The Rogue
FYI: my CONDE NAST PORTFOLIO piece about Sarah and failed gas pipeline
I’ve gotten some queries about this, so for those of you who haven’t found it elsewhere on my website or on the internet, this is my March, 2009, cover story about Sarah and her failed attempt (which at the GOP convention in 2008 she claimed as a success) to create an Alaskan natural gas pipeline:
I think I recall that Sarah called it “yellow journalism,” or something equally felicitous.
I know I recall that when Todd and I had our face-to-face encounter in my back yard on Lake Lucille, on Monday, May 24, 2010, he called the story a “bunch of crap,” “a bunch of lies,” and “a bunch of bullshit.”
Those Palins sure have a way with words, don’t they?
By the way, Sarah, how’s that AGIA stuff workin’ for you now?

“The Oft-Defeated” may be the stake Sarah drove into her own heart
No, I haven’t seen it, and now that I’m not going to use a viewing in Phoenix as the kickoff to the e-single that would have been Sarah Palin’s Arizona, I don’t intend to.
But it’s the same as reading Bristol’s “book,” or Levi’s upcoming “book”: I don’t have to view or read to know how appalling these products are.
Many years ago, when I contacted the late William Safire to try to arrange an interview about his impressions of Teddy Kennedy, he courteously declined, saying, “I don’t kick ’em when they’re down.”
I’d feel the same way about Sarah, Bristol and Levi–The Unholy Trinity–except that they refuse to admit that they’re down yet, and mass media, as personified most recently by the revolting Jay Leno, keep them propped up, trying to squeeze the last dollar out of pretending to take them seriously, even as these unholy three try to squeeze the last dollar out of their Wasilla Hillbilly act.
See Leno disgracing himself here, and also enjoy Gryphen’s commentary. For once, the squalid Don Rickles was in his element.
Talk about marriages made in hell.
We can, however, cut the kids some slack. After all, Bristol learned only from her mother (certainly never at school,) and Levi (who still doesn’t have a high school degree) woke up one day to find he’d won the Impregnation Lottery, and why shouldn’t he try to make an easy buck, since he has no skills that would enable him to earn an honest one?
But Sarah is different.
In THE ROGUE, I write about Sarah’s close association with a Christian Dominionist leader named C. Peter Wagner, who founded an organization called Global Harvest Ministries.
Wagner’s goal–and the goal of Sarah Palin–is to end the separation of church and state in America, and to turn our country into a Christian Dominionist theocracy.
Before Global Harvest Ministries, Wagner co-founded, with Ted Haggard–later disgraced when it was learned he’d used crystal meth during homosexual trysts–an outfit called
the World Prayer Center, in Colorado Springs, CO.
As I write in THE ROGUE:
The center has been described in Charisma magazine as “a spiritual version of the Pentagon”—the command center for Wagner’s worldwide campaign against demons.
Trust me, you’ve never heard lunacy like this.
I lay it all out in THE ROGUE, but I can offer one brief excerpt here:
Members of Wagner’s Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation are convinced that their prayers can literally destroy individuals whom they’ve identified as demonic. Among those for whose deaths they claim credit are Mother Teresa and Princess Diana.
Wagner taught his followers that a female mega-demon whom he called…“The Great Harlot of Mystery Babylon” lurked near the summit of Mount Everest…One of Wagner’s leading apostles in Mexico was a woman named Ana Mendez, a former witch in a Haitian voodoo cult…she led a team of twenty-six intercessors to Mount Everest in an assault she called, “Operation Ice Castle.” She and her elite force launched highly targeted intercessory prayers directly at the Great Harlot…Apparently, the prayers found their mark, killing the Harlot Queen.
This is the stuff Sarah believes and acts upon. But you won’t see it in the new movie about her.
Even so, the new movie is so awful as to be laughed off the screen by professional reviewers of all political persuasions.
See this from Politico (not exactly a left-wing site.)
Sarah encouraged this poor sap Bannon to spend his millions in an attempt to save her from her own banality, ugliness, and freaky Christian Dominionism.
That he fell flat on his face has now become painfully apparent.
Not that there was any way he could have succeeded.
After all, when your subject is a sow’s ear (aka “The Great Harlot of Wasilla”), it’s tough to make a silk purse.
Sarah would have been better off keeping her distance from this farce. But by showing up in Iowa for its very first public showing, she tied her future to its credibility and its success.
As is now evident, it has neither.
Hoping for even more silk for her purse, she’s managed only to drive a stake–if not through her heart–at least through her own sow’s ear.
Yet one more defeat for “The Oft-Defeated.”
