Archive for May 2011

Finally! Someone from MSM Admits it: They Need Sarah

Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC tells Playboy: “She’s been good for us, and we’ve been good for her. We are doing everything we can to feed her moneymaking capacity by keeping her alive.”

Full interview here.

How Trump Makes Sarah Seem Sane

The Hill says today that Sarah and Trump have become political kinfolk.

Guess which strange bedfellow benefits more?

Suddenly, Palin’s experience as governor of Alaska might look more impressive…Trump positions Sarah Palin closer to the establishment intelligentsia than otherwise possible….When presented against the backdrop of Trump and his orange mane, Palin might look more electable and serious.

The conservative base…could be drawn into the arms of Palin when confronted by the specter of Trump…Suddenly, mistaking “refudiate” for “repudiate” — as Palin did last year — seems far less noteworthy, and Palin herself more electable.

The Atlantic yesterday, The Hill today, whose upwardly revisionist view of Sarah’s past record and future prospects will we find ourselves blessed with tomorrow?

That Amazing Robert Hunt Illustration atop The Atlantic’s Palin Story//UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan on the illustration and the story

Robert Hunt is one of the most extraordinary illustrators of our time.

In fact, let’s skip the qualifiers and just call the man a great artist.

The Atlantic commissioned him to do the illustration that accompanied “The Tragedy of Sarah Palin” in their June issue (about which I blogged earlier today.)

Whatever one might think of Joshua Green’s article, there is no denying the power of the portrait.   It’s Sarah Palin as she sees herself,  and as her worshippers see her:  in the Oval Office.

It turns out that The New Republic was also aware of Robert Hunt’s artistic brilliance.

They commissioned him to do a portrait of Barack Obama for the cover of their December 2, 2009 edition, which contained a number of articles highly critical of the president.

Hunt has a fascinating account of his interactions with the magazine as he worked on the illustration.

As he describes (and shows), he offered them several possibilities:

Which one did they choose?

Did they choose the one that showed President Obama looking the difficulties of his job straight in the eye?

Or even one that portrayed him in profile, pensive and deliberative, possibly humbled by his responsibilities?

No, The New Republic wanted an illustration that showed him cowed, defeated, turning his back and walking away.

And so of all the choices Robert Hunt offered them, this was the illustration they used:



I hope Robert Hunt will share on his blog his alternatives to the Sarah Palin illustration The Atlantic chose.

Whether he does or not, isn’t Robert Hunt amazing?

As for the editors of the mainstream New Republic and Atlantic, what subliminal message do you think they are trying to convey?

Take a look, side by side:

And Sarah complains about “lamestream” media?







MSM continues to roll out the red carpet for her, because MSM wants her to run against Obama next year.

He’ll be reelected, no matter who his opponent is. But MSM is increasingly desperate for readers and viewers.

MSM is sinking fast, and as a former psychiatrist of mine once told me, “A drowning man has no morals.”

MSM wants Obama v. Palin, because the alternatives are so dull. Without her, nobody will bother to read or watch and MSM numbers and dollars will continue their flight to alternative sources of news, opinion and entertainment.

Only Sarah can juice up the campaign:  with Tea Party moronics, blatant racism and Christian Dominionist hate.

So MSM is trying to seduce her now in order to betray her later, after they’ve used her to improve their bottom lines, just as she’s used them to improve hers.

Frankly, they deserve each other, and may the worse whore lose.

But before the whole orgy really heats up, take one more look at Robert Hunt’s vision of President Obama that The New Republic didn’t want you to see:

That’s Mr. President.

Sarah is Ms. Pretender.


Andrew Sullivan tells it like it is.

What Sarah Palin REALLY Cares About//UPDATE: LA Times on what Sarah and Common have in common

If nothing else, Sarah’s new advisers have managed to bring her Twittermania under some semblance of control.
Last summer, it seemed that Sarah was tweeting hourly, to the extent that it was devaluing her “brand.”

