And You Thought She Was Finished?///UPDATE
Where was Sarah today, before flying to Fresno for her $115,000 speech tomorrow at a junior college thirty miles to the south?
Holed up in her Lake Lucille compound, licking her self-inflicted wounds?
If you thought that, it just proves you don’t know Sarah: as irrepressible as she is irresponsible.
Look at the picture above. That’s newly-spruced up Todd on the left; then Sarah, looking at Todd as if she’d just learned that all the rumors about him and his love child and the hookers had been confirmed; then Greta Van Susteren, the Fox TV blatherer who last summer called me “The Wasilla Stalker,” and on the far right, Bill Press, who hosts a theoretically “liberal” talk show on SiriusXM satellite radio, and who’s proven himself a more tolerant man than me, because I’d never let Scientologist Van Susteren get close enough to me to put her arm on the back of my neck.
Washington Post gossip column Reliable Source has such a wonderful account of this event that I’ll republish here in full, rather than just posting a link:
Sarah Palin is surprise guest at White House Correspondents’ weekend parties
By The Reliable Source
And you thought this weekend was going to be all about Donald Trump! Probably only one other lightening-rod VIP could have stolen the mogul’s buzz in the pro-am zeitgeist tournament known as the White House Correspondents’ weekend, and darned if she didn’t pull a surprise appearance. You betcha, she did.
Sarah Palin walked into the Georgetown home of Mark Ein shortly before noon Saturday to dazzle a brunch crowd of Washington insiders and visiting luminaries. Black bell-sleeved summer dress, shiny hair. She and a clean-shaven Todd Palin posed for a few photos with hosts Wendi Murdoch and Susan Axelrod, then carved a path through the crowded dining room with their host for the weekend, Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren.
So, a win for Van Susteren, scoring the buzziest guest? (Her other guest, Kate Hudson, had to bow out for movie-promotion commitments.) Sure, but with an asterix, for Palin’s not actually expected at tonight’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner, Van Susteren’s husband John Coale told us: “She’s just doing the brunch and the after-parties.”
Let’s forgive the Washington Post for misspelling “lightning rod.” Because, that’s our Sarah, isn’t it? “Just the brunch and the after-parties.”
She wouldn’t attend the dinner itself, because there she could not have made herself the center of attention.
But to all who still think she’s toast: Sarah Palin plans to run for the Republican nomination for president in 2012.
She’s not kissing Beltway butt just because she likes the way it makes her lips feel.
Thanks to a commenter for pointing out that the real reason Sarah is not attending the dinner itself–this is something the Washington Post gossip columnists apparently did not know–is because she’s picking up another $100,000 for speaking at the “Heroic Media: Heroes among Us” dinner just across the District line in Bethesda, Maryland. Heroic Media describes itself as “a faith-based non-profit that reduces abortion by helping women who face unexpected pregnancies learn hopeful alternatives through mass media advertising.”
Best way to stay non-profit is to pay Sarah a hundred thousand bucks a pop.
Shall we also forgive the misspelling of asterisk?? We all need editors, but that’s a little much.
I’m sure Palin “plans to run” (if that means eventually opening up a new PAC to grift with). But she can’t run with funds from SarahPAC plus she’d have to leave FOX. She won’t run (she’s not a real runner–did you see the photoshopped cover of RUNNER’S WORLD?). And Bristol just got her face “lifted” so much that it will cause much discussion (“who’s elite now?”) among the unwashed masses, wherever Sarah goes.
Palin has a $100,000 speech to give tonight. This is the event that the “Jews for Palin” are piggybacking off of.
Some 50 people will be holding a “Jews for Sarah” shabbaton in Bethesda in conjunction with Heroic Media, an anti-abortion group. The April 29-30th Shabbaton will feature glatt kosher meals for $650 per person.
I gave them the benefit of the doubt, thinking they may have intended a subtle reference to “Asterix & Obelix” comic books. But no doubt you are are right. Twitter may mark the death of the English language as it has been taught, learned and practiced at least since the 1400’s.
In addition to “lightening rod”, what the heck is an “asterix”? According to my dictionary and the way I was taught, it’s “asterisk”. What an embarrassment for a Washington Post writer! Sorry, but I put this in the same category as “ax” instead of “ask”. Anyway, ‘thanx’ for the info Joe, but it is very disheartening news indeed.
I think it’s just as likely that Sarah is so competitive that she had to let everyone, including Trump, know she is still the brighter star at an event like this. Just a little narcissistic ego masturbation, because she can.