The Problem Sarah Can’t Solve: Sarah Palin
She speaks with forked tongue.
And she can’t keep herself from stepping on both forks.
Consider just recently:
–her comments after Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was almost assassinated in Arizona.
–her idiotic bus tour, which culminated in her astonishingly ignorant remarks about Paul Revere.
–her insistence that she had been right about Paul Revere: yes, really, he was shooting his gun and ringing his bell to warn the British that the Americans were coming!
–her embarrassing cancellation of the rest of the bus tour.
–her insistence that she had not cancelled the bus tour.
–her cancellation of her trip to Sudan because of nonexistent “jury duty.”
–her support for the hugely embarrassing movie about herself. “The Undefeated” could be the worst movie ever made about a politician, which is fitting, because she could be the worst political figure ever to etch her way into the national consciousness. Only fitting that it was made by a guy who made his money at Goldman Sachs, ripping off real Americans while he enriched himself. And they have the gall to call themselves populists!
The list could go on, and Sarah herself will assure that it does.
It also goes way back in time. Trust me, Sarah’s history of stepping all over her forked tongue all her life is documented in THE ROGUE.
I’ll never forget the first time I heard her voice. I was considering a new book about Alaska, a sequel to GOING TO EXTREMES. I heard that Alaska had a woman governor. That intrigued me. I googled her. Then I youtubed her. Fifteen seconds after first hearing her voice, I knew she wasn’t somebody I wanted to write about.
Then McCain chose her as his running mate. Which meant that this blithering idiot came close to holding a national office that could have been the Presidency.
And so I felt I had to write about her.
I still tremble when I think about that. Do any of you realize how close we came to the destruction of the United States of America, and its replacement by the Christian States of America? For those of you who believe in him, thank God for Barack Obama. May we never have to learn what he saved us from.
Every day for the rest of our lives every one of us should let John McCain know what a traitor he was to the country he once served so bravely.
Meanwhile, Sarah lives on as a national political figure, enabled by the very mainstream media that ridicules her.
Breathlessly, the Beltway Bunch awaits her decision…
Sarah has already laughed all the way to the bank.
Now she may swoop in again and try to steal our country and present it to her cult–the Christian Dominionists, whose top priority is to destroy separation of church and state.
Sarah tried that in Wasilla. It didn’t work. That doesn’t mean she’s not planning to try it again, on a much larger scale.
With every word her forked tongue allows her to utter, she tries to play down her ties to Evangelistic Extremism, but in her heart she knows they’re right.
Actually, God is getting the last laugh here.
Because with every word she utters in live time (and this excludes her ghost-written Facebook posts), she trips all over the tongue God gave her but forgot to tell her how to use.
In THE ROGUE, I write about my visit to John Stein, the man Sarah unseated as mayor of Wasilla in 1996.
You can read about Stein’s integrity and honesty and self-effacing sense of humor in the book, but I’ll include this brief exchange with him here to give you a sense:
“My question about Sarah,” he says, “is if God wants her to be president, why didn’t God equip her with education enough to have at least basic knowledge of geography, science and social systems?”
“You mean so she wouldn’t say she could see Russia from her house?”
“She never said that,” he says, smiling. “She said she could see rush hour.”
“The Oft-Defeated” a Box Office Bomb & Zero-rated at Rotten Tomatoes
Oh, well, they tried. But it looks like Stephen Bannon is out the million bucks he spent translating his worship of Sarah Palin into film.
Bannon’s balderdash, in fact, achieved an unprecedented “Double Zero”: 0 percent favorable ratings at Rotten Tomatoes and 0 members of the public sitting through the whole thing as it debuted in the city of Orange, in the county of Orange, California, at 12:01 a.m. today, PDT.
The Atlantic’s Conor Friedersdorf unselfishly interrupted his vacation–and stayed up past his bedtime, too–to bear solitary witness to the fiasco in Orange County. We should all be grateful to him for his front-line report.
Even though the theater was only ten miles from the Richard Nixon Museum in Yorba Linda, not a single Palinite was willing to stay up past midnight to view the premiere.
Wasn’t so long ago that thousands queued through the night to get Sarah’s autograph.
But last night’s score: Harry Potter 5,000–Sarah Palin 0.
Can’t say I’m sorry about not being in Phoenix for the 5 p.m. showing today.

Is Bristol as bonkers as her Mom? With God on Their Side…
In an interview just published by Christianity Today, Bristol says folks don’t respect Sarah because, “She’s got a good family, she’s got a good husband, she’s got awesome support, she’s got God on her side, and I think people are envious of that.”
Hell, I know I am.
