well your book sells and its critical reception. You are an internationally recognized author and Levi? He’s a sad young man swimming with barracudas and surrounded by idiot sycophants trying to make a buck off of him. At this point his 15 minutes of fame is just about over.
Please edit my comment — your book is The Rogue! Not Going Rogue, that disgusting joke $arah put out. So sorry for the mistake.
UGH I have a huge typo in my comment above as well. The Iphone’s auto correction feature makes many mistakes and I don’t always catch them.
Someone just posted this at the IM Blog. Sarah’s low fund raising: Republican Palin reports low 2011 fundraising
and she spent $ 14,000 on decorating that bus. Can you believe that???? Then she quits the bus tour? What a WASTE of money for someone who is so so so so fiscally conservative, my goodness gracious!
Levi lost ALL OF HIS CREDIBILITY when he came out and said that all the derogatory things he ever said about Paylin was not the truth. So, who, in their right minds, today, would believe anything that Levi says – plus waste their money on his book? I spent money on Dunns book – great book – highly recommended – ordered several for gifts; I already order your book; I would not spend my hard-earned money on anyone else’s books about Paylin. I borrowed Frank Bailey’s book – his book was whiney and looking for forgiveness – glad I saved my money.
Some famous person said: “It’s not a question of whether we have God on our side, it’s are we on God’s side?”
Quitler’s FEC filing for the first half of 2011, in case anyone cares. Lots of interesting items, though, like the $14K bus wrap for her “family vacation”. Oh, and the $6999 spent for air charter for the “Republican Presidential Travel”. WTH?
And why would she be paying her parents a one-time $3200 for “clerical work” when she employs 3 women to do same, paying them a combined $10K/mo? Late christmas present, perhaps?
A good man died and went to Heaven. “Heaven” was filled with clocks. Every once in a while the minute hand on one of the clocks would suddenly spin backwards. The man asked St. Peter why this was. St. Peter replied, “every time someone lies, they lose a minute of their life.” Where is Sarah Palin’s clock?” asked the man. St. Peter raises an eyebrow and says, “Oh, that’s in the back room. We’re using it as a fan!”
Re: Bristol — Children learn what they live . . .
Someone pointed out on Mercede’s blog that Bristol has been using the word “God” since halfway through her dancing stint. It does seem that, since being on teevee all the time wouldn’t look good when crying, “poor me, I’m a teen mom”, Bristol was advised to find a new schtick to propel her celebrity into the future. That’s when all the “God” shit started and I expect there will be a fair bit on the new reality show, too. I’m sure “God” is expected to be financially very lucrative in the future and I look forward to letters from Bristol signed by ‘Your Heavenly Father, Tripp’s creator’.
BUT all this “God” talk is nothing personal; Bristol never sets foot in a church and still blasphemes as vigorously as ever.
Please God, put these evil bitches away.
Joe, I have asked this question over and over again and no one seems to have an answer. If the Palins are truly “Christians” why does it appear that they never go to church? and here is Bristol squirming:
Interviewer: Do you attend a church with your family?
Bristol: You know, we do on and off in Alaska but our schedule is so hectic right now that we haven’t really been able to sit down at a church consistently every Sunday.
I have always been offended by Palin’s version of Christianity, in her actions I’ve always wondered if it’s real. My hunch is no, but other Palin critics seem to think it is real (in Sarah’s mind). What are your thoughts.
P.S. I don’t believe Bristol’s a Bible Beater either.
Levi won’t try to “ride your coat tails” as they are not made of camoflauge. Your coat tails are of the finest, most researched material. No “dip (chewin’ tobaccy)” stains on those fine coat tails! He won’t be able to find you. He’ll be on Springer/Tyra while you will be on network programs.
And I’m sure her stupid cult won’t find anything wrong with this BS of how she spends their hard earned money. Whatever, stupid is as stupid does. It’s not my money.
Turn of the auto correct function, it seldom gets words right. Settings/General, scroll down to Keyboard, turn off auto-correction.
I seriously doubt that Levi’s book will have any effect on your book sales. It isn’t going to be an either/or situation for buyers.
Bristol packed her chin up to clear TSA patdown to appear on Leno tonight for Palin Cult followers to hear her ‘date rape’ BS once again.