I’ve always thought that Twitter was the perfect medium of expression for Sarah. If she has to extend a thought, feeling or impulse beyond 140 characters, the vacuity of her mind becomes plain for all to see.

But even within the Twitter framework the sheer relentlessness of her tweets lessened the impact of her opinions. If somebody never shuts up, we stop listening to anything they have to say.

The post-Tucson version of Palin sometimes lets whole days pass without twittering. Not counting re-tweets, Sarah has only tweeted five times this month.

Thus, when she does, we’re more likely to assume it’s about something that matters to her.

That’s why her most recent tweet is so interesting:

Oh lovely, White House…

What got Sarah’s goat?  Michelle Obama’s invitation to the Grammy-winning hip-hop artist Common to participate in tomorrow night’s White House tribute to American poetry.

No problem when Barbara Bush welcomed child-molester Michael Jackson to the White House.

But let a black president’s black wife invite a black rapper to a broad-based celebration of an art form–poetry–that Sarah knows nothing about, and her lily-white knee jerks immediately in outrage.

In THE ROGUE, I’ll have plenty to say about Sarah Palin’s attitude toward people of color.

But with today’s tweet she’s given us all a little preview.


If only Sarah weren’t Sarah, She Coulda Been A Contender//UPDATE: John Podhoretz in Commentary

That’s the thesis propounded by Joshua Green in the June issue of The Atlantic.

The magazine, however, went with the classier title, “The Tragedy of Sarah Palin,” and illustrated the piece with the striking image above of Sarah in full presidential mode.

“But over the past few months, Palin has begun fortifying her profile by visiting foreign countries and delivering speeches that extol her record as governor, especially on energy, as she did in March to an audience of international business leaders in India….She seems to be reintroducing herself.”

Given that I’m presently writing the last chapter of THE ROGUE I’m not going to critique Green’s piece, though I’m sure some will take issue with his conclusion that Sarah was a great governor of Alaska, who accomplished extraordinary things.

I find it interesting that during his week in Alaska Green spoke to the same people I talked to two-and-a-half years ago about Sarah’s accomplishments as governor–Gregg Erickson, Pat Galvin, Hollis French, Les Gara–and came away with conclusions very different from those I reached and published in my 2009 Portfolio cover story.

I will say that I hope Howard Kurtz reads Green’s story. In the current Newsweek, Kurtz writes about the end of the Sarah Palin phenomenon in a piece titled, “Is Sarah Palin Over?”

Kurtz says she’s toast. Green says she just might be a soufflé only starting to rise.

Maybe Andrew Sullivan, formerly of The Atlantic and now with Tina Brown’s Daily Beast-Newsweek behemoth could moderate a Kurtz-Green debate on The Dish.



Even Commentary compares Sarah to Daryl Strawberry.

Even while pining for what might have been, Podhoretz writes her off.   But who will win his heart next?

Or can Sarah lure him back by offering lunch on the concrete block on Lake Lucille, the way she seduced his buddy Bill Kristol over lunch at the governor’s mansion in Juneau?

Hey, for all you NY Yankee fans: Steinbrenner Was An FBI Stooge

NY Yankees owner George Steinbrenner, with whom I once dined the night before a Kentucky Derby in Louisville, and who was a graduate of Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., where I lived for more than twenty years, has been exposed by Richard Sandomir of the New York Times as an FBI fink.

Sandomir writes:

His help to the F.B.I. in the 1970s and ’80s helped lead to his receiving a pardon from President Reagan in 1989 for a conviction for illegal contributions to Richard M. Nixon’s 1972 presidential re-election campaign. Steinbrenner had been denied a pardon in 1979.

I’m not going to speak ill of the dead. But at the earliest possible opportunity I’m going to head for a Red Sox game at Fenway Park to clear my head.

Pardoned by Reagan for illegal contributions to Nixon?

For Alaskan readers, don’t that just reek of Bill Allen?

