Joe v. Breitbart Twitterspat

I had an amusing little Twitter dustup with Breitbart last evening.   He’s a bully and a blowhard, two types that ripple the normally zen-calm waters of my soul.


If these lefties are so convinced Obama’s gonna be reelected, why the high-level coordinated agitprop on what coulda been cool victory lap?


Oh, go lick Sarah’s Naughty Monkeys. Your followers were the worst filth I heard from last summer when I lived next door



You don’t think your living-next-doorness was creepiest creep job since @lizardoid‘s amazing ponytail of political confusion?


Nope. It was the practice of journalism. I invaded nobody’s privacy. Read THE ROGUE before judging.



Your book ‘The Last Brother: The Rise and Fall of Teddy Kennedy (1993)’ helped turn me from left to right, @joemcginniss! I swear! Thanks!


If that’s all it took, you weren’t very committed. But glad it did: I’d be embarrassed if you shared my political views




26 Responses to “Joe v. Breitbart Twitterspat”

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    What was that saying about no girl ever being ruined by a book? If “The Last Brother” was all it took, Breitbart’s even shallower than I thought–sort of like the film of water on a recently hosed-down sidewalk…

  • Jeanabella:

    Andrew is a liar who doesn’t have a shred of integrity. He has shown how immoral he is with his “edited” video work that is focused on demeaning good people and organizations aimed at helping Americans.
    He doesn’t care what kind of attention he gets, as long as he gets it, just like Palin.
    I usually watch Bill Maher and was annoyed that Bill had this piece of crap on the panel last Friday night.
    He is a lowlife and not worthy of our attention.

  • KiteGirl:

    MTB: You are too kind.
    As my mother would say about Breitbart, NOCD. Not Our Class, Darling.
    We used your book “Fatal Vision” as the text in my evidence class in law school.
    You are incredible!
    Thanks for all you do.

  • Freesia:


    He must hate going up against someone with a brain and “zen calm waters in his soul”. (For you were infinitely calmer than I could be. Irish on both sides. And waaaay too much coffee.)

    But he’s not used to people like you. He’s used to agitprop(ping) his little army of ignorant trolls. You know, Palin supporters. 😉

  • AFM:

    Well if that’s all it took I am so happy you were able to get rid of the crazy.

    When I look at this guy I see a very angry white middle aged man. Does anyone know why he turned out so hateful? It doesn’t matter what show you see him on he always comes off like a angry person yelling and questioning anyone who asks him a liget question. Did anyone ever notice that besides me? Gee he is working himself up to a ucler or heart attack for sure. Not that I care. One less idiot is ok by me.

  • Scorpie:

    Fantastic take-down and you didn’t even break a sweat.

  • Ratfishtim:

    Maybe Breitbart is the Jew for Sarah. He’s complaining about Joe McGinnis legally renting a place next to the Palins while he sends phony pimps/hookers around, has the same gang try to illegally enter a U.S. Senator’s office? That Andrew Breitbart?

    Just another Beltway elitist.

    By the way, “agitprop” was needed because Breitbart was going to spew his hate and racism no matter what Obama did.

  • vhtg:

    Lol. Breitbart puts the “twit” in Twitter. If Breitbart needed only one book to change his entire political ideology then he is no better than the other idiots who become cult members so easily. (Ron Hubbard and Ayn Rand followers come to mind) Not that you’re not a great writer, Joe. Despite Breibart’s bullshit claim, you just don’t write material that would appeal to weak minded, group thinky, acceptance seeking, cement headed followers.

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    A friend of mine is a neighbor of his. She says that the people at their kids’ school initially thought Breitbart was okay, on the most superficial basis. The more they learned about him, the more they started eeling away from him when they saw him. Now they RUN.

  • justamom:

    Somehow I think that if their camp rented a house next door to write a book about our current president they would all be standing around pissing themselves because it was brilliant!

  • mitch:

    Me too. And I am a huge Maher fan. Joe, why didn’t you getting more scathing with him?

  • Freesia:

    Mr. McGinnis? Speaking of fake journalists like Breitbart?