That’s what the plastic facejob looks like in the photograph, Charlie McCarthy!
Shouldn’t she be thinking about her little boy–and how he’ll feel in the future–when she’s making these derogatory comments about his father?
On another note. I’m a lapsed Catholic but have born-again Christians in my extended family. They’ve always struck me as so cult-like and, for lack of a better word, smug (“I know Jesus. You don’t. We’re not going to the same place. Poor you.”) I raised my children in the Catholic faith and they had questions while growing up about how women were treated by the Catholic faith. I encouraged them to try other faiths as they grew older to see if they’d find a better fit. I believe you can be very spiritual without belonging to any organized religion. And perhaps I’m being judgmental, but it seems that so many of those who grow up in rigid religious families never question their faith or think about it critically. Do they ever wonder–What if there is no God? What then? Or is that too blasphemous?
Finally, as someone who loves our American history, I continue to cherish the founding ideal of separation of church and state. I shudder to think of a religious zealot ever taking the oath of office for President of the United States.
The arc of forgiveness for some like Bristol and her mommy must be very wide. When called upon by other pseudo-Christians on their sins they make lame attempts to acknowledge them but never seem to have to change their behavior. I love how Bristol squirmed out of the ‘going to church’ question. Too busy??? Oh really. No sacrifices for the Paylins despite all the heavenly support they claim?? Their stated defenses are so transparent and laughable but it’s scary that the flimsy excuses are just fine for their supporters. I guess they believe that God is too busy helping the entire Paylin clan to focus any time helping other humans around this globe who are truly suffering inhumane treatment that would actually require intervention from a supreme being to save them. Insufferable egoists, proud charlatans, those Paylins, laughing all the way to the bank and back.
I will be one of the few people who buy both books that day and read them. Yours will be the real book, read even by people who haven’t followed Sarah. Levi’s may have some good gossip, but mainly I just have a juvenile desire for Levi’s book to outsell Bristol’s. I agree with those above who say your sales won’t be affected negatively, but Levi’s will be helped by getting a little attention when otherwise it might not have gotten any.
Bristol said her mom Sarah is a whiz. If Sarah Palin is a whiz then how come sex addict Bristol The Moaner has two kids before marriage, Track had to get married because his girlfriend is pregnant. Todd is having sex with prostitutes and no telling what Willow is doing. How can Sarah be a whiz when she raised a household full of horn dogs?
The good thing about Frank Bailey’s book was affirmation of what we already knew, by an insider.
She hasn’t refudidefiadated him so it must be true.
Thanks for sharing that! I just got a smartphone and was having the same problem!
Thanks for the suggestion, I have an iPod touch and the auto correct drives me nuts. A radio station in my area does a segment called “damn you auto correct” where listeners relate funny but often embarrassing auto corrected messages they’ve sent.
Reasons for her plastic surgery (she looks awful) are becoming apparent to me. She can now more easily lie out of both sides of her mouth and also too since it’s harder for her to move her lips she probably thinks it’s harder for us to tell if she’s lying. Blight indeed.
How can god support Palin if he is supporting Michelle Bachman. After all she said she prayed and waited til god gave her the go ahead. Personally in the old days if someone said god was speaking to them they would end up in the nut house. I just don’t think god has the time to give these people the go ahead. Just don’t believe it.
Bristol should bite her tongue. That family has so many skeltons in their closets at home they could give the Casey Anthony family a run for their money. Both are liars
Bristol has ruined her face. She no longer has a fresh honest look, more like a kardashian wanna be. What a shame and what a poor example for other young girls.
It’s an anniversary present from SarahPac!
My ‘born again’ relatives are not permitted in my house. The ‘last’ time they were here, told them to go pimp their ‘born again’ elsewhere!!! Seven years later, continue to have no need for them – don’t miss them!!
Abraham Lincoln said that.
Thanks, i appreciate it
Perhaps in addition to their public employee pensions, the Heaths have been trying to work enough quarters to qualify for Social Security.
Thus, their rat-catching expedition to the Fresh Kills dump in NYC after 9/11, and other such temporary — but earning the minimum per quarter — jobs. The amount their daughter paid them would cover that minimum.
