…if you had the choice of spending the summer on an air-conditioned bus (or, more likely, on an air-conditioned private plane that could drop you at a private airfield so you could board the bus minutes before your next destination and pretend to have been on it all along) or here:

where summertime temps reach 120 and where you can’t putter in your “little garden,” or mow the lawn with Trig on your back, and where there’s no “children’s play area” (unless you want to turn them into lizards), and where you yourself would fry in five minutes in your “shorts and tank top,” and where there’s no “family swimming hole,” not to mention no place for Todd to land his float plane…well, which would you choose?
Not to mention that your Political Action Committee can hardly ask people to donate for you to stay home.
Sarah tried that once, charging the state of Alaska per-diem for working out of her house on Lake Lucille, claiming that she was entitled because Wasilla wasn’t her “duty station.”
No wonder that this year she’s opting for the bus. Take a good look at that house and property (and, yes, that’s the compound she just bought and is moving into, even erecting a new fence around it): she spends a summer there and by September we’ll be calling her Osarah Bin Laden.
There’ll always be time next year for her new TLC show: Sarah Palin’s Arizona.
NY Times (and who’s more “lamestream” than them?) offers Sarah advice from her new Scottsdale neighbors.
The one I feel sorry for is Monica Rahman,
who says that even though “the commotion was scaring her horses,” she’s “excited to have a new neighbor.”
The well-intentioned Ms. Rahman says she “plans to bring cookies to the Palins.”
I hope she’s ready to leave them at the outer gate. Having been a Palin neighbor, I’m pretty sure she won’t be welcomed with open arms.
Especially not after having spoken to the New York Times.
Good luck, Monica! Just check in here if you feel you need advice.
Hey Joe ask your BFF Ailes why he hasn’t cut Sarah loose yet. Thats sure a lot of free publicity she can get for her Northeast bus tour and movie, huh?
Sarahs not running…she’s “Trump” d the media into giving her free publicity.
The photos of the property are cringe-worthy from every angle. Exterior? A wasteland with no trees, no green with plenty of rock and hot cement. Interior? Big and soul-less: it would be an uphill battle to make that house gracious and livable. Given the shots I’ve seen from inside her Wasilla Compound, not much hope for non-tacky decor in her Scottsdale Palacio.
She had better set aside a pile of SarahPac cash for the air conditioning bill to cool that monstrosity. It’s already hitting 100 degrees at the end of May and there’s not a day in June in the long range forecast that dips below 100. Just wait for it: July, August and September. Most days at 110 and upwards.
She had to close on this property now so it could be properly fortified (read: defended) while she’s out and about. She’ll probably spend at least part, if not most of the summer in Alaska when she’s not on her magical mystery tour. She’s got the private jet lined up to get her from Alaska to wherever she needs to catch up with the bus. Bristol will be stuck to her side with the toddler because Trig can’t be easily managed now and isn’t nearly as “baby cute” as he was last time around. They’ll need Levi’s kid for the photo ops.
They’ve been planning this scenario for a while, which I find interesting. Who is writing the script and who is putting up the cash? That’s what I’d like to know.
Let her stay out of Alaska we don’t want her here.
I live in a village in southern New Mexico that holds the record for the hottest place in the state. I live there in the fall, winter and spring. In the summer, I head to the Sangre de Christo Mountains north of Taos.
I have spent 15 years of summers here, so I know what 117 degree heat feels like, for days at a time. Only recently have I started summering north. As an artist, I never got anything done during the summer. Even with air conditioning, the outside light is too bright for me to work.
There is no way $arah will last a summer in Scottsdale – not unless she is so medicated that she never is completely conscious.
Yes, Mr. Odonnell has been right on so many, due to their contract obligations with R. Ailes which were clear on March 2. Any reason Joe you know why that wouldn’t apply to SP? Can she abrogate a contract with him in Sept if she decides your book doesn’t do much damage after all?
BTW, I think it is wonderful you have a relationship with Ailes. I have a few close friends and relatives from the far right. We just care about each other and don’t mention politics.
