Todd Palin
Turn Back the Clock: FENCE DAY was 1 Year Ago Tomorrow //UPDATE: FENCE DAY, 2011, in Scottsdale
How time flies. Already it’s been a year since Sarah Palin accused me of peering into Piper’s bedroom window, Glenn Beck first called me a stalker and Todd Palin had a work crew double the height of the ten-foot fence between the Palins’ property and the lot on which my rented house stood.
As I write in THE ROGUE about May 25, 2010:
“All day, I hear hammering and sawing. Todd has about twelve guys throwing up a new fence that’s roughly twice the height of the old one. I’m all in favor of the fence. Maybe once it’s up, Sarah will chill and we can both get on with our business. No one brings over a blueberry pie.”
Sarah had written on Facebook the night before, “Maybe we’ll welcome him with a homemade blueberry pie tomorrow so he’ll know how friendly Alaskans are.”
Not surprisingly, she didn’t.
In fact, as tweets leaked to The Daily Caller demonstrate, Sarah’s chief enforcer, Rebecca Mansour, had a quite different idea:
May 25, 2010 5:35:46: Time to find a way to go medieval on this McGinniss. Don’t be fooled by the light tone of the FB post. The BigBoss is so upset by this.
5:36:56: It quite broke my heart to get the emails from her about this. She feel like big brother is watching her & her family…
16:00:56: I was thinking…of mailing him a dead fish.
I never got the dead fish, either. But I’d say Mansour, no doubt smiling out of the other side of her face today, is a dead duck in Palinland.
Oh, by the way, the first strong wind last fall blew down the fence. Todd’s about as capable a builder as Sarah is a fisherwoman.
It’s been rumored since last week that Sarah and Todd have bought a new home in Scottsdale, Arizona.
I believe it. Especially after seeing this photo, sent by commenter “Jewels” to whom I’m, of course, grateful.
Looks mighty like a new fence going up around the house, doesn’t it?
I hope Todd and the gang do a better job with this one. You think Wasilla gets windy? Check this Fox News story about wind damage in Scottsdale last year:
Winds Damage Cars at Auction:
And remember, Sarah, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.
Memo to Sarah Palin: if you want to keep your children’s lives private, don’t give People Magazine an exclusive about your son’s wedding//UPDATE: My one brief meeting with Track
It’s such a shame–but so predictable–that Sarah had to milk this moment for publicity value. I feel quite sure that neither Track nor Britta wanted their wedding to become a national news story.
The bride’s father is pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Wasilla, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
He is no relation to Brad Hanson, the Palmer businessman, and Todd’s ex-partner in the Big Lake snowmobile shop, with whom Sarah allegedly had an affair.
I had the pleasure of being introduced to Rev. Hanson when I was in Alaska last summer. He is well liked and highly regarded and distinctly not part of the Christian Dominionist movement in Wasilla centered around Sarah’s Assembly of God church.
No one I spoke to last summer expressed anything other than praise and affection for his daughter, Britta. Many times I was told she was “the best thing” or “the only good thing” that ever happened to Track.
Last September, just after I left Alaska, she starred in the role of Elizabeth Bennet in the Valley Performing Arts production of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
Track himself has done all he can to distance himself from Sarah Palin Enterprises, Inc. Whatever his problems as an unsupervised adolescent, let’s give him and his new wife a break as they begin their married life together. Unlike Bristol, Track has never tried to cash in. He and Britta have been devoted to one another for years. I’m sure it wasn’t their idea to make a wedding announcement in the pages of People.
Let’s wish them both the best.
I never spoke to Track during the months I lived next door to him last summer. As I describe in THE ROGUE, a friend of mine had an encounter with him in late summer that started badly but ended well, and I believe it was Track who took the surreptitious photo of me on my deck that Sarah used in the Facebook post in which she implied that I’d moved in primarily so I could peer into Piper’s bedroom, but I don’t begrudge him doing what his mother and father told him to do.
Of course, as even a blind man could see, the picture shows me facing in the opposite direction from the Palin house while talking to my wife on my cell phone. Yet Glenn Beck and others on Fox News–Greta Van Susteren, in particular–used it as “evidence” that I was using binoculars to peer into the bedroom of a child. Absolute insanity.
But that wasn’t Track’s fault. As far as I know, he never said a bad word about me in public, and he never did anything to make me feel unwelcome as a neighbor.
In fact, my only meeting with Track could not have been more pleasant. As I write in THE ROGUE,
When I was in Wasilla in the fall of 2009, I stopped by the Palin house to drop off a copy of Going to Extremes, my book about Alaska in the 1970s. I’d signed it, “To Sarah Palin—from one author who loves Alaska to another.” Track came to the door and we had a brief, pleasant chat as I gave him the book. “You wrote this? Wow! That’s awesome.” I told him I was glad he’d made it back safely from Iraq. He thanked me and said he’d give the book to his mother.