    I present you the “journalism major” who could not name a single influential journalist. (Paging Katie Couric!) Eyes looking to the co-governor who couldn’t answer either. And then her panicked eyeballs seized on…wait for it…Greta. That’s her journalist pick. I kid you not.

    Wow. Oh. Pitiful. But not as pitiful as the “journalists” out there who have perpetuated the myth of this con artist from Wasilla.

  • Montrealer:

    Thanks for the link, Freesia.

    I agree with those who named Rachel Maddow. She is one heck of a researcher and knows of what she speaks.

    As for Sarah being stumped by the question and resorting to calling out Greta’s name, what else would you expect? The woman is clueless.

  • lee:

    Wow. Oh. Pitiful. But not as pitiful as the “journalists” out there who have perpetuated the myth of this con artist from Wasilla. Excellent, Freesia.

  • Sharon_too_also:

    Andrew + Sarah = true love

  • FrostyAK:

    Unfortunately he is typical of what they call the Tea Party. The government did us a dis-service when they opened the doors to the asylums and turned all of the inmates out on the streets. Wasn’t that Reagan’s doing?

  • Breitbart is despicable and a fraud as a journalist. Good for you, Joe, don’t let this A-hole intimidate you because that’s all they know. When confronted with truth they go into over-drive to try and discredit you but we know better. Please keep in mind that with every rabid and vile Sarah supporter there are many more who support you and all the other writers/journalist who seek the truth and aren’t afraid to tell it like it is. I’m so sick of the lies and distortions coming from someone like Brietbart, Fox and Sarah and that includes the GOP as well. I’m so looking forward to reading your book.

  • Melly:

    Sweet, Joe.

    Breitbart’s a pussy. The margins where he and you know who and you know who, etc. live are getting narrower and narrower. I think your book’s going to end up a postmortem read–

  • Herbie:

    Kudos to you, Mr McGinniss, Andrew Breitbart is not even in the same league as you are. I have all your writings. You are an awesome and thoughtful writer. Any chance you would do one on the culture of people who make money off of lying as a profession?

  • Melly:

    but a fascinating and well written postmortem of record.

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    $P’s sister, Molly McCann (who trained as a dental hygienist) is now being touted as a “journalist.”

    And I’m putting quotation marks around that because Molly undoubtedly deserves them, unlike Joe. $P referred to Joe’s work as “‘journalism'” (which calls for DOUBLE quotation marks here) when she was slagging him on Facebook.

  • Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel:

    Except that he lives in Los Angeles.

  • SondraTompkins:

    What constitutes a journalist these days? Anyone with anger management issues? It looks to me like Mr. Breitbart is a Rush wanna-be.

    Great comebacks, Mr. McGinniss! You and I think a lot alike. Except I can’t seem to engage in “twitter fights” since I get blocked by the likes of Dave Weigel after 2 tweets. Wow! Didn’t realize my kitchen was so hot and their thin skin can’t handle it.

    Hurry up, September!

  • Lisabeth:

    Bully and blowhard really are perfect words to describe him. The other word that comes to mind is asshole! In my quest to try to stay open minded, I try to find intelligent people on the right. I want to at least try to understand their point of view even if I dont agree, and there are a few whose blogs I read regularly. When I first saw Breitbart on Bill Maher he didn’t seem so bad to me so I started reading his stuff. It’s not his viewpoints that make me go bonkers even though he’s shallow and narrow minded. Its his arrogance and narcissism that are a huge turnoff. Like Sarah he is clueless about what he doesn’t know. He can’t take any constructive feedback. He can’t seem to discuss anything if you disagree. He goes into attack mode. Gee, he sounds like Sarah. He also wont apologize when he’s been proven wrong. He showed this unattractive trait on Mahrer last week. And he loves Sarah, which honestly tells is what we need to know. He’s a bully and an idiot just like her.

  • jcinco:

    Laura Flanders ripped the little wee-wee holding crybaby a new one. Bill had to act like the playground teacher and make her stop picking on the whining girlie boy. jimmy o’keefe probably had to comfort him all night when poor little andy got home.

  • Susan:

    I hope Shirley Sherrod whips his ass in court. He’s scum. I loved the take down Joe, well handled sir!