(“Who is writing the script and who is putting up the cash? That’s what I’d like to know.” )quote
I would guess Rupert Murdoch, if you will remember his yacht was docked in Alaska when she resigned as Governer. It’s probably when all the big plans where hatched.
It’s 72 in the shade right now, in Wasilla, and this 22-year Alaskan is wilting; I just had to “play in the hose” as I was watering gardens. I cannot imagine the heat in AZ; when we vacation in Hawaii, the first two days of vacay are spent in the shade, or frequently in and out of water. I am on the cusp of grabbing a window unit A/C for the house because 72 (77 in Palmer today at my gardening job) means that this summer might just be the one that requires extra cooling. This coming from a person that reveled in the heat and humidity of the East Coast growing up; there was no beach too hot, no sun that I wasn’t willing to be in, although in the hottest days I would retire to my room and put a towel over my head and over my window AC unit, just to cool down. Perhaps it is age? I tell you what, if I was in AZ, in the summer, I’d just have to hide inside, from the hours of 11am-4pm. But Sarah’s giant home looks very cool with all of the stone and marble. I guess one could just lay down on the tiles of the cool foyer and stay there thru the heat of the day. Or, leave AZ and take an historic air conditioned bus tour through the original 13 colonies. One could choose that option as well.
Her supporters are paying for it. She’s been begging for weeks.
Also believe it or not the desert is beautiful. Her house isn’t landscaped yet but I hope she doesn’t put tons of green and trees because it’s not native and uses too much water.
And almost every expensive house here is gated.
The very rich leave for the summer. The rest of us manage.
There are cool mountain towns 90 miles or so north
Not everyone is a bigot or conservative either.
I think Arizona is going to be an eye-opening experience for Sarah and the Palins, who have no real long term experience with the desert: it’s dangerous heat, its wide open spaces where the critters and creepy crawlies live, and the sheer lack of lush green vegetation. I grew up in NM and AZ and have lived in Alaska twice, so she’s in for a shock, but I expect she’ll spend all her time hiding from the heat in her house…that is, when she’s not turning her skin all leathery by the pool. She also does not have her support network of minions from Wasilla around her, so this could very well be the beginning of her end in public life and politics.
Midsummer, an uncovered pool’s water will be in 100+
Some like it hot.
You have to remember that Wasilla has a lot of humidity which intensifies heat whereas Arizona’s heat is very dry. It makes a huge difference. Ok, I live in the Mojave Desert, and I will admit that after 110F, it doesn’t matter how dry it is. It’s too fricking hot!!!
Palin is bound to stick her nose into Jan Brewer’s business at some point. That should be interesting since she likes/wants/thrives on “shaking things up” and chaos wherever she goes.
Joe, do we really have to wait till Sept. for your book.
It feels like I have been waiting for it my whole life.
Is there any way we can defang her, and turn her loose?
Not only that, but think of the staff it takes to run a house like that. Just imagine the stories that will be breaking in two or three years from that corner.
idk. The Palin home in AK has a revolving door. However, speaking to a publication may change that. But who knows. The Palins are generally hospitable. They showed acquaintances of mine around AK last summer and the girls hung out with them. Summer has always been a time for family. I”m not shocked that this bus tour is happening. They did the exact same thing last summer. Bristol documented the trip along the way via facebook.
Have you seen Trig recently? He is literally one of the most adorable toddlers ever, with the biggest grin in the world. Love him!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, Bristol is currently in Phoenix. However, she told a cousin to get a passport asap and is planning a vacation.
We don’t want her either. What happened to Montana or
Long Island? Maybe she will leave after experiencing a summer.
Imagine the cost of furnishing that house. My guess is it will be
tacky nouveau riche style
I would absolutely just wilt in even that “dry heat”. It was 30% humidity today in Wasilla/Palmer today but it was still just HOT! 45-55 is about my happy point, especially when working very hard landscaping and cleaning garden beds and planting. Looks like it might cool off here soon or at least get some cloud cover. I think that 7 months of cool winter gets into the bones somehow and makes one less capable of taking the warm temps.