She can’t stand it that Trump is the new media darling, the polls show her dropping like a rock, the Fox folks are no longer lobbing her softballs and then running over to help her catch them, and her May forecast is for cloudy skies and teeth-gnashing embarrassment. Even her supporters are making noises about not donating until she announces a candidacy.
She showed them!
Palin still doesn’t know what she doesn’t know. And she doesn’t know that most of America finds her annoying, unenlightened if not just stupid, and a danger to this republic. When I think back on the past three years, I want to ask, “what has this woman done that has made a positive impact on this country?” There is nothing.
Oh, so that’s why she’s put her Star of David fashion accessory back on this week…
This is what happens when newspapers lay off low-paid copy editors in an effort to stem losses.
They fail to realize that they lose their credibility, which in the end will cost them much more than
the copy editors did. When the Washington Post is written and edited as poorly as your neighbor’s blog,
we all lose. The saddest thing is that in about ten years nobody will know how to spell either “asterisk” or “lightning” and it won’t matter. The visual image is replacing the written word as the basic unit of communication. Some of us might bitch and moan, but it’s all part of the evolutionary process.
Joe, if possible, would you please explain this idea a bit? Are you referring to what Chris Hedges wrote about in EMPIRE OF ILLUSION? Or is the theory that pictures (or hieroglyphics-like images) will replace language? Or just replace literacy? Thanks in advance.
The visual image, as in dreams and true symbols, certainly precedes the written word. However, the cognitive skills and benefits involved in writing and composing one’s thoughts, and in reading, can not be replaced by visual images alone. Different areas of the brain are activated in spatial cognition and language skills–using both hemispheres of the brain in learning is beneficial.
And unless you are suggesting evolution is leading us into communicating with pure mathematics (where paradoxes found in language are non-existent), or perhaps telepathy, I venture to say writing and reading will continue to be important tools for humans.
Since Seth Myers spent three minutes on Trump, and talked about Pawlenty. Huckabee, and neither of the women, I think she is done. Did you catch Trump’s death look when he was being made fun of? Obama laughs when he is the butt of the joke; Palin and Trump plot ways to get even.
I thoroughly enjoyed watching the scholarship recipients walking down the line – so deservedly proud – with a hug from the lovely Michelle and a handshake from the President of the United States. Knowing that Bristol was sitting there. I suppose I should have some pity for her because how else was she supposed to turn out raised by cheap people like Sarah and Todd? She got what she wanted though – she paid for a house with cash earned from her mother’s rubes, got invited to eat with the President simply because she got pregnant. My hope is that she felt uncomfortable and that discomfort might help her break the link to her heritage before she passes it on to her son. I doubt it. One can hope. My guess is she didn’t even notice. She’s a Palin after all.
Sarah standing at the event in the garden was cringe worthy. The illiterate with the ghost writer questioned the credentials of the former editor of the Harvard Law Review and the authorship of his book, and with ethics challenges up to her exfoliated neck questioned the legitimacy of of his election. Yet showed up for an event part of the White House correspondent’s dinner as though she’d said nothing at all. The brazen shamelessness is breath taking. Then off to make $100,000 from marketing her children once more.
So no. She’s not going anywhere. She’s without embarrassment. She’s covered with Teflon quality cheap brass. And so yes – she’ll run. Oh “you betcha”.
Trump is a spoiled little tyrant who has surrounded himself with paid yes-men and apprentices he can fire, after a career conning, cheating and stealing his way to “success” he’s as thin-skinned as Palin, only with more people on his payroll to stroke his ego. Like Sarah, he’s got no game.
…And neither President Obama nor Seth Meyers mentioned Sarah Palin even once.
Anyone want to bet that she assigned some Palin child or cousin to watch C-SPAN to listen for her name being mentioned, so she could Tweet/Facebook her next victim screed?
Does Heroic Media ever feature anyone except Sarah Palin?
Seth Myers mentioned her in the list of possibles, and then hit on the Katie Couric/magazine article question, but other than that, nothing.
Let’s hope so. But look at how newspapers such as NYTimes and WallStreetJournal ape USAToday by using visuals and color imagery,
not just dull black-and-white words. Even more apparent in online versions than dying print editions. Television started this: prior to 1950’s
news was communicated by either written or spoken word. People had to go to movie theaters to watch newsreels if they wanted more.
TV democratized visual imagery. Internet power and speed showed up print as equivalent of steam locomotive in jet era. Now It’s increasingly color, image,
motion: instantaneous drama flashed on the wall of the cave. So why bother to try to read what’s written there?
Who knows where evolution will lead us? We’re not yet evolved enough to know.
It’s too bad the press didn’t pick up the irony of Palin attending a brunch that benefited the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood.
