Trig Palin

Refreshing Rationality from New Yorker’s Amy Davidson
Finally, someone who personally believes that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig respects the right of
Andrew Sullivan and others to ask legitimate questions. Amy Davidson, a senior editor at The New Yorker posts on her Close Read blog.
This is like a breath of pure oxygen after choking on the aggressive contempt spewed by Salon, HuffPo, etc. over the past few days.
I can understand skepticism. But what’s fueling the anger of MSM toward those like Andrew Sullivan, who simply keep asking questions because no one is giving answers? You would think journalists would applaud Sullivan for doing his job. Instead, so many try to marginalize and demean him. I would expect this from hack polemicists like Breitbart, but I’d really like to know what’s behind the defensiveness at MSM sites such as Salon, Slate, and HuffPo. They laugh at and scorn Sarah for everything else she says, but on this one issue she’s declared beyond reproach and taken at her word? And the thoughtful and diligent Sullivan is ridiculed for saying it does matter if Sarah’s whole bit of performance art with Trig was only that?
What could matter more? This woman almost became vice president of the United States, and still harbors hopes (because God will open the doors for her) of becoming president.
I suspect, and certainly hope, that we’ve not heard the last from Andrew Sullivan on this question. I know we haven’t heard the last from me.
Salon, etc. Trash Trig Truthers/UPDATE
Salon launched a two-fisted attack today on those who are not yet convinced that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig. Justin Elliott’s “definitive debunker” is supported by former Anchorage Daily News reporter Wesley Loy’s recollection that–contrary to what he wrote at the time–Sarah actually did look pregnant in March, 2008.
That’s more than enough evidence for Jonathan Chait at The New Republic, whose blog post is headed, “Yes, Sarah Palin Is Trig’s Mom.”
The sudden wave of mainstream ridicule has not shaken the conviction of Jesse Griffin at The Immoral Minority, who says he’ll match his sources against Justin Elliott’s “any day of the week.”
All this comes at the end of a week that saw Huffington Post refuse to post Geoffrey Dunn’s article about the controversy, citing their “stated policy of not publishing conspiracy theory posts.” That’s a “policy,” by the way, that apparently does not apply to Donald Trump’s allegations that President Obama was not born in the United States. Business Insider was quick to step in, featuring Dunn’s post prominently.
For the moment, all I’ll say is that during my research for The Rogue, I spoke to an extremely knowledgeable source who had never before been willing to discuss the question of Trig’s birth. But my lips are sealed until September.
Not only did Huffington Post refuse to publish Dunn’s fair-minded and carefully-reasoned analysis (and he’d been a regular contributor there for the past couple of years) but today they feature this Jason Linkins jeremiad.
Is it purely coincidence that so many are suddenly so intent on insisting that there are no legitimate questions to be asked?
From Chicago, on the road: Happy Birthday!
Conservatives4Palin wishes Trig a happy third birthday. As do I, and as I’m sure all of us do.
I’ll be back with you on Friday.
Thought this was a good week to take care of some personal stuff.
Wrong again.
“Just when I thought I was out…they pull me back in.”
Dunn Writing Commentary on Scharlott Paper
My friend Geoffrey Dunn–whose book, The Lies of Sarah Palin, will be published next month–is working on a piece for Huffington Post about the Brad Scharlott Trig Hoax paper and various responses to it. Don’t know yet when HuffPo will post it.
Cold Water Thrown on Simmering Trig Hoax Allegations?
UK’s Daily Mail posts a photo of Sarah at her Dallas speech that shows her with “not only a pregnant stomach but a visibly fuller face and breasts, all signs of late pregnancy.” Case closed, say they.
Hey, none of the pictures of Sarah pregnant-or-not with Trig is the Zapruder film. None of them proves anything. At most, people can use them to support the opinion they already have. I just learned today, for example, that a couple of Brits spotted about-to-be princess Kate Middleton’s face on a mango jelly bean. Truth is as the eye of the beholder sees it.
But a mainstream backlash is developing against impudent suggestions that questions about Trig’s birth are legitimate. MSM news and opinion site Slate (owned by Washington Post Co.) posts an article headlined “Occam’s Razor Says Sarah Palin Is Trig’s Mother.”