I’m hoping the intense heat will vaporize her.
Erm…did anyone else think the premise of this “news” article (from the NYT no less!) was jaw-droppingly innane and silly, along with the “advice” itself?
I mean, c’mon: “Those snow machines that Ms. Palin’s husband, Todd, races in Alaska will be useless here, residents said, suggesting that he trade them in for a thoroughbred or a good mountain bike.” Duh, really?
I’m not sure if it’s a reflection of the vapidity of the NYT writer for including such blather, or a statement about the stoopidity level the Palins consistently exhibit.
Either way, OMG.
Speaking of help, will she be background checking the household staff? Checking their immigration status? Or does it matter?
I wonder if she realizes that white people don’t work as maids, housekeepers and manual labor in Arizona?
That’s what I am the most curious about. Where is the Pac money coming from. Her supporters are dedicated but I don’t think they have money to burn… just time. Koch Bros are supposed to be backing Mitt, Rove hates her. Sounds like Ailes does too. How did she manage to get 100,000 for every speaking engagement with nothing to say. Not even “real’ speakers get that kind of money. Yes, more & more I’m wondering who is the “wizard” behind this grifter.
I think that’s a given.
Note to Ms. Rahman: Take the cookies to a homeless shelter. Palin will only throw them away believing you’re trying to poison her.
Those people are probably all nouveau riche social climbers. They don’t really care if they think showing a little neighborliness will help themselves. They’d probably welcome Rasputin if he could give them a leg up.
The Palins’ Arizona Compound appears to have green grass inside of the walls. It could be “Astro Turf” but that would only increase the temperature in the Summer. I you haven’ seen it check Google Maps Satellite for 29005 N 82nd ST 85266. Zoom in right on top of it. Heat, dust, and plenty of horse smells in the neighborhood. The other thing about this property is that is was built in 2001 and it must have been vacant for several years….who started building it and what happened? Scottsdale is not Mccain’s Sedona if that is what she was expecting from the O’Biden debate prep experience.
The dentist who owned is was foreclosed on and he died June 2010. Note his bigger, more expensive main abode: http://my-stuff.tripod.com/kyrene_mansion.html
She only hires family for staff positions like sitter. I guess she will find the only straight white gardener/pool boy in AZ.
As an American who believes in knowledge, I already know much more about the Constitution, American History and the Founders than she does. Who does she think she is? What on earth can she tell anyone about the founding of this Country?
The whole thing is a joke that will backfire/
Becoming Glen Beck is not going to get you to the White House.
Thanks, very interesting.
The inside of my oven is dry heat too, but I wouldn’t want to live there. 🙂
“I’m melting!” said the Wicked Witch of the West.
A bit of a aside on the link. The owner had an even more lavish spread that Sarah could have bought.
That dentist made his fortune in internet porn.
How fitting for a woman who has very soft core porn, (tongue action, open mouthed, skirts to look up the yahoo), down pat. Her following love every inch of her.
I don’t really think she’s going to run to BE the President..only to say she was a contender, then make some lame excuse for her bowing out to her flying monkeys and then say she’ll wait till 2016. That’s 5 more years of grifting and she’s not about to give up all that money and Fox will probably up her salary to keep her little sham going.
Regarding Sarah’s Magical Mystery Tour and dragging her family around with her: I think that prop Tri-G will present a problem. Why? Because he’s much older now and not nearly as cute or manageable as he was as a baby. He’s too big and heavy to pack him on her hip or present him in the air as a trophy to her mindless, drooling fans.
His Benadryl dosage will have to be upped considerably. If he’s drugged and passed out or sleeping constantly, as a “three” (?) year old, questions will be raised. If he’s NOT drugged, to be controlled at all, he’ll have to be managed by the nanny that he knows and is comfortable with. That person is NOT Sarah. Hell….he probably sees very little of her these days and what he DOES see he most likely doesn’t care for much.