Joe, Please explain why you feel so certain that $arah will run.
The Quitter doesn’t even dare show her face here in Alaska, nor talk to anyone, let alone local media. Lies and lack of intelligence aside — why do you feel that she would suddenly brave the full monty with national media? Do you really believe $arah will hold public discourse with the other candidates and (gasp!) debate?
Americans are curious! Do tell!
No…..church lady is never finnished. She will pass her plate to every pue, every person, to every dieing soul. For she feels the power of the take…….. It gives her a rush…… and the power to push people under the bus.
She likes too burn her skin under the sunbeds and show buz lites. There are big plans for the Church Lady and the Show Biz Lights. Dolls, cloths, shoes, and dues…….. THis Church Lady is going to play the blues……..
Church Lady on meds……, making shallow speach……, flirting your dimming charm and fading light……. Please get real and see the world with original eyes, not corporate lies……. a world were burning carbon is making perrl, and the good Earth planet tweral . Please see peace between all men and women. Please see equiality.
Please see yourself, Please look inside Church Lady! Please don’t lie anymore Church Lady.
Seth also made a joke about the newpapers Palin read as a question seen on Family Feud. Oh I’d love to see the Palins vs. the McCains.
We polled 100 pregnant woman and asked them things to do when you’re leaking amniotic fluid.
*BUZZ* Sarah: Get on an airplane
I thought so too, but after watching the awesome vid & speech ago he DID refer to her in a very indirect way…
Talking about the WH Easter Egg hunt how he gave out candy and Michele “Snatched it out of his hands…SNATCHED out of my hands” I believe that was a direct reference to SPA when idiot said she was dedicating that epi to Michelle O and making s’mores!
Now she is schlepping all over the after parties to whisper Babygate is not true and vote 4 me…so far seen her at MSNBC & VF.
Why not fox?
Fox doesn’t have Babygate.
Actually I believe Sarah was mentioned in a back-handed snark but not directly. (But not personally )
Seth Myers joke ( paraphrasing ) was that now that Trumps owns the Miss America Pageant… the GOP has Their List of potential VP Running Mates.
I took this to mean a jab at Miss Wasilla by referring to the pageant ( indirectly)… and the fact that she was last years GOP VP choice.
I thought the joke showed a lot of creativity by snarking at HER, the GOP, AND Trump. It was implied.. but he wouldn’t even say her name. I don’t think Sarah will figure it out.. unless someone explains it to her.
I’d be arrested faster for J-walking.WHO is protecting Baby Face Palin. She’s too defient, not scared, someone has her back. Three years now and nothing has brought her down. WHY?
I agree…..Sarah WILL run for President of the United States. Her huge inflated ego will not allow her to sit this one out. She is too stupid to realize she is so underqualified it is unbelievable. the thought of her sitting in the Oval Office literally makes me ill.
Those who know her…. know….and expect her to run. She truly believes in her warped, pea sized brain that God has chosen her to lead the world. This should be a HOOT! Hang on $arah….it’s going to get bumpy!
So true Joe. The English language is quickly becoming lost. It really saddens me. I’ve lived in Alaska for 30 years and will never get used to the non stop errors at ADN and Juneau Empire.
I don’t know if Sarah will run, but you are correct about how Sarah is looking at her husband. If looks could kill, her husband Todd would be a dead man.
I am sure that Sarah wants to run, but I don’t see her getting the media attention she once did. The headlines today are all about Trump and the President. The two or three stories about Sarah are very short. If Sarah wants to get back the media ball, if you will, she will have to play ball with the media. She might have to submit to an interview on a network other than FOX News.
She didn’t even manage a fake photo-op at some Special Olympics event or something. Just takes money from groups who try to help special needs kids and gives nothing back.
Whew. She could have been a contender if she wasn’t mentally ill.
I thought it was one of the best lines of the night. It was indicative of how they picked $arah in 2008, only appearance really mattered, since they had four other females on their possible V.P. list all of them with far more experience and at least a decade older than Palin. Last night’s WHCD was a great way to show Trump just what they really think of him, that he’s a joke. Too bad he’s as thin-skinned as Palin. You know he was bragging about how President Obama would never say a word about him and then out of nowhere, “the President made Trump look like the fool he truly is!”
Palin has used up her outrage quotient, not sure what foolish thing she could say or write on her hand that would get the attention she is used to.
she might have to start acting like an adult professional to get attention now….
Beth, this is how I see it…. the PERFECT STORM. Palin hasn’t been brought down yet because of a confluence of factors we’ve never seen before:
Pick a card – pick all the cards….