Who in their right mind would want to plunge into such a swamp of compromise and corruption?

Oh, wait, I know who:

Yup, that’s Sarah, who was Rudy Giuliani’s guest at a Yankee game in June, 2009, less than a month before she quit her job as governor of Alaska.

Make that a doubleheader at Fenway.

After 22 Years, My Rebuttal to Janet Malcolm Goes Public

Thanks to the miracles of modern science (i.e. the internet) the 26-page essay I published as an epilogue to the 1989 edition of Fatal Vision, in response to Janet Malcolm’s wrongheaded and factually inaccurate New Yorker attack on my journalistic ethics and me, (later published as a book titled The Journalist and The Murderer)  is now available online.

And guess where?

Right here. On this very site where you already are.

As I say in the introduction to the epilogue–I know it’s weird to have an “introduction” to an “epilogue,” but what can I do?–

In 1989, the New Yorker published a two-part article by Janet Malcolm entitled “The Journalist and the Murderer.” In the article, which was published in book form a year later, Malcolm offered her skewed perception of my relationship with Jeffrey MacDonald–the subject of my 1983 book, Fatal Vision–to support her bizarre hypothesis that “Every journalist…knows that what he does is morally indefensible.” So numerous and egregious were Malcolm’s omissions, distortions and outright misstatements of fact that I felt compelled to set the record straight in an epilogue to the updated edition of Fatal Vision that was published in 1989.   There is no statute of limitations on truth. Even now, twenty-two years later, Malcolm’s fictions ought not to be accepted uncritically.

What makes this relevant to THE ROGUE is that Jeffrey MacDonald was the first pathologically narcissistic psychopath about whom I ever wrote a book.

Guess who’s the second?

Thought It Couldn’t Get Worse? BRISTOL’S “Reality Show” Coming Soon

The “new look” Bristol Palin (that’s her above, before and after plastic surgery) will be unveiled this fall via the Palins’ favorite medium: “reality” TV.

As long as Hollywood’s cash register drawer remains open, there will always be a Palin with a hand in the till.

The good news is that just as with Sarah’s own unreality show on TLC last year, nobody has to watch.

Why Is This Not A Surprise?

The poorer and less educated you are, the more likely you are to like Sarah.

“THE LIES OF SARAH PALIN” by Geoffrey Dunn to be published Tuesday



Congratulations to Jeff Dunn.  His full first name is Geoffrey, but his friends–among whom I’m proud to number myself–call him Jeff.

On Tuesday, St. Martin’s Press will publish his first book:

The Lies of  Sarah Palin:  The Untold Story Behind Her Relentless Quest for Power.

I’ve read it and I think it’s terrific.  It’s the first comprehensive and authoritative book-length (445 pages) account of Sarah Palin’s rise to Alaskan power and national prominence.  As I’ve told Jeff privately, his book “thoroughly and mercilessly exposes her mendacity and meretriciousness.”

Geoffrey Dunn is a journalist and documentary filmmaker who teaches at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and who has blogged frequently about Sarah Palin at Huffington Post over the past couple of years.  

He is also a husband, father and cancer survivor, one of whose children, Tess Dunn, is building a career as a singer/songwriter, despite suffering from cystic fibrosis.

I’ve gotten to know Jeff over the past couple of years. It has been a privilege and it continues to be a joy. People might tend to think that two authors working on books about the same subject would view one another, at best, as rivals. More often than not, that’s probably true. But Jeff and I have never felt that way. We have been open and honest with each other from the start and we’ve never felt ourselves to be in competition. We have, in fact, helped each other as much and as often as we could along the way. Just checking my emails, I see that Jeff and I have corresponded more than 150 times since I left Alaska last September. And that’s in addition to the time we’ve spent talking on the phone.

So there’s no rivalry here: Bravo, il mio grande amico! Tanti auguri!

I hope The Lies of Sarah Palin enjoys all the success that it and Geoffrey Dunn deserve.