He’s big enough now to inflict some real “hurt” on her if he starts hitting, biting or kicking to get her to go away!
This will be VERY interesting to watch.
He might call her Grandma.
You need to go back and read that linked article again……
Thanks. It was the second owner of the larger mansion who made his fortune on Internet porn.
Correction. LOL. I continue to think a certain woman in let us pretend politics is an expert on getting men worked up.
I thought she didn’t like being called Grandma..LOL.. I’m actually starting to like Bristol and her rebellion against her mama and her controlling ways.
From Andrew Sullivan’s blog (www.andrewsullivan.com). He’s pondering Sarah’s new “hood”:
‘It sure ain’t Wasilla:
(quoting from an article) “Despite its rustic flair, there is nothing ordinary about Ms. Palin’s new neighborhood, one of the most elite in the Phoenix area and a place that some refer to derisively as “Snobsdale.” “Scottsdale is a unique combination of cowboy country, open spaces, sophistication, snobbery, resorts, arts, golf, spring training and plastic surgery,” said Jason Rose, a public relations executive who works here. Its downtown is lined with art galleries and fashionable restaurants, and Scottsdale hosts an Arabian horse show and antique car auction every year.”
‘But it is in the state with the greatest racial discrepancy between current, almost entirely white seniors and current, increasingly Latino babies. I.e.: a great base for what the Palin campaign is calling “The Fundamental Restoration of America.” If your appeal is cultural panic, why not base yourself in its heartland? From then on: divide and conquer.” – Andrew Sullivan.
Nouveau Riche much, Sarah, you preening little race baiting social climbing pathologically ambitious ignoramous you? – Freesia
Hopefully not, but it might put a load of cash in your greedy little pocket.
I am beginning to like this whole sham.. Let her rip off Faux, let her rip off the fundies, let her rip off her political bots and cult following.
It is fueling the economy. And she becomes more and more ridiculous and irrelevant.
Look at the republicans, they are tearing out their hair. (What little is left.)
Maybe they can borrow some of Sarah’s hair extensions? She’s got a pile of them.
I wonder if he even speaks? I recall someone suggested or had witnessed Trig and Tripp using sign language to communicate.
If he has hearing loss or is deaf, he’s going to be limited vocally. He likely has severe vision problems also, too.
Ms. Fraud-Ster said he uses his little hand out in front of him as a guiding star to follow. What complete, utter moose-shit. Poor little guy probably can’t see more than 2 feet ahead of him and he uses his hand to encounter hazards or obstacles before he smacks his head or falls.
Does he wear glasses or have hearing aides? Has he even been SEEN recently? Remember the birthday greeting card picture she released of him in March was a picture from the PREVIOUS year! wtf??
If he’s not getting therapy or the help he needs, it constitutes child abuse. The authorities should have a look.
Who knows who will be “on the bus”. Probably not Trig….maybe just Toad. After all, this tour is a history lesson on the Constitution for all of us, not family values week. I think we’ve all been exposed to her family just about enough & she probably knows it. Hoping Ms. Tripp will make the cut. I’ve tired of Creepy Chuck & Pathetic Sally.
I’m still not convinced there is just one Trig & not sure he even lives with them.
Perhaps Sarah could regift them to the Native Alaskans.
Last summer, Sarah got paid $2 million for her family road trip.
“Revolving door?” But pointing in only one direction: OUT.
or LuLu
Karl Rove is saying Palin doesn’t think she has to play by the rules, that rules aren’t for her. We have known that all along. Suddenly the Republicans have figured that one out? How about telling us something we don’t know about the woman.
You Republicans, know as much, or even more than we do.
Tell it like it is.
I see Michele Bachman is saying she and Sarah Palin are not interchangeable. HUH?
And her buddy and twin jerkster Rick Perry in Texas wants to take a shot at the big time POTUS?
I remember him putting her in her place on the stage. One of the few men who managed to push her aside on a stage. And she let him do it, ’cause he was prettier than her.