There is the rise of theocratic ‘democracy’ being promulgated by the Koch brothers and their various foundations, all in the name of making money to the detriment of their unwitting schlubs. Rupert Murdoch and five other huge corporations own the eyeball media in America – clicks mean money, the Huffington Post being the most egregious example. Unfortunately, this includes the book publishing industry they have a virtual lock on. (But very fortunately, Mr. McGinniss seems to have found a way around that). Additionally, SEX SELLS, exemplified by Palin’s ridiculously tiny black skirts, red pumps, black leather dominatrix jackets, and tongue action glimpsed through vaselined lips. Also, the gender conundrum prevents questioning a woman’s intellectual capabilities, ‘executive experience’, or reproductive ‘accomplishments’. And as witnessed starting in the early ’70’s, the “she’s just like us” dumbing down of our population is officially here. The Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court was the death knell to fair elections as we once thought the were (questionable, but still…)
Net conclusion to what’s happening to our country? Follow The Money.
I don’t think that Sarah will run. She has too much stuff in her closet that will be picked apart. I think the tide has turned. She needs to just pretend like she is running to keep the money coming in. It looks like she enjoys palling with the “elites”, for all she says against them. However, she spent the evening making quick money, not developing rapport with people that could further her political future. She likes the takings better than the “title.”
Of course she’s not done getting attention when she can and getting HER ass kissed. The most she’ll do – as far as a run for the nomination goes – is announce, do a few Fox News interviews and get a few nasty rallies in before she has to quit (i.e., when she can’t stay in her little bubble anymore and she’s about to wet herself from fear of facing other candidates or the non-Fox press.
President Obama touched on Heroic Media in his White House Correspondents Dinner speech, recognizing the journalists that have been beaten, raped or killed in trying to give the oppressed a voice and tell the world their story. Those are heroic media, not these righteous, self-serving oppressive elites.
Jews for Sarah are about as ridiculous as Jews for Jesus. But I think I could sit at a table for J4J’s over Sarah any day.
“As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” – H. L Mencken
But I thought the moron was GW Bush.
True about speed and visuals replacing ink in cyberspace etc. But research and common sense –which is rare as Voltaire noted- Indicate that cognitive skills are sharpened by focused and sustained mental efforts-such as in reading a book. New research also shows that multi-tasking and passive spectator-like activities, e.g. watching visuals as in TV, do not improve cognitive skills but may actually impede cognitive development over a lifetime.
Teaching children to think and use their amazing brains is becoming a rather revolutionary activity. The status quo in the US would have them plugged into some sort of machine passively receiving data and stimulation with little or no critical analysis and/or participation. How did Newton, who was educated in a village school with precious little technology and sloppy ink and paper, discover the laws of gravitation? Because of the human brain.
When more areas of the brain are activated in focused activities such as reading and writing, cognition and memory are improved. When right-brained activities such as art are incorporated in the activity–learning and memory are even further improved. This is backed by “brain-based” learning research and newer studies showing what many already know: mental acuity and cognitive abilities are enhanced by focusing the mind in activities requiring mental effort over a sustained period of time, as in reading a book, doing math problems. writing an essay, painting a picture, choreographing a dance, etc., and this is true right through to old age.
When my body can dance in cyberspace and a computer can write “The Brothers Karamazov” I’ll say the machine has surpassed the human and let’s all get the chips implanted.
The technophiles enamored of technology have forgotten the Faustian myth–for all “progress” there’s a price. I for one am waiting for people to become fully human before moving on to cyborgs. 🙂 Techne is still a tool no matter how glamorized it is by those mesmerized by human inventiveness.
The monks of Ireland are said to have saved Western civilization by hand-copying the mss. of antiquity in the solitude of lonely cells over a number of centuries. Human ingenuity is not dependent on machines. The genius lies within.
The medium used by writers to deliver the message is not important–but being able to think is.
Yes, mass media advertising certainly offers an ammaaaaziiing resource for us women who find ourselves with unexpected pregnancies. What a worthy noble cause – they need America’s charitable dollars for their advertisements.
You betcha.
Can you say “audit”, anyone?
can anyone tell me whether Palin was actually invited to attend the WHCD?
“She’s not kissing Beltway butt just because she likes the way it makes her lips feel.”
Yes, she does. She does like the way it feels and that’s exactly what she’s doing.
See Donald Sutherland behind her? Kate Hudson had to leave early? That’s why she’s there; she loves it and craves it. L’il old Sarah Heath “Barracuda” now lives that lifestyle and literally rubs shoulders with the rich and famous. That’s what she wants. She’s a livin’ breathin’ “Heidi” come into her own.