Who doesn’t like Occam’s Razor? This is a philosophical principle posited by a 14th Century Franciscan friar called William of Ockham. It says, bottom line, that when there are varying explanations of an occurrence, the simplest is most likely to be true. In this instance, Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig. Period. End of story. That’s the simplest explanation. Occam says, “No story here, move along now.”
But as I just mentioned in a Twitter post, Occam never got to Wasilla. If he had, he might have thrown away his razor and grown a beard.
Blodget Pokes a Stick at the Sleeping Bear
Henry Blodget, CEO and editor-in-chief of Business Insider, writes that Northern Kentucky University professor Brad Scharlott alleges Sarah Palin “probably staged a gigantic hoax about being Trig’s mother,” but “our media has been too wimpy and pathetic to investigate.”
The sleeping bear is awake now and starting to growl.
To be clear: I am not at this point accusing Sarah of staging a hoax in regard to Trig.
I am, however, like Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast and Jesse Griffin at The Immoral Minority, saying that mainstream media, as well as Alaskan media and some otherwise progressive Alaska bloggers, gave Sarah a free pass re Trig in 2008, and have continued to denigrate anyone who suggests that the issue–a cornerstone of her political identity–is worth exploring.
The question now is whether the mainstreamers will revoke the pass, given that they’ve written Sarah off for 2012.
Let Sleeping Bears Lie
You would think that just as Slate, Salon and The Daily Beast are concluding that Sarah Palin has become yesterday’s breakfast, the last thing in the world she would want is to re-raise the question of whether she actually did give birth to Trig. Yet, with the help of ex-spokesman Bill McAllister, that’s exactly what she has done.
Sarah’s contribution was to endorse Donald Trump’s wacky foray into the question of President Obama’s natural born citizenship. Then McAllister launched a ballistic attack against a journalism professor from Northern Kentucky University who wrote an unpublished paper suggesting that mainstream media have given Sarah a free pass on the matter of Trig’s parentage. Absent McAllister’s tirade, it’s unlikely that Brad Scharlott’s paper would ever have reached a readership outside Highland Heights, Ky.
But now an issue that was dead and buried is alive again, with Andrew Sullivan posting about it at The Daily Beast today.
The revival of questions about Trig will make it difficult for Sarah to launch a presidential campaign without addressing the issue, which to this point she has steadfastly refused to do.
Sometimes it’s better to let the sleeping bear lie.
Fools Walk In…
Oh, my. Sarah went on Fox this weekend to praise Donald Trump (“more power to him”) for trying to prove that President Obama was not born in the U.S.
On the broadcast, she said Obama has “spent two million dollars to not show his birth certificate” and that his failure to produce it is “perplexing to a lot of people.”
Well, speaking of not producing birth certificates, where is Trig’s?
Of all the issues I would have thought Sarah would not have wanted to get involved in, I would have put “birth certificates” at the top of my list. Just shows that even I can underestimate her capacity for putting her foot in her mouth when she easily could keep it on the ground.
She wants to join Trump’s inane campaign to revive the issue of Obama’s U.S. citizenship?
Didn’t anyone teach her about Pandora’s Box?
Or does she think that’s a zone defense used in women’s basketball?
Ex-Palin spokesman says prof “in service of evil”
Not to mention that McAllister calls Professor Scharlott a “scumbag.”
Full email available here
What a classic example of Palinists turning a non-event (an unpublished academic paper not yet even in final form and sent to McAllister by Professor Scharlott only as a courtesy) into another colossal embarrassment.
Professor asks: Trig hoax? Sarah Palin spokesman enraged
A journalism professor at Northern Kentucky University has written a research paper titled, “Palin, the Press, and the Fake Pregnancy Rumor.” The professor, Brad Scharlott, asserts that there was enough evidence of a possible hoax to have warranted closer scrutiny by mainstream media during the 2008 presidential campaign.
Sarah’s former spokesman, Bill McAllister, has gone ballistic in response, threatening to commit assault and battery on the professor and writing that he’d like to challenge him to a duel. Calling Scharlott “despicable” and “a scoundrel,” McAllister forwarded his response to faculty colleagues, saying, “he should be fired.”
Rest assured, the question of whether Sarah is really Trig’s mother, or whether she faked the pregnancy and lied about the birth is not an issue I ignore in The Rogue.