Someone tell me that this woman is not the biggest joke, and most ignorant person that ever ran for POTUS,
Of course Arnold Scwarzenegger would have loved to run. Sarah, Donald and Arnold are about on the same level of sheer chutzpah and con artistry when it comes to running for POTUS. With Rick Perry, Michele Bachman running a bit behind.
Texas Govenor Good Hair, Rick Perrry, is considering running for the GOP nomination. Palin-Perry or Perry-Palin? Or, Palin could just campaign for Perry and he could appoint her as Sec. of Energy or an ambassadorship. I remember that she wanted to be White House Chief of Staff when she was fighting with Rahm Emanuel. I hope my fiction doesn’t become fact!
And you know this how? And just how does this super secret information qualify Miss Quitty pants for national leadership?
Well, Andie, above, did make sure to tell us that “summer is family time”, so I’m sure they’ll ALLLL be there. 😉
Since when has this been a dealbreaker for Republicans? It’s their defining characteristic, and they’ve been damn proud of it!!
A “senior Bush advisor”:
The aide said that guys like me were ”in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who ”believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ”That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. ”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
Just like Ailes / FOX …and Sarah: create your own version of reality and watch everyone else scramble to deal with it. Then laugh all the way to the bank.
Therre IS a ton of green in the back yard, which is going to cost hundreds of dollars a month to keep green nearly all through the year.
I doubt they are concerned, though, regardless of the water table or the cost. After all, God’s gifts are there to use until they run out, and by then Jesus will arrive, just in the nick of time, to Rapture them out of the wreck they’ve made of Mother Nature.
(quoted from the Evangelical Fundamentalist playbook [NOT the Bible]).
Too many skeletons in the closet to get too friendly IMHO.
“..she told a cousin to get a passport asap…” Would that be the lookalike “Naughty Monkey EBay sale” cousin, who’s been stand-in for Bristle on numerous occasions?
Does that mean the cousin, Bristle, Chris and Kyle will ALL be traveling outside the USA “asap” as part of that upcoming supposedly LS-based “reality show”?
Or that the cousin has acting chops Bristle will NEVER have, even in unscripted “reality”?
oops…read “LA”, not “LS”
Yes, indeed……family time for the Palin Family. Strange how it always seems to include some money making endeavor with a side of family values (of course).
True dat. They don’t make 24′ x 30′ grizzly bear rugs — or do they? Run for the hills, mama, papa, and baby grizzlies!
I’m having a mental picture of Chuck Heath loading up a U-Haul trailer with select piles of bones, antlers, and mounted animal trophy heads, and heading to Arizona — AFTER the summer vacation RV tour, that is.
It makes you wonder if that family is so ignorant of AZ summer conditions that they send Piper and Trig out to play in the pool or on the jungle-gym later in the summer when they return from the summer vacation RV tour.
Hopefully those two kids are smarter than their parents.
That’s a chilling & completely accurate reading of what’s going on. I’ve been amazed how these Republicans can publicly tell their tall tales (lies) without cracking a smile, but that’s what they are doing & creating a “new” reality….theirs. Unfortunately, we seem to have a lot of slow learners & mouth breathers that let their prejudices get in the way of what is in their best interest & are being played like a violin by these people.
I’ve been playing around with this little duo in my head too. They were both in on those secret meetings in Giddings TX some time ago. I’ve heard that Texans do not like Perry, but I’m not sure how significant that is. They really could be the evil twins…not sure which is worse.
Well, it’ll be interesting to see how few times the Palin clan ventures outside their air-conditioned RV bus into the 95% humidity of the typical Northeast summer as they navigate northward to New Hampshire from Washington D.C.
Lawrence O’Donnell Tweeted last night, “Ok it’s already too hot & humid in NY. I’m ready for winter.”
My nickname is Lulu, I was disgusted to hear suggestions that someone refers to Sarah similarily.
Joe will you be interviewing her on this Fantasy Tour of hers. If so, I can imagine you’ll see her run, as fast and far away from you as is possible. Better have those cameras ready.