As I’ve offered elsewhere… my 90 year old mom tells our born again relatives she has no use for that- she was born right the first time. That really shuts ’em up.
Bristol Palin interview on Leno
Leno asked Bristol Palin if she thought her mom quitting the Governor’s office hurt her chances of running for President, “I don’t think so no, definitely not,” she continued, “There were so many law suits filed against her and it was just costing the state tons of money and us personally tons of money and she just wasn’t able to do her job with those law suits being filed.”
Leno noted that that happens with every Governor everybody gets law suits and that they are part of the job. Palin replied, “Not to the magnitude that she was getting into, she just wanted to put her state first and she knew that it wasn’t good for the tax payers to be paying that kind of stuff against these frivolous law suits so she left that last year to her lieutenant Governor.”
Sorry…off topic!
Joe, I received a response from Ansley. It’s not what I wanted to hear, but a start.
Dear Candy,
Thank you for getting in touch, and for your support of Joe McGinniss. We currently do not have plans to send him to Tampa, but I will certainly let you know if that changes!
All the best,
I thought you weren’t going to comment on Bristol!! I guess her lying hypocritical faux Christian bs made you reconsider. Too busy to go to church? I’m surprised she didn’t say she attends ’em all.
And for that alone, I would say God is on OUR side. LOL. McCain better thank his lucky stars. She would have poisoned his Metamucil to sit behind that Oval office desk.
What a liar. The biggest expense for the plains was when she filed a Troopergate complaint against herself because the official legislative investigation couldn’t be controlled by her. sk she filed one with a board she appoints to absolve her- while the official investigation found she had violated ethics and abused power of her office by trying to get her ex brother in law state trooper fired.
Thanks for contacting Annsley. But she’s got her hands full trying to arrange the things publishers know do sell books in significant quantity (i.e. major media appearances.) She needs to explain to the producers of such shows why they should book me and not Levi (because no show will do two Palin segments the same week.) That’s a full-time job.
A tour that would take me to places like Tampa, Atlanta, Raleigh, etc. is just not going to happen. It will be as I’ve outlined it: a week of national shows based in NY and DC, maybe a day in Toronto en route to Alaska, a few days in Alaska (but only IF national media will cover), maybe a stop in Seattle, then LA for national shows.
No bookstore appearances planned. From the publisher’s point of view, they’re just not cost-effective.
If some organization wants to pay me for a lecture, I’d be happy to work in bookstore appearances as part of that, but Crown/Random House are in the business of selling books, not arranging my lecture tours.
It’s not like it used to be. Much to my regret.
I don’t comment on Bristol, except when she comments on Sarah. When she uses her celebrity to advance Sarah’s ambitions and agenda, she puts herself into the mix.
Judging from the Pac report,it would seem that Sarah got spooked by Dunn and Bailey’s books and got the saran wrap out for a bus tour,hoping to defleck,fits her MO.Do you think she will have enough for the “Rogue”?And for what it’s worth, I think Levi will give her heartburn as well and all the saran wrapped buses in the world will not help.
When you are in Los Angeles, you should see if an appearance could be arranged with Writers Bloc http://www.writersblocpresents.com/
A lot of top writers come to shill their books. It’s set in an auditorium with a host who asks the writer questions. Copies of the book are available for purchase. Admission is usually $20 and many of the presentations sell out. I’m not sure, but it may be that either the writer is paid for his appearance, or expenses are covered.
I definitely think you could sell out the room in L.A.
Well, I read Joe’s comment above incorrectly, and posted about it on the previous post… *sigh*
Bundling Levi’s book with Joe’s will help Levi’s sales… but I don’t know how it can hurt Joe’s book sales. People love a deal.
I like the way you think.
Wow. Just wow. Her book should be “Not Afraid to Lie” and this before God, country, and the religious right!!! She contradicts herself by her own words in the same interview. It just blows my mind that someone can out and out lie about themselves as though it were true. Does she really believe what she is saying? Does anybody really believe what she is saying?