I wish she could appreciate what a blessing the McCain campaign was for her and be a little bit grateful that John McCain and middle-class Americans created her, instead of the constant bitterness and criticizing the media and the president.
She is one big fat successful media production. Marketing works! The ad agencies and target marketers turn out to really be smarter than we are!
You are of course right, Joe, about the sorry state of journalism. What I have seen pass for “copy editors” – even when they have jobs – is appalling. I had a disastrous experience with a young woman copy editing my novel a few months ago. The work she did was beyond shoddy. It was unacceptable. But suffice to say that when I used the phrase “a second gunman on the grassy knoll” she wrote in the margin: “I don’t understand this reference.” She even crossed out the R on Betty Grable’s name, TWICE, and changed it to Betty Gable. A simple Google search will correct any misconception about the original pin-up girl.
These times are a changin’ and not for the better. Anyone who labels Mrs. Palin’s sister a “journalist” in a photo should not have a job.
Thank goodness for great writers. I can’t wait to read your upcoming book.
Could I come work for you? A professor wrote “second gunman on the grassy knoll” in the margin of one of my papers and “accessory in the clock tower” at another paragraph. I disagreed, of course.
And if I see one more possessive apostrophe added to a plural in professionally-produced print materials, I’m going to stop reading.
You are scaring me! Why? Because you and Mr. Mencken may just be right!
I have, for a very long time, had the same suspicions, but did not those were shared by a famous cynic…
I keep a pencil near whenever I’m reading a book. Always find mistakes – good editing and less reliance on “spellcheck” would be a boon to the publishing industry. One problem is that schools don’t teach English grammar the way they used to.
Surveeeeey said: 1 answer!
She would run her campaign EXACTLY as she has been for the past 3 years: Hiding behind Facebook and Twitter. She’ll issue constant streams of vitriol attacking President Obama and other GOP opponents – just as she does now. When she DOESN’T GET THE NOMINATION, she will NOT ask her supporters to help elect the GOP candidate, but will run as a 3rd party “Rogue” – that’s Her Brand. When she losses the election, she’ll say that either way, she’s a victim of establishment politics as usual.
And then she will fight to make the Tea Party an official 3rd party… and she will be their Official Leader.
But it will never get to that point. With all the books coming out and Karl Rove and his gang of theocratic thugs in the shadows… I’m sure he will allow information never-heard-before-until-that-moment to leak… devestating to her politically – and Democrats will get the brunt of the blame.
I have waaay too much time on my hands…
…When she Loses the election… typo. And she absolutely, positively WILL NOT DEBATE.
I don’t see Sarah kissing anyone’s butt here. What I see is what she loves doing – hanging around celebrities and tv personalities, networking, talking trash, and making money in between. She’s a celebrity and a curiosity, not a political contender. There’s already a political version of Sarah Palin – it’s called Michele Bachmann. So no, she won’t run.
Oh and there’s dear Greta, her hostess. The same Greta who recently proclaimed that she barely knew Sarah and certainly couldn’t influence her to attend any events? Greta seems to be standing right next to Sarah. What a rare sight, we’ve certainly never seen that before! Let’s make sure we put in a blurb about Greta’s “husband” so nobody get’s the wrong idea. Sarah has learned that straight-girl trick, about who makes loyal friends, and she learned it a long time ago.
Just thought of something else – $arah & Todd (especially Todd… particularly Todd) may NOT have been able to receive White House security clearance… that little matter of belonging to a secessionist organization and all…
I noticed that Lara Logan was at the WHCD. She thanked the press pool for their support after her ordeal in Egypt.
Missed that! I must have been laughing too loud!! ;-D
(shhh…but I’m curious….are you Jon Corbett?)
She was apparently invited to that Brunch gig, showing up in her hiding-a-fake-pregnancy attire, funereal black. The brunch attire suggested on the invitation to the brunch, hosted yearly by Tammy Haddad, was written up in 2007 as ” “garden party” best (which meant a lot of bow ties, ascots, linen, and seersucker)”
Heidi, that is about the most, if not the most, concisely written intellectually insightful reasoning I have read to date. Kudos.
That’s snot Bristol who got her face lifted. It is the cousin, who is often used as a stand-in, or fake Bristol the Pistol, because Bristol is so often pregnant and cannot go out in public.
The cousin’s nose has a prominent drop at the end, compared to Bristol, and the chin juts out quite a bit further.
I don’t recall her name at the moment, but she was also used at events in the 2008 time frame when Bristol was in seclusion prior to delivering Trig.
“Jews for Sarah?”
Ben Stein?
Jack Abramoff expressed his regrets at not being able to attend, due to prior obligations.