I realize now, of course, that Sarah never “loved” Alaska–that she loves only herself–but that doesn’t alter the fact that Track was a perfect gentleman to a stranger who knocked unexpectedly on his door.
So, again, let’s wish him and his new wife well as they attempt to build a life together on their own.
Maybe they can escape from the circus.
Walt Monegan tells more truth about Sarah Palin
In an interview with Alex De Marban of Alaska Newspapers, Inc., which publishes six regional weeklies, Walt Monegan, Alaska’s Director of Public Safety, whom Sarah fired in 2008 because he refused to dismiss her ex-brother-in-law, Mike Wooten, from the Alaska State Troopers, recounts the history of his interactions with her.
His bottom line: “If she would have said, ‘Walt, I don’t like your hair. You’re outta here,’ that would have made more sense.”
Sarah Palin fired Walt Monegan in an act of petulance and vindictiveness because he would not commit a wrong she insisted on.
I write in considerable detail about the Palin family campaign–in which Todd played a leading role–to have Mike Wooten fired from his state trooper job because he and Sarah’s sister, Molly, were in the midst of a bitter divorce.
Sarah’s abuses of power in her extended campaign to have Wooten’s head served to her and Todd on a silver platter created the scandal known as “Troopergate.”
As I write in THE ROGUE,
The Troopergate imbroglio is worth examining in detail because Sarah’s actions, and those of her husband on her behalf, expose so clearly the vengeful, obsessive nature of the person who lurks behind the mask of sexiness and chirpy insouciance.
And I’m not referring to Walt Monegan.
He doesn’t wear masks.
I also write:
Sarah said she’d fired Monegan because he’d displayed a “rogue mentality.” Sarah apparently felt that “going rogue” was acceptable only when she did it herself.
I got to know Walt and his wife, Terry, last summer. There are not two finer people in Alaska.
Over coffee in Eagle River one morning, Walt told me that Sarah “just thought she should be able to do anything she wanted to, and that anybody working for her had an obligation to help…Maybe she hadn’t realized there were limits on her power. Maybe she thought being governor meant she could do anything she wanted to anyone. I loved my job and I’m sorry she took it from me, but I’ve never had a moment’s doubt about what I did.”
Walt Monegan combines intelligence, dedication and integrity to a degree that makes him very special.
Although he grew increasingly disillusioned, he remained loyal to Sarah Palin until she and Todd pressured him to betray his principles: something he would not do.
In her petulance and vengefulness, Sarah deprived the state of Alaska of the services of a remarkable man.
You can read much more about Walt Monegan in THE ROGUE.
Sarah & Billy’s Boy Frank View Tornado Damage in Birmingham//UPDATE (with photos)
Sarah did inspect tornado damage in Birmingham today, in the company of Franklin Graham.
A brief video appears on the Samaritan’s Purse Facebook page.
I’m sure you’ll find it as moving as I did.
The whole thing was stage-managed by Graham’s organization (see Sarah’s sweatshirt), so nobody not
on the team got close enough to ask her any questions (i.e., “How much are you personally donating to this rebuilding effort?”)
I wonder how much more it will take before genuine, caring, true Christians have had enough.
Samaritan’s Purse says:
“The Palins Pitch In.”
Sarah says, “It feels great to be working out here. I hope more people sign up with Samaritan’s Purse so they can be blessed like I am today.”
Pictures are worth thousands of words? I have nothing to add to these.
Sarah to Console Tornado Survivors Today
Sarah said last night that she and Todd will travel to Birmingham today to offer solace to those who lost loved ones and property in the recent tornadoes.
“We want these folks in those parts to know that they are not alone in this time, and Americans come together in moments like this to help support and to rebuild,” she said.
I hope a Birmingham journalist will ask Sarah one simple question: “How much of the $100,000 fee you got last night for being Trig’s mother will you be donating to Alabama tornado victims?”
I doubt that the question will be asked (last night, Sarah took only pre-approved questions), but I think we know what the honest answer would be.
However, I’m sure Sarah’s inspirational words about how sometimes God has to tear down so He can build anew will do more to lift spirits than a mere cash donation.
But here’s another idea: I happen to know first-hand that Todd has a whole crew of fence-builders on call 24/7 in Wasilla. Maybe he could send them down for a couple of weeks to help with rebuilding? After all, I won’t be returning to Lake Lucille until September.
Incidentally, attendance at Sarah’s speech last night was estimated at between 150-200. Heck, when the crowd is that small, you don’t have to estimate: just count ’em.
God to Sarah: “A hundred and fifty is all you could draw? You’re wearin’ out your welcome, gal. Better go home.”

And You Thought She Was Finished?///UPDATE
Where was Sarah today, before flying to Fresno for her $115,000 speech tomorrow at a junior college thirty miles to the south?
Holed up in her Lake Lucille compound, licking her self-inflicted wounds?
If you thought that, it just proves you don’t know Sarah: as irrepressible as she is irresponsible.