If I were to judge from those February 4, 2011 pictures of Sarah Palin sitting on that palomino horse (with 15 years of trail riding myself), I’d suggest she take riding lessons.
I can’t see Todd trading in his snow “machine” for anything. He’ll just load all the family ATVs on a flatbed and haul them down to AZ, rev ’em up, and tear up the undeveloped parts of their 4.4 acres.
That ought to enamor them to their horsey neighbors even more than the paparazzi helicopters have…
I would bet he is cute. Manageable is another thing altogether. My heart breaks for him because of the dysfunction that surrounds him.
Yup. Crumbs. That’s all we’d get. Well just look at poor Todd. He doesn’t even get to sleep in the same bed with her.
Yes, she is. Exhibit 1: Her bus tour is already a debacle. No one knows she’s coming and the youtube announcement is hilarious, as I told everyone it would be, just like her movie.
She’s come undone
She didn’t know what she was headed for
And when shefound what she was headed for
It was too late
She’s come undone
She found a mountain that was far too high
And when she found out she couldn’t fly
It was too late
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost herself
She’s come undone
We wanted truth but all she gave was lies
Came the time to realize
And it was too late
Too many mountains
And not enough stairs to climb
Too many churches
And not enough truth
Too many people
And not enough eyes to see
Too many lives to lead
And not enough time
didn’t mean to post all the lyrics, but they just FIT!!
Hmmmmm. I was considering that his good fortune.
You must be one of the PAID team Sarah
Fairy Tale trolls. You all sound straight out
Of Stepford so very easy to spot.
Your approach fools no one and makes Sarah
Look bad, if it’s possible to make her look
Worse. You all come across like shallow,
giggly Stepford barbie dolls dancing across
the Internet. Go Sarah! Go Girlfriend!
Bchhhhh. Can it- it’s annoying.
Joe, she is one of the Team Sarah Stepford trolls. They are easy to spot after awhile. Always upbeat in a very phony way and pretending to know the Palins intimately.
Well said Lidia. Thanks!
Look at the wording in the quote here, and please read about Quantum Physics. It’s Newtonian Physics vs Quantum Physics.
In Newtonian Physics, there are laws – remember our old ‘scientific principle’ where repeated experiments always come up with the same answer. In Quantum mechanics, those standing around the experiment influence the outcome. Add a person to the circle, you’ll probably get a different result. (Remember, we are talking light particles here.) Once THAT principle is understood, you can understand HOW it is possible to alter the reality of what a situation or outcome might have been. Until it happens in form, it can be influenced. Truly.
Look at the wording here. The guy says “You are in what we call the reality-based community.” (The old Newtonian paradigm.) ” He says, “(Now) when we act, we create our own reality.” (Quantum approach) “And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will,” (while stuck in the old Newtoniam paradigm) “we’ll act again,” (Quantum approach again) “creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.”
He’s saying that they understand a different form of creating ‘reality’, and that ” you, all of you, will be left to just study” (from the Newtonian standpoint) “what we do.”
And that, amongst other things, is also what Sarah’s ‘prayer shield’ is all about – and it WORKS – “visualization” or “intention” if you will.
Please, read about Quantum Physics, and how this can be done. – IS BEING DONE.
Having raised kids myself, I’m trying to imagine if it’s harder on the younger kids and how they cope. Constant change. Many couples however, move around a lot, because the job demands it, but usually they make it as comfortable for the kids as possible. Get them into schools and a friendly neighborhood, atmostphere that lets thekids explore their new surroundings, , activities. I just don’t see this AZ property as a “home”. It looks like it was set up for a HQ and a pit stop for the adults who need to change their clothes once in a while on their way to “nowhere”.
Maybe it’s Franklin Graham. We shouldn’t underestimate the money behind the Christian right. They preach politics in the pulpits of mega-churches and they know how to rake in the money. They need her or someone like her. Preferably her, though. Their main concern isn’t whether she is a genuine Dominionist Christian, but whether she can rile up the conservative fundamentalist base. Of course they have seen her in action in that regard.
Right on!