I’m Traveling This Week

Probably no new posts until Friday. Thanks for all the comments.

10 Responses to “I’m Traveling This Week”

  • Molly_WI:

    What, you don’t have a blackberry for “posting emergencies”? What a Luddite. 🙂

    Enjoy yourself.

  • Mr. McGinniss,

    I’m reading this to mean that – while you’re travelling about – this comment section is an open thread?

    And if so, I’d like to take the opportunity to ask a question:

    While all the bloggers (myself included) and journalists are busy scrutinizing the sizes of pregnant bellies and newborn 6 lb bubs and flat-bellied photos and newspapers and authors alike are asking people to come forward with actual evidence… my question is this:

    Why are there no ordinary, everyday working people coming forward to claim their five minutes of fame from having remembered helping a very pregnant Sarah into a taxi, through a crowded hotel lobby door, or into a chair at a busy restaurant where the waiter would have had to move the table to accommodate Sarah’s oversized belly?

    Where are the human interest stories that naturally and inevitably crop up when people realize that the seemingly ordinary woman they encountered briefly last year or last month is suddenly a national star?

    Where is the taxi-driver who remembers helping Todd assist Sarah into the back of his cab and clumsily adjusted Sarah’s seatbelt?

    Where is the nice little old lady who remembers standing next to Sarah in line at the airport with a quip about remembering when she was that young and that pregnant?

    Sarah and Todd boarded at least four airplanes to get from Wasilla to Texas and back again during her ‘wild ride’ episode while Sarah was purportedly in her eighth month of pregnancy and yet not one person anywhere remembers the pretty, bulbous, pregnant lady? Not one passenger on one flight? No one helped with her seatbelt or seat tray? No one helped her into or out of the narrow loo doorway?

    Did no one think to help Sarah up and down those treacherous metal airplane styles at the Anchorage airport?

    It’s got to be some kind of mathematical miracle that not one person – bellhop, waiter, cabbie, florist, flight attendant, maitre`d, maid, man on the street has ever come forward to stake their claim that they ‘met’ Sarah and helped her into a chair, handed her a menu, held open an elevator or offered her an arm for balance down a flight of stairs.

    Nobody. I put these questions to my readers almost two years ago. Not even a nibble. This, for me, has always been the loose thread that would eventually unravel the entire sham.

    Appreciate all your work –

  • Sally:

    Oz, and a far more implausible scenario than Donnie’s complaint that no one from Obama’s elementary days remembers him. What as ass.

  • lilly lily:

    Pink is pregnant.

    I saw this on Yahoo this morning . Pinkwas complaining of how hard it is to bend over. It is amazing how wimpy these young, pregnant and very physical girls are.

    No one, no one has iron abs like Sarah Palin.

  • nancy:

    OzMud–Also, I don’t know a single pregnant woman who isn’t asked by friends, sometimes just the curious, if they might touch your baby bump. It’s a rare breach of the western notion of keeping one’s space or distance, but it’s always seemed to me to be almost a ritual “laying on of hands” blessing. And when the baby is moving around a lot, it’s difficult for a pregnant woman to not react/and or say something out loud to people around you. No one, that I’ve read of, has ever indicated this kind of interaction with Palin during her miraculous pregnancy. Pregnant women caress their abdomens often, usually with one spare hand. They don’t thumps themselves as does she in the Elan video. They just don’t.

  • nancy:

    Oh dear. That would be “thump themselves”.

  • Part 3 of my Sarah Palin and the Professor: A Conversation is now up:


    Please join Prof. Brad Scharlott as we talk about the media, babies and remembering Watergate!

  • lilly lily:

    I see that Business Insider has printed up Geoffrey Dunns take on things, but Huffington Post continues to ignore the Professor Brad Scharlott’s contention that the media have been very remiss.

  • The Dunn article was very well written. And I’ve just seen that Immoral Minority is giving my blog top spot right now:


    Join the conversation if you wish.

  • K:

    Not theories about Trig, but did want to let you know I pre-ordered on Kindle. Yay. Love, Me