Your review of Frank Bailey’s book was exactly what I thought. However, I just knew there would be something telling there. I was right! Sarah calling the Bailey’s sobbing…”Bristol,” she began again. “She’s pregnant…” Sarah had invited the Baileys over on Sunday, August 17, 2008 to discuss Troopergate. The idea was to make sure they had their storys straight for the upcoming investigation. Not having any timelines available…when did they go after Levi when he was hunting?…when did he get Bristol’s name tatooed on his ring finger? I’ve never been able to find any dates for these events. Frank’s book told us Sarah started telling people two weeks before she was picked to be the VP candidate, that Bristol was pregnant.
So, after reading Frank’s book, Steve Schmidt telling 60 minutes that Sarah didn’t tell them Bristol was pregnant until after they selected her for the VP slot, didn’t make sense to me. From what I can tell, probably in the begining of August, the RNC negotiated with her and said they could deal with Troopergate, but not the false pregnancy rumors all over the internet. If Sarah wanted the VP slot, she had to parade Bristol around the stage five months pregnant. That would stop the rumors and… it sure did.
Just my opinion…
I can see why you arent happy about Levis book release date. I think it was tacky of them. I realized this more when you mentioned the national media. They seem to have some kind of faacination with the Levi Bristol thing. Is it because they think we are all wildly interested? I’m not but there are the millions out there who read Star, Globe, People etc. Scary.
I would find you much more interesting as a guest on a national show but theres that whole other group. You may not have reached them anyhow. Thats the group that loves Sarah.
i dont think his book is anything to worry about, but i can see why its annoying.
I didnt see Arizina lisred boo hoo. Not that i expected it but it would be fun.
Dear straight ‘A’ student,
The verb is ‘has’, not ‘got’.
And no, most Americans are not envious of your family. Most of us see your family for what it truly is.
You are confusing envy with pity.
I have wondered about that also. I can’t quite figure it out. One one hand I think she probably convinced herself that she is a Christian. But I also remember (I think it was in Game Change or could be a rumor) one of her kids asked her why she was being fake, this was when she was reading the bible on the campaign bus. IMO she’s a chameleon, whatever gets her the most attention, money or votes is what she will pretend to be. She saw how her fans reacted to her snark and all the other BS she pulled while campaigning so she kept upping the ante as she went along. Fast forward to today and we have this mess known as Sarah.
Maybe she puts cheese whiz on her horn dogs? Sorry, dumb attempt at a joke, couldn’t resist.
Thanks for the laugh! I have ‘teh born agains’ in my family also…I am going to use that line on them.
I agree with you B. So far, I have bought Dunn’s book and have Joe’s on order. But I have been thinking about buying Levi’s book just to drive up the sales and show Bristol that God may be on her side, but the book buying public is not.
Dear Bristol:
If God is on Sarah’s side, why does President Barrack Obama and his family reside in the White House? Why is Joe O’Biden living at the Naval Observatory?
I also don’t think God needs or wants you to speak for him. Perhaps you should read Matthew 23.24 “You blind guides! You strain out a gnat, but swallow a camel”.
If you study history Bristol, you would see that people have been saying that God is on their side for as long as, well, for as long as people and religion have been around. The Inqusitors said that God was on their side. The folks that burned the witches in Salem and across Europe said that God was on their side. Bin Laden said that God was on his side; I guess he finally found out if that is true. Hitler thought that God brought him to power and thought God was on his side.
If I were you Bristol, I wouldn’t be going around making statements about whose side God is on. What I would do is save every penny I could because I have a feeling that the gravy train you are currently riding is about to go off the tracks.
God is on Bristol’s *chin’s* side.
No, not her current one….I mean the one he “blessed” her with when she was born….the one she decided was unacceptable and needed improvement.
I’m not offended by Bristol’s actions because her actions, and Sarah’s, have been consistent with the people I know who claim Christianity. Not being Christian, I don’t know if they’re all hypocrites or if this is actually how Christianity is supposed to be. If I was going with majority rule, IME it’s just what Christianity is about.
I am convinced that the whole Palin hearts God is shtick. Sarah knew the born-again evangelicals in Wasilla, Alaska and beyond were a constituency she could tap so she engaged in the local churches to elevate her Jesus cred – now it is just a part of her persona. Bristol is emulating Sarah in many ways with her ability to speak to the audience on any given interview. Christianity today = come to Jesus moment. Jay Leno = my mom is a whiz. Sean Hannity = my mom is a policy wonk. View = date rape.