If I had God on my side, I wouldn’t have Levi’s publisher rushing the date of his ghost-written tripe to bring it out the same day as THE ROGUE in an attempt to hitch a ride on my coat tails.
But wait a minute: does this mean God is on Levi’s side?
And if he or she is, how can he/she also be on Sarah’s side–and Bristol’s?
Surely, God is not the sort to hedge bets.
If you really can bear to see how brainwashed Bristol has been by her mother and the Christian Dominionists who control her mother’s thinking–as I explain in great detail in THE ROGUE— you have to read the whole interview here.
By the end of it, you start think that God must be a member of Al Qaeda: otherwise, why would he or she have loosed such a blight as the Palins upon our land?
I’ll know about the Arizona trip tomorrow
Perhaps the least-mentioned aspect of the nonfiction book author’s life is the amount of time spent sitting around waiting for other people to make decisions. Primarily, this is a function of the costs involved in journalism (the same reason why you see less and less of it these days.) Opinions are cheap and plentiful. Journalism, which involves at the least travel & lodging, can be expensive.
Tomorrow, the powers that be–of whom I’m not one–will either make it possible for me to write “Sarah Palin’s Arizona” as a Kindle Single, or not.
I’ll let you know asap and I apologize to those whose plans are dependent on waiting for me to say it’s definite.
I’m just back from a weekend in New York City, where I received the “True Thriller” award at the sixth annual ThrillerFest, sponsored by the International Thriller Writers.
The photos are of Peter James about to present me the award and of my–very very brief–acceptance remarks.
I paid tribute to Brian Murtagh, the just-retired US Department of Justice attorney who for 41 years stayed on the case of Jeffrey MacDonald. If it weren’t for Brian, MacDonald never would have been brought to trial, much less convicted, and since that 1979 conviction Brian has been the man who’s thrown up the roadblocks every time new lawyers tried to find a way to help MacDonald weasel out of paying the life-sentence price for having murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters at Fort Bragg in 1970.
I also paid tribute to my wife, Nancy Doherty.
Nancy, for forty years, has been my best editor, and my worldwide traveling companion, but she has been so much more. Not least, the mother of two of my children. As for everything else, it’s too personal to get into here, but I can say with certainty that wherever I am today, without Nancy I’d be in a much worse place.
I’m told that a video of my interview with Kathleen Sharp and Q&A session, as well as my acceptance remarks will soon be posted at the Thrillerfest website.
It was a wonderful event, with eight hundred people in attendance. I made many new friends, including John Lescroat, whose work I’ve enjoyed and admired for years, and Douglas Preston, who, in addition to his many splendid thrillers, wrote a true crime book called The Monster of Florence, which caused him to be arrested in Italy and interrogated by the same crazed prosecutor who won a conviction against Amanda Knox (and I must give you all an advance tip on the book that finally gets to the heart of that bizarre story: The Fatal Gift of Beauty: The Trials of Amanda Knox, by Nina Burleigh.)
I myself am a fugitive from the Italian criminal justice system, having been convicted in absentia on charges filed against me by Gabriele Gravina, president of the minor league soccer team that was the subject of The Miracle of Castel di Sangro. That story is too long to go into here, but Gravina filed criminal charges against me as part of a (largely, but not entirely) successful attempt to prevent publication of Miracle in Italy.
The actor Anthony LaPaglia, who now has his own production company, optioned The Miracle of Castel di Sangro and hired me to write the screenplay, which I did. Anthony then went to Italy to make sure there would be no, shall we say “problems” with filming there. He met personally with Gravina in Rome. Gravina told him, “Under no circumstances will this movie be filmed in Italy.”
Anthony was made to understand the amount of sabotage that could occur to all the expensive equipment on location in Castel di Sangro. Gravina explained to him that it would be a very serious mistake for him to attempt to make the movie at all. Anthony, a wonderful man who was a joy to work with and who taught me a lot about screenwriting, decided to focus on other projects and let his option on Miracle lapse.
So, yes, “those people” are alive and all too well in Italy today. They also caused my original Italian publisher, Garzanti, to cancel its contract to publish an Italian edition of Miracle.
Anyway, Doug Preston and I had a lot to talk about. I also reconnected with some very dear old friends.
OFF TOPIC: My Arizona trip is still pending. It’s amazing how complicated things can get in July when a publisher has such big plans for a book to be released on Sept. 20. All I can say is that there’s a lot of inside baseball being played right now and my goal is the same as that of Crown: to have the biggest and best possible rollout of THE ROGUE in September. Whatever helps that, I’ll do. Whatever doesn’t, I won’t. I’ll say more about Arizona in the next couple of days as questions are resolved.