Look at the picture above. That’s newly-spruced up Todd on the left; then Sarah, looking at Todd as if she’d just learned that all the rumors about him and his love child and the hookers had been confirmed; then Greta Van Susteren, the Fox TV blatherer who last summer called me “The Wasilla Stalker,” and on the far right, Bill Press, who hosts a theoretically “liberal” talk show on SiriusXM satellite radio, and who’s proven himself a more tolerant man than me, because I’d never let Scientologist Van Susteren get close enough to me to put her arm on the back of my neck.
Washington Post gossip column Reliable Source has such a wonderful account of this event that I’ll republish here in full, rather than just posting a link:
Sarah Palin is surprise guest at White House Correspondents’ weekend parties
By The Reliable Source
And you thought this weekend was going to be all about Donald Trump! Probably only one other lightening-rod VIP could have stolen the mogul’s buzz in the pro-am zeitgeist tournament known as the White House Correspondents’ weekend, and darned if she didn’t pull a surprise appearance. You betcha, she did.
Sarah Palin walked into the Georgetown home of Mark Ein shortly before noon Saturday to dazzle a brunch crowd of Washington insiders and visiting luminaries. Black bell-sleeved summer dress, shiny hair. She and a clean-shaven Todd Palin posed for a few photos with hosts Wendi Murdoch and Susan Axelrod, then carved a path through the crowded dining room with their host for the weekend, Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren.
So, a win for Van Susteren, scoring the buzziest guest? (Her other guest, Kate Hudson, had to bow out for movie-promotion commitments.) Sure, but with an asterix, for Palin’s not actually expected at tonight’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, Van Susteren’s husband John Coale told us: “She’s just doing the brunch and the after-parties.”
Let’s forgive the Washington Post for misspelling “lightning rod.” Because, that’s our Sarah, isn’t it? “Just the brunch and the after-parties.”
She wouldn’t attend the dinner itself, because there she could not have made herself the center of attention.
But to all who still think she’s toast: Sarah Palin plans to run for the Republican nomination for president in 2012.
She’s not kissing Beltway butt just because she likes the way it makes her lips feel.
Thanks to a commenter for pointing out that the real reason Sarah is not attending the dinner itself–this is something the Washington Post gossip columnists apparently did not know–is because she’s picking up another $100,000 for speaking at the “Heroic Media: Heroes among Us” dinner just across the District line in Bethesda, Maryland. Heroic Media describes itself as “a faith-based non-profit that reduces abortion by helping women who face unexpected pregnancies learn hopeful alternatives through mass media advertising.”
Best way to stay non-profit is to pay Sarah a hundred thousand bucks a pop.
From Chicago, on the road: Happy Birthday!
Conservatives4Palin wishes Trig a happy third birthday. As do I, and as I’m sure all of us do.
I’ll be back with you on Friday.
Thought this was a good week to take care of some personal stuff.
Wrong again.
“Just when I thought I was out…they pull me back in.”
Ain’t Gonna Work on Sarah’s Farm No More
In Madison, Wisconsin today–and not for the first time–Sarah tried to identify herself with organized labor.
She said, “I’m here as a patriot, as a taxpayer, and as a former union member.”
I said, “Huh?” Lord, lordy, in all my research I somehow must have missed Sarah’s blue collar union days. But at least there’s still time to write about them in my last chapter, due June 4. So I checked.
Turns out that Vince Beltrami, president of Alaska AFL-CIO, already wrote about those glory days–on Feb. 19,in the Anchorage Daily News.
Beltrami was irked by the “utter hypocrisy” of Sarah urging (via Facebook) her “union brothers and sisters” to oppose
the protests against Wisconsin Gov. Walker’s signing into law a bill that stripped public employees of union rights.
He wrote, “She belonged to my union, the IBEW, for about a minute, over twenty years ago, one summer, in a temporary position.”
Now, again, she claims a link with organized labor by saying she’s “a former union member?”
Who does she think she’s kidding?
She’s not even Maggie in Bob Dylan’s Maggie’s Farm, she’s Maggie’s ma.
I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s ma no more
No, I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s ma no more
Well, she talks to all the servants
About man and God and law…
She’s sixty-eight, but she says she’s twenty-four
I ain’t gonna work for Maggie’s ma no more
Sarah Palin hearts Trump: she once yearned for Ivana
As I mention in The Rogue, Sarah once drove from Wasilla to J.C. Penney in Anchorage to get a glimpse of Ivana Trump as she promoted a new line of perfumes. She told Todd she was going to Costco to buy groceries. But she was really going to J.C. Penney to see Ivana because, as she told the Anchorage Daily News, she was “so starved for any semblance of glamor and culture.”
Now that she’s toeing his birther line, maybe The Donald will let her sit on his lap.
Todd’s Love Child?
National Enquirer out with a story about Todd’s “love child.”
I heard the story from a number of people last summer. Basic version is that it’s a boy now in his late teens and that the mother is an old flame of Todd’s from his hometown of Dillingham. I haven’t yet been able to confirm this, but I won’t be delivering my final chapter until June.