I recognize that most politicians pander to their base with exaggerated claims about their records and beliefs, but Sarah the serial liar has taken fantasy to a whole new level and dragged her family along for the ride. We could point out on any given day and twice on Sundays the ways Sarah or Bristol don’t act or behave like true Christians, but that is beside the point – if they say they believe than it must be so.
joe, i thought we could care less about bristol.
please, no more bristol posts.
even SPAZ is getting boring as her present self
don’t worry about Levi’s book. it’s not real
we don’t care a fig about his relationship with SPAZ”s daughter
Good thing is, People aren’t ashamed to walk into a store and purchase a Joe McGinniss book (it helps that Sarah’s face isn’t on the cover too). Anyone who is even semi socially conscious would be incredibly ashamed and embarrassed to purchase a Levi book. ESPECIALLY with THAT cover. My bet is his sales will be Kindle related and online purchases. Can’t you just see the book displayed on a shelf? I’d be embarrassed to catch myself even glimpsing at it. Tripe is right. RIDICULOUS. I hate Snooki and her minions for bringing people like that into social prominence.
Long live reputable writers.
To use Bristol’s line, (hahaha) Levi’s writers must be accomplished screenwriters. It will take an imaginative person to explain WHY the boy has put off finishing his BASIC education, WHY he has failed in attaining adequate visitation with his son. He can tell sob stories about his broken home that resulted in years of substance abuse and whoring. He has said the Palins accepted him and helped him out AND that “he likes the family ver much” AND then flipped the coin overnight when he saw it would bring him money. People aren’t fooled by him. I trust no one who uses people for personal gain. NO ONE. Not Sarah, not Bristol, not Levi or his even dumber sister.
He will only come off has whiney and uneducated to the general public. The last couple years haven’t helped him. But it will help you. You are a great writer. Even Sarah’s inlaws have your books. (a concept she found fascinating)
There are reasons teen girls are paranoid of their bfs cheating. All I’m saying.
If God is in Sara’s side then whose voice is it Michelle Bachmann thinks is God telling her to run for President. One of them is lying about having God on their team.
Joe – if your Toronto appearance gets confirmed, don’t forget to announce this to your Canadian fans. Knowing Montreal is not on the planned line-up, I can easily schedule a client meeting in TO to coincide with your visit – would be great!
Unfortunately, as long as Bristol Palin is getting all of this media attention and is appearing on national television or radio as her mother’s “alter ego,” we have to pay attention to her. It’s sad to say that this young woman is as accomplished a liar as her mother; she learned those lessons (if not the lessons her school teachers tried to impart) well. I find it especially abhorrent for politicians or celebrities, or their offspring, to promote fake religion. The purpose of this latest phase of Bristol Palin’s ever-shifting story is to “unshock” the little old ladies from the prurience of her camping-with-Levi exploit so they will continue to send money to SarahPAC. I do not think that anyone will see any of the Palins sitting in a church on a Sunday in the near future.
Don’t be unhappy Joe. I pre-order both books and I will read yours first and then Levi’s. There is room. I already read Mr Dunn’s and Mr Bailey’s books. I am waiting for yours to come out.
There’s also a website of the same name (.com) and it’s hilarious! I mean, tears streaming down your face hilarious!
I was thinking the same thing-a movable jaw on a hinge. That’s why it looks unnatural.
Joe McCarthy puppet face is right or Madame..
Bristol will be worse than her mother when she reaches 47. She is her mothers tool now because it pays well.
The girl is a sanctimonious floozy. What else can you say? She wants her mother in the White House. Wash her mouth out with soap. A big middle finger to the girl and her mother. What a pair.
Dumb, knocked up, sanctimonious about it all. And it felt so good she keeps on doing it while preaching.
Maybe she should team up with Jimmy Swaggert.
Yes, Bristol is as bonkers as her mother. You could even make the argument Bristol is more bonkers which would explain why she disfigured her once lovely face. Bristol, however, is still more mature than her mother. There, I said something nice about Bristol.
Did you notice greta’s hubby john coale to the right of bristle & the simple-minded one in the above photo? He and greta are xenu-worshipping scientologists. Not that any one religion is that much crazier than another. Google greta and john coale lawsuits and you’ll see he & greta are opportunists with no moral compass from waaaay back. No wonder they glommed on to the palins. A virtual gaggle of ethics free opportunists out to grift the proudly ignorant of our country. There should be a law to prevent people like the palins/greta & coale from taking advantage of the not too bright hard-working souls that get sucked in by scum like them.
I have always thought the same thing CMG. Levi is nothing more than a bit player in the big scam to take advantage of the weak of mind in our country to make this trashy hillbilly family from wasilly millionaires.
I’d, once again, like to extend my gratitude to john mcfuddled for inflicting this great country with this scourge from the great white north. Your legacy is no longer war hero johnny boy it’s more like “me first” opposed to “country first”. Your careless act of allowing someone as empty headed as palin to gain notoriety has been detrimental to our country and resulted in an act of violence in his own backyard (Tucson), so far. If you have any love for your country mccains you will expose the palins filthy laundry to us and stop the witch in her tracks.
Thank you carollt. Well said!
Bristol’s story morphs almost as much as her face. I wonder how she defines the term “virgin”, Ironically, she went “heels to Jesus” in the tent, then continued being sexually active with Levi *and… and…..and….and… because she “lost her moral code” but somehow felt her “Virginity” was “stolen”. If Levi sprang for a motel room and a rose, whould she feel the same way? He bought her expensive gifts, and in return she gave him companionship and sex.
Now God is on her side, yet she admits they rarely sit in church.
What people do for money is disgusting.
I guess hypocricy runs deep in that family, among other things.
You have no competition with Levi’s book
Can you imagine throwing your 17 year old daughter under the bus like that to further your political career? Most insects are more maternal.
Both Bristol and Sarah show a breathtaking lack of self awareness, or any understanding of irony, as they market themselves as Christians while demonstrating such, well, unChristian-like behaviors: Bristol wanting to “give the middle finger” on DWTS, bullying that poor woman in Alaska with the “Worst Governor Ever” sign, and on and on. Then there’s Sarah with her big ol’ red rhinestone cross buckle, and her repeated use of barely disguised profanity and unseemly attacks on the masculinity of her detractors. Theirs must be some kind of denomination with which the rest of the mainstream Protestant Christians I know are unfamiliar: even those who began with admiration for Sarah and Bristol have since decided that she’s is not their kind of Christian and see her as an oddity at best, much like polygamist Mormon sects. The only base she’s left with are those uncritical low-information voters who are happy to apply their faith to whatever nonsense she spouts.
Unfortunately, heard that one already, but about President Obama. From a friend who works right next to me. Made me very upset for days.
This particular variety of Christianity reminds me of a cousin’s similar version: at 16 she and her youth minister 20 year old boyfriend went nightly to the Christian movie drive-in operating at that time in our Florida city; each night they’d have sex, then immediately hit their knees and pray for forgiveness. This went on for weeks. When my cousin approached me, 18 at the time, for advice because she just felt so guilty all the time, I suggested she stop going to the drive-in. She protested that then people would talk.
forgot to add the rest: they would talk because they were jealous that she was going out with the youth minister, a real catch
Love that picture. Looks like John is checking our Molly’s (Sarah’s sister) cleavage!
What Palin is this writing under the name Brent?
She “hit rock bottom” after Tripp was born? What, was it before Mom bought her the Escalade? Or in between photo shoots for People and US magazines?
she “hit rock bottom?” Puh-leeze.
“When you live on a round planet there’s no choosing sides.” Perhaps God wished to provide us with a subtle reminder.
I wonder what God thinks of the Palin’s sanctimony and arrogance?
John McCain still has most people in this country fooled about his Vietnam experience. Not so much the people that he served with, and most especially not those he was imprisoned with, who, almost to a man, hold him in complete and utter contempt. I encourage you to research McCain’s true history, it bears no resemblence to the one he’s conjured up for the public.
That McCain picked a sociopathic liar to be his running mate was more in keeping with his character than you might imagine. To say that he has a “dark side” would incorrectly lend credence to the notion that he actually possesses a “good side.” The Devil may wear Prada on occasion, but he’